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(Selected NAC 459, sections 780-794, 320-374)

The complete set of relevant regulations can be found through the State of Nevada, Chapter 459.

Notices; Instructions and Reports to Employees; Inspections

  • 459.780: Purpose; applicability.
  • 459.782: Notices to employees.
  • 459.784: Instructions to employees.
  • 459.786: Other notices, reports.
  • 459.788: Inspections: Presence of representatives of licensees, registrants, employees.
  • 459.790: Inspections: Consultation with employees.
  • 459.792: Inspections: Requests by employees.
  • 459.794: Inspections: Informal review.

Standards for Protection Against Radiation

  • 459.320: Purpose; applicability; reasonable effort required.
  • 459.3205: Adoption by reference of provisions of Code of Federal Regulations.
  • 459.321: Development, implementation and review of program for protection against radiation; establishment of constraint on air emissions to environment of radioactive material.
  • 459.323: Weighting factors.
  • 459.3235: Quality factors for converting absorbed dose.
  • 459.325: Limits on occupational doses for adults.
  • 459.3255: Compliance with requirements for summation of external and internal doses.
  • 459.327: Determination of external dose from airborne radioactive material.
  • 459.3275: Determination of compliance with limits for occupational doses.
  • 459.329: Requirements for planned special exposures.
  • 459.331: Annual limits for occupational doses for minors.
  • 459.333: Dose equivalents to embryos.
  • 459.335: Dose limits for individual members of public; application for authorization to increase limits; imposition of additional restrictions.
  • 459.3355: Compliance with dose limits for individual members of public.
  • 459.336: Orders requiring bioassay services.
  • 459.337: Surveys and monitoring.
  • 459.339: Precautionary procedures: Conditions requiring individual monitoring of external and internal occupational doses.
  • 459.341: Precautionary procedures: Control of access to high radiation areas.
  • 459.343: Precautionary procedures: Control of access to very high radiation areas.
  • 459.345: Precautionary procedures: Control of access to very high radiation area with sealed radioactive sources used to irradiate materials.
  • 459.347: Precautionary procedures: Use of process or other engineering controls; alternative controls.
  • 459.349: Precautionary procedures: Use of individual respiratory protective devices.
  • 459.352: Precautionary procedures: Radiation machines.
  • 459.3525: Precautionary procedures: Control of licensed radioactive material and radiation machines in unrestricted areas and not in storage.
  • 459.353: Precautionary procedures: Security of stored material.
  • 459.354: Precautionary procedures: Instruction of personnel.
  • 459.355: Precautionary procedures: Radiation symbol; labels; additional information.
  • 459.3555: Precautionary procedures: Requirements for posting signs.
  • 459.3565: Precautionary procedures: Exceptions to requirements for posting signs.
  • 459.357: Precautionary procedures: Requirements for labeling containers and radiation machines.
  • 459.3575: Precautionary procedures: Exceptions to requirements for labeling containers.
  • 459.3585: Precautionary procedures: Receiving, monitoring and opening packages.
  • 459.359: Disposal of waste: General requirements.
  • 459.3595: Disposal of waste: Application for approval of proposed procedures.
  • 459.3605: Disposal of waste: Release into sanitary sewerage.
  • 459.361: Disposal of waste: Treatment or disposal by incineration.
  • 459.3615: Disposal of waste: Specific wastes.
  • 459.362: Quantities of radioactive materials for signs, labels and signals; disposal of waste.
  • 459.3625: General requirements for preparation and retention of records.
  • 459.363: Authorized forms of records for purposes of legibility; safeguards.
  • 459.3635: Records of program for protection against radiation.
  • 459.3645: Records of surveys and calibrations.
  • 459.365: Records of prior occupational doses.
  • 459.3655: Records of planned special exposures.
  • 459.3665: Records of results from individual monitoring.
  • 459.367: Records of dose to individual members of public.
  • 459.3673: Records of disposal of waste.
  • 459.3675: Records of tests on entry control devices for very high radiation areas.
  • 459.368: Notice, reports to persons exposed to radiation.
  • 459.369: Requirements for report of lost, stolen or missing licensed radioactive material or radiation machines.
  • 459.3695: Report of certain incidents.
  • 459.371: Submission of written reports for certain occurrences; contents of reports.
  • 459.3715: Submission of written reports after planned special exposures.
  • 459.373: Additional reporting requirements.
  • 459.374: Notice of intent to vacate premises