Accessible to All

The w88 online casino, Reno is committed to diversity and to ensuring that our programs, services and activities are accessible to all

w88 online casino Overview

What is w88 online casino?

"Accessible" means that individuals with disabilities are able to independently acquire the same information, engage in the same interactions, and enjoy the same services within the same time frame as individuals without disabilities, with substantially equivalent ease of use.

How is w88 online casino measured?

The University measures online content w88 online casino and functionality according to The World Wide Web Consortium's (W3C) Web Content w88 online casino Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 Level AA and the Web w88 online casino Initiative Accessible Rich Internet Applications Suite (WAI-ARIA) 1.0 techniques for web content. Additionally, the University seeks to achieve adherence to and conformance with the following standards (where possible):

Who is responsible for ensuring w88 online casino compliance?

Technology w88 online casino is an institution-wide responsibility. Technology access for individuals with disabilities must provide comparable functionality, affordability, accuracy of content and timeliness of service delivery. Products and services must be usable by the greatest number of people including individuals with disabilities.

Each college, administrative unit, faculty member, and employee is responsible to ensure compliance and, if notified of non-compliance, is required to remediate.

The Office of the Provost oversees the implementation of and compliance with the ICT w88 online casino Policy. The Executive Vice President & Provost, or designee, shall appoint a standing ICT w88 online casino Committee to coordinate those efforts.

Is w88 online casino training required?

Consistent with the Corrective Action Plan, the University currently offers and requires annual participation in website w88 online casino training for academic faculty and anyone responsible for developing, loading, maintaining, or auditing web content and functionality. Until such time as OCR closes its monitoring of this agreement, the University will submit to OCR on a quarterly basis documentation of this training and other measures taken.

Who do I contact with questions or for assistance with w88 online casino?

For assistance with w88 online casino, or to report an issue, please use thew88 online casino Help Form. The form is setup to automatically route your request to the appropriate individual(s) who can best assist you with your request.

w88 online casino Resources

This website serves as the University's repository for information, updates and resources for accessible technology. As a campus community, we are tasked with ensuring that technology, from websites to videos, software to hardware, are accessible and can be used productively by users with disabilities.




  • Document remediation services are available for a fee throughCommonLook.




  • Video remediation(captioning) services are available for non-instructional content through3Play Media.
  • Captioning services for instructional content is available through Teaching & Learning Technologies. Please emailcaptions@unr.eduor call (775) 682-6798.

w88 online casino Assistance

The w88 online casino, Reno provides assistance with accessibility issues by category and audience. Please review the options below and follow the instructions provided.


Office of Digital Learning (ODL)offers w88 online casino training for academic faculty and anyone responsible for developing, loading, maintaining, or auditing web content and functionality.

ODL will work with faculty to help address their w88 online casino question and concerns, and ODL provides video captioning and audio transcription for instructional content.

Contact ODL: (775) 682-6798 for individual or group trainings/assistance, or self-enroll at theODL Workshops and Training page. Emailcaptions@unr.edufor captioning or transcription.


For assistance with w88 online casino, or to ask a general question, please use thew88 online casino Help Form. The form is set up to automatically route your request to the appropriate individual(s) who can best assist you with your request.

If you have questions or concerns regarding web content, documents, or multimedia within the Content Management System (CMS) managed by the Office of Marketing & Communications, please

If you have questions or concerns regarding web content, documents, or multimedia outside the Content Management System (CMS), please contact the designatedDigital w88 online casino Liaisonfor your college, division or unit.


Accessible content will serve the needs of most individuals. If you have a student with an accommodation request or specific need, please encourage the student to contact theDisability Resource Center (DRC)to arrange any accommodations they may require.

TheDisability Resource Center (DRC)is located within the Pennington Student Achievement Center, Suite 230. You can reach the DRC by phone at: (775) 784-6000.


For assistance with w88 online casino, or to report an issue, please use thew88 online casino Help Form.The form is setup to automatically route your request to the appropriate individual(s) who can best assist you with your request.

If you believe you or others have been discriminated against in connection with the University's website w88 online casino, you may file a formal complaint with the University alleging discrimination under Section 504 and Title II of the ADA using the form on thew88 slot a Complaint. The formal complaint will be forwarded to the University's Equal Opportunity and Title IX office.

Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Committee Members

Technology w88 online casino is an institution-wide responsibility. To help the University achieve w88 online casino compliance, the Information and Communication Technology (ICT) committee was formed to bring together the talented and dedicated professionals who are best positioned to lead the effort.Information and w88 online casino betting Technology (ICT)

ICT Subcommittees and Chairs

Below is an organization chart of the active subcommittees under the campus ICT Committee and their respective Chairs.

  • Sasi Pillay Chair, Information & Communication Technology (ICT) Committee
    • Ed Huffman Chair, Instructional Materials Subcommittee
    • Linda Kopecky Co-Chair, Research & Scholarly Works Subcommittee
    • Shiva Pourgholaminejad Chair, Software Subcommittee
    • Kalena Pelekai-Wai Chair, Web Subcommittee