19.0 Procedure when w88 sports betting Limits are Exceeded

19.1 Procedure when Administrative w88 sports betting are Exceeded

When UNR Administrative w88 sports betting Limits (3.0 Occupational Dose Limits) are exceeded, the following w88 sports betting will be followed:

  1. Within 5 working days from the notification that the administrative limits were exceeded, the Authorized User must file an "Event Report" with EH&S describing any conditions or activities which may have led to the w88 sports betting.
  2. The w88 sports betting Safety Office:
    • May change the dosimetry monitoring status to a more frequent interval if it is determined that the administrative limit was actually w88 sports betting.
    • Review the individual’s radiation work procedures and determine the likelihood of the cause of w88 sports betting.
    • Ensure that any unsafe practices are discontinued.

19.2 Regulatory w88 sports betting

The RSO or his/her designee must be notified IMMEDIATELY if any person is known to have, or suspected to have, received an over w88 sports betting. Such persons will be placed under proper care in order to determine the actual dose to the body and/or critical organ(s). Reports are provided, when appropriate, to regulatory authorities.

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