Data Use w88 mobile example
Entity Requesting w88 mobile (AKA: w88 mobile Recipient)
Receiving w88 mobile:
w88 mobile Recipient Name and Title:
Entity Providing w88 mobile (AKA: w88 mobile Provider)
Providing w88 mobile:
w88 mobile Name and Title:
- This w88 mobile applies to the following (select one):
- Limited w88 mobile Set involving Protected Health Information
- Other research w88 mobile/information, describe:
- This w88 mobile sets forth the terms and conditions pursuant to which the Data Provider will Disclose the following to the Data Recipient:
List of w88 mobile to Be Disclosed (AKA: w88 mobile Set): - Except as otherwise specified herein, w88 mobile Recipient may make Uses and Disclosures of the w88 mobile Set consistent with the purpose of the research as described in the application for the following research project:
Title of w88 mobile Project: - In addition to the w88 mobile Recipient, the individuals, or classes of individuals, who are permitted to use the w88 mobile Set for purposes of the Research Project, include:
Researcher Names: - w88 mobile Recipient agrees to not Use or Disclose the w88 mobile Set (or components) for any purpose other than as described for the Research Project or as Required by Law.
- Data Recipient agrees to use appropriate safeguards to prevent Use or Disclosure of the Data Set (or components) other than as provided for by this w88 mobile.
- Data Recipient agrees to ensure that any agent, including a subcontractor, to whom it provides the Data Set, agrees to the same restrictions and conditions that apply through this w88 mobile to the Data Recipient with respect to such information.
w88 mobile Names: - Data Recipient agrees to report (within ten (10) days of discovery) to the University any Use or Disclosure of the Data Set (or components) not provided for by this w88 mobile, including without limitation, any Disclosure of the Data Set (or components) to an unauthorized subcontractor.
- w88 mobile Recipient agrees not to contact any individuals from or about whom the w88 mobile apply, and for Limited w88 mobile Sets, agrees not to attempt to identify the information contained in the w88 mobile Set.
- Data Recipient will indemnify, defend and hold harmless the University’s and any University affiliates’ trustees, officers, directors, employees and agents from and against any claim, cause of action, liability, damage, cost or expense (including without limitation, reasonable attorney’s fees and court costs) arising out of or in connection with any unauthorized or prohibited Use or Disclosure of the Data Set or any other breach of this w88 mobile by Data Recipient or any subcontractor, agent or person under Data Recipient’s control.
w88 mobile, Reno Signatory Official External Institution Signatory Official
w88 mobile/0325
w88 mobile, Reno
1664 North w88 mobile
w88 mobile, NV 89557
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