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Find funding  |   Grant writing  |   Agency specific info  |   Other sources  |  

Finding funding

Finding sources of funding is a critical aspect of performing research. There is a wealth of opportunities for sourcing research operating funds, via government grants, foundations and w88 casino gamesother organizations. The University of Nevada, Reno provides the following grant-finding resources:

Grant writing and research proposal resources

Research & Proposal Development Services supports w88 casinofaculty in the preparation of competitive research proposals. Proposal services include:

  • Proposal development
  • External review
  • Technical editing
  • Graphic design
  • Library of successful proposal samples and project overviews
  • Letters of institutional support
  • Writing coaching
  • Broader impacts plans
  • New faculty research consultations
  • Recorded training sessions

View the proposal services and resources offered by Research & Proposal Development Services.

Agency specific information

Find grants for work within specific agencies:

Other information sources

Learn more about getting grants, including federal grants and outside foundations:

  • Grants.gov is the central place to find and apply w88 casino gamesfor federal grants. This site lists all current discretionary funding opportunities from 26 agencies of the United States government.
  • The SAM.gov provides a full listing of federal programs.
  • The Foundation Center website will help locate prospective foundation funders.