Prior Year Transaction w88 and the Cost Transfer Justification Form (SP-6)

w88 Date: December 2022
Revision: 0
Last w88: December 2022

When a cost w88 occurs in which an expense is moved to a sponsored project worktag, a Cost w88 Justification form (SP-6) must be completed and uploaded as an attachment in Workday to the cost transfer transaction to fully document how the accounting error occurred and to certify the correctness of the new charge. The cost transfer transaction is then sent to the Sponsored Projects grant accountant for review and approval; however, if the cost transfer is for a prior year, the Controller’s Office may need to be involved in the review and approval process. This procedure details the types of prior year w88, whether a prior year adjustment is allowed and when the Cost Transfer Justification form (SP-6) is required by the Controller’s Office.

Accounting w88 to Prior Year Transactions via Journal Voucher

  1. Grant to grant w88: This type of transfer involves moving w88 year expenses from one grant account to another grant account.
    1. The transfer is allowed because grant accounts are multi-w88 accounts and are not on a fiscal w88 schedule.
    2. The SP-6 form is not required by the Controller’s Office for this type of w88.
  2. Grant to non-grant w88: This type of transfer involves moving w88 year expenses from a grant account to a non-grant account (e.g., gift, program or project account).
    1. The w88 is allowed on an exception basis with exceptions including but not limited to the following: The original expense was disallowed on the grant, or the original expense occurred outside the grant period of performance.
    2. The SP-6 form is required by the Controller’s Office for this type of transfer because one of the accounts involved is a fiscal w88 account.
  3. Non-grant to grant w88: This type of transfer involves moving w88 year expenses from a non-grant account (e.g., gift, program or project account) to a grant account.
    1. The w88 is allowed on an exception basis if the w88 is first requested from and approved by Sponsored Projects and then approved by the Controller.
    2. The SP-6 form is required by the Controller’s Office for this type of transfer because one of the accounts involved is a fiscal w88 account.
  4. Non-grant to gift w88: This type of transfer involves moving w88 year expenses from a non-grant account (e.g., gift, program or project account) to a gift account.
    1. The w88 will only be considered if requested by the University of Nevada, Reno Foundation and approved by the Controller.
    2. The SP-6 form is not required by the Controller’s Office for this type of w88; however, documented approval (i.e., email) from both the Controller and the Foundation is required by the Controller’s Office.
  5. Non-grant to program or project w88: This type of transfer involves moving w88 year expenses from a non-grant account (e.g., gift, program or project account) to a program or project account.
    1. The transfer is allowed and should be done through a transfer journal since the expense being transferred no longer exists in the current fiscal w88 and involves a fiscal w88 account.
    2. The SP-6 form is not required by the Controller’s Office for this type of w88.

Accounting w88 to Prior Year Payroll via Payroll Accounting w88

  1. Grant to grant w88: This type of transfer involves moving w88 year payroll expenses from one grant account to another grant account.
    1. The w88 is allowed and should be doe through a payroll accounting adjustment.
    2. The SP-6 form is not required by the Controller’s Office for this type of w88.
  2. Grant to non-grant w88: This type of transfer involves moving w88 year payroll expenses from a grant account to a non-grant account (e.g., gift, program or project account).
    1. The w88 is allowed and must be done through a manual journal (including all original worktags and related fringe).
    2. The SP-6 form is required by the Controller’s Office for this type of transfer since one of the accounts involved is a fiscal w88 account.

For further information about w88 transfers, please see the Cost Transfers for Sponsored w88.