Raúl Olmo Fregoso Bailón , w88 mobileD.

Assistant Professor of Equity and Diversity in w88 mobile
Raúl Olmo Fregoso Bailón


Raúl Olmo Fregoso Bailón is an assistant professor of Equity and Diversity in w88 mobile in the Department of Educational Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno. He is member of the International Advisory Committee of the UNESCO Chair in Democracy, Global Citizenship and Transformative w88 mobile and his scholarship has been published in Handbook of Theory and Research in Cultural Studies and w88 mobile (Springer), Keywords in Radical Philosophy and w88 mobile (Brill) and journals such as Bilingual w88 mobile Journal, Revista Historia de la Educación Latinoamericana, Policy Futures in w88 mobile, Contextualizaciones Latinoamericanas, Revista Tempos e Espaços em Educação,Pléyade. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences and other forums.

w88 mobile

  • w88 mobileD., University of Texas, Austin