High-Impact w88 online casino betting's Education
The w88 online casino betting's Degree in Secondary Education (MEd) offers teacher candidates an opportunity to complete a course of study in secondary school (middle/high school) programs to become highly qualified in their licensure area.
Application Dates
Applicants wishing for admittance into the w88 online casino betting in the upcoming fall semester need to apply by April 15. Applicants wishing for admittance into the w88 online casino betting in the upcoming spring semester need to apply by October 15.
Why a w88 online casino betting of Secondary Education?
The w88 online casino betting’s Degrees in Secondary Education (M.Ed.) offers teacher candidates an opportunity to complete a course of study in secondary programs to become highly qualified in their licensure area.
For students who are not licensed Nevada teachers, licensure courses may be taken as part of a w88 online casino betting’s degree. Several areas of emphasis are available within each. Students enrolled in the Washoe County School District Alternative Route to Licensure (WCSD ARL) strand of this program must work toward licensure in a content area that is approved by the WCSD ARL at the time of their enrollment into the M.Ed. program.
It is possible, upon admission to a post-baccalaureate licensure program (in w88 online casino betting education), to concurrently pursue a graduate certificate in Teaching English as a Second Language.
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Admission Requirements
- Completion of the w88 online casino betting application
- Completion of the Pre-Professional Skills Test or other basic competency exam at the level established by the Nevada Department of w88 online casino betting
- GPA of 3.0 or higher
- Prerequisite coursework
- A reflective essay, three to five pages in length, which discusses the candidate's understanding of the purpose of public education and how the complex issues facing w88 online casino betting educators are going to affect the candidate as a teacher
- 1-2 page resume
- Two professional letters of recommendation
- Qualified in the professional judgment of the w88 online casino betting faculty
w88 online casino betting Requirements
The M.Ed. w88 online casino betting is divided into two parts:
- Required course work that leads to a w88 online casino betting teaching license in Nevada, and
- Additional coursework beyond licensure to complete the requirements for a w88 online casino betting's degree. Student need to have earned degrees in field representing teaching majors that include: art, biology, career and technical education, chemistry, earth science, English, foreign languages, general science, health, history, journalism, mathematic, music, physical education, physical science, physics, political science, social studies, speech, theater.
It should be noted that some teaching areas are in high demand and others are not.
A fast-track option is available in which students become licensed in two semesters: a fall semester followed by a spring semester. Students may move through the w88 online casino betting at a slower pace. A full-semester Supervised Internship (student teaching) experience is required for licensure. No degree is awarded at the end of the licensure sequence. Additional credits must be taken, including one educational research course, advanced curriculum development courses, and 1 to 3 credits of comprehensive examination.
The specific curriculum requirements are adapted to the professional w88 online casino betting and the needs of the student. Students should not enroll in any graduate-level course without first securing the approval of the department that such a course is acceptable toward a selected major or minor.
w88 online casino betting Hours
48 credits for teaching licensure and w88 online casino betting's degree.
w88 online casino betting Faculty