w88 online casino betting Options
Home Visiting
The home visiting w88 online casino betting consists of one 1-1/2 hour home visit per week by a certified parent-child educator. Home visitors use the Parents As Teachers curriculum and home-based services include referrals, developmental screenings, nutrition assessments, health screenings, parent engagement activities, and much more to highlight the importance of parents as a child's first educator. Additionally, families enrolled in home-based education services are given priority for child care vacancies if work or school requirements are met.
Center-Based Child Care
Early w88 online casino betting has a full-day, full year child care program that is free of cost for low income families with children under the age of 3. Early w88 online casino betting's four child care centers operate Monday-Friday, from 7:30am to 5:30pm. In addition to quality child care, Early w88 online casino betting provides referrals for parents, conducts developmental, nutrition, and health screenings to monitor development of children, holds monthly parent engagement activities, and provides meals and diapers for children while at the center. To qualify for center-based child care, all adults in the home must be working or attending school full-time.
WCSD Combination w88 online casino betting
Early w88 online casino betting and Washoe County School District have partnered to provide child care at Wooster High School and Innovations High School for parents attending high school. This program consists of center-based child care, with 3 months of home visiting services provided when school is out of session.