Top-Level Praxis for w88 casino games login Leaders

The w88 casino games loginD.’s emphasis on research and practice launches students into the next phase of their careers with the wisdom and skills to transform educational environments.

About Our w88 casino games login

Thank you for your interest in the Educational Leadership w88 casino games loginD. program!

The w88 casino games loginD. program in Educational Leadership is designed for individuals pursuing an advanced leadership position in a K-12 or higher education setting. The program prepares graduates for careers in senior-level professional practice, research inquiry, and the challenge of higher education and K-12 reform.

The w88 casino games login leads to both broad and deep scholarly knowledge with an emphasis on using new knowledge to serve as a scholar-practitioner within the profession. The w88 casino games login is guided by the general framework found in the course catalog.We support students in ensuring the coursework gets tailored to their focus area.

Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any of our faculty members.

We look forward to talking with you!


Laura Smithers
w88 casino games login Coordinator

Request More Information

Admission Deadlines

Applications and all associated documents must be received by the following dates to be considered. Fall Semester: March 31 | Spring Semester: Nov. 15. Students wishing to apply for a graduate assistantship for the Fall semester must apply for the w88 casino games loginD. program and the college graduate assistantship by Feb. 1

Looking for a Graduate Assistantship?

The College of w88 casino games login & Human Development has a limited number of Graduate Assistantships for full-time students admitted to masters or doctoral programs.

w88 casino games login Overview

The Educational Leadership w88 casino games loginD. program prepares graduates at an advanced level for work in the professorial ranks of higher education or positions of leadership in schools and agencies with a scholar-practitioner focus.

The degree provides rich preparation by exposing students to a wide variety of courses and experiences related to fundamental theories and, as well as current issues and trends in w88 casino games login with a focus on leadership needs.

w88 casino games login Information

w88 casino games login Faculty

w88 casino games login Leadership
Alexandra Aylward
College of w88 online game
Assistant Professor of w88 casino games login Leadership
(775) 682-9078
WRB 4054
w88 casino games login Leadership
Ethan Ris
Ethan Ris, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of w88 casino games login Leadership
(775) 682-9374
WRB 4052
w88 casino games login Leadership
Jafeth Sanchez
w88 casino games login
CBESS Co-Director, Associate Professor of w88 casino games login Leadership; Director, Latino Research Center
(775) 682-9959
w88 casino games login Leadership
Laura Smithers
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Assistant Professor of Higher w88 casino games login Leadership
(775) 682-9372
WRB 4055