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The University of Nevada, Reno recently obtained Camtasia licensing for all academic/instructional faculty. Camtasia allows you to record your computer screen, mic and/or your webcam. It differs from some of our other screen recording options in that it also has a full-featured editing capabilities. Camtasia has both Mac and PC versions and faculty can request either version. Interested faculty can use the request link below to request their license from the Office of Information Technology. For faculty learning to use Camtasia, we have resources listed below.

Request a Camtasia license (academic/instructional faculty)

Camtasia resources

Getting started with Camtasia

The video tutorials below will help you get started using Camtasia. If you have any questions, contact the Office of Digital Learning for assistance.

Record, edit, and share

Camtasia features an efficient and intuitive recording and editing workflow, as well as flexibility in the final project output. Learn the basics of recording, editing and sharing your video in this brief tutorial: 

View the record, edit, and share tutorial video

Video editing basics

The Timeline tool in w88 casino gamesCamtasia offers a powerful multi-track editing capability, allowing video clips to be trimmed, portions edited out, and multiple layers of content to be combined in a comprehensive narrative to create a finished product. Learn the basics of editing in this brief tutorial:

View the video editing basics tutorial video

Working with the Canvas*

Camtasia's Canvas is the main workspace where video, text overlays, effects, and other elements are combined and positioned visually on-screen to create the visual presentation of your video project. Learn the basics of the Camtasia Canvas in this brief tutorial.

(*In this context, Canvas refers to the workspace element within Camtasia, NOT our Learning Management System.)

View the working with the Canvas video tutorial

Editing audio

Camtasia offers an array of simple audio editing tools to help clean up and improve audio tracks that you include in your video project. Learn how to use the audio editing tools in this brief tutorial:

View the editing audio tutorial video

Export and share

Once a project is ready to share and distribute, Camtasia's export and share functionality allows you to create a video file that can be stored locally or posted to the web. Learn how to export and share in this brief tutorial:

View the export and share tutorial video

Additional resources

TechSmith offers additional resources and guides on their own tutorial website:

Additional resources from TechSmith