Getting started
Learn the basics of the w88 casino games user interface and how configure it for the best teaching experience going forward.
- w88 casino games frequently asked questions
- w88 casino games user interface
- w88 casino games Global Navigation Menu
- Canvas Commons
- w88 casino games Dashboard
- w88 casino games profile settings (profile picture, contact information and personal pronouns)
- w88 casino games notification preferences
- Combining course sections
- Getting additional help
Course settings
Learn about the more advanced course configuration options found under the Settings option at the bottom of your w88 casino games course menu.
- Course settings overview
- Course details
- Importing and copying course content
- Viewing the course roster
- Adding a TA to a course
- Customizing the course navigation menu
- Using student view
- Publishing your course
Course structure and content
Learn to organize and structure your course using a course homepage, modules, a syllabus and course pages.
- Course homepage
- Modules
- Syllabus
- Pages
- Files
- Course reserves
- Publisher content integration
- Accessibility considerations
Go to course structure and content
Course site design strategies
Learn about a few of the considerations you might take as you set up your course, and possible organizational structures for your course and course menu.
- Course site design principles
- w88 casino games course organizational structures
- Organizing your course menu
Go to course site design strategies
Communication tools
Explore the communication tools and methods for reaching out to your students in w88 casino games.
- Inbox (Conversations)
- Announcements
- Calendar
- Canvas Teacher App
- Zoom
Communication strategies
Learn how to create a communication policy, including how you to communicate with your students and how they will communicate with you, in general and within w88 casino games.
- Communication policy considerations
Go to communication strategies
Learn about the various mechanisms that make up the graded assignment delivery ecosystem in w88 casino games.
- Assignments overview
- Assignment submission types
- Additional settings
- Setting up assignments with Turnitin
Assignment strategies
Learn how to design and deploy effective assignments with tips on writing your assignment prompt and communicating assignment expectations to your students.
- Writing a clear assignment prompt
- Communicating assignment expectations to your students
Learn about student engagement and interaction using the Discussions tool in w88 casino games.
- Discussions overview
- Options for setting up discussions
Discussion strategies
Learn about why to use online discussions, and some tips for designing and facilitating online discussions to be effective and engaging.
- Why include online discussions
- Designing online discussions
- Facilitating online discussions
Learn how to create and administer online quizzes, surveys and exams in w88 casino games.
- Quizzes overview
- Quiz settings
- Questions types for quizzes
Quiz strategies
Learn to integrate online quizzing into your teaching and create effective, secure quizzes.
- Using quizzes
- Designing quiz questions
- Promoting academic integrity in quizzes
- Additional resources
Learn to use the w88 casino games gradebook to assess learning and keep track of student grades.
- Gradebook basics
- Grading tools
Grading rubric strategies
Learn strategies for building and deploying effective grading rubrics and get familiarized with the Rubrics tool in w88 casino games.
- Benefits of using rubrics
- Components of a rubric
- Steps to designing rubrics
- w88 casino games Rubric tool
- Sample rubrics
- Feedback with rubrics
Go tograding rubric strategies
Feedback strategies
Learn how to leverage the grading tools to their full capacity with effective feedback and the use of rubrics.
- General tips for effective feedback
- Multi-modal feedback
Gradebook integration with MyNEVADA
Learn about the integration between w88 casino games and the MyNEVADA systems. The final grade in w88 casino games can be uploaded directly to MyNEVADA after meeting the prerequisite conditions for this integration.
- How to enable the grading scheme in w88 casino games
- Uploading the w88 casino games grades into MyNEVADA
WebCampus grade integration with w88 sports betting app
Collaborative tools
Learn about additional tools that can be leveraged for effective student colloboration and engagement in w88 casino games.
- Groups
- Collaborations (Google docs)
- Collaboration strategies
Collaborations strategies
Learn how to encourage and facilitate student collaborations using the Collaborations tool in w88 casino games.
- Why to use Collaborations with Google Docs
- How to use Collaborations with Google Docs
Go to collaborations strategies
Peer review
Learn how to utilize student peer review in w88 casino games assignments and discussions.
- Peer review for assignments
- Peer review for discussions
Peer review strategies
Learn to integrate peer review learning strategies into your w88 casino games courses.
- Why include peer review
- Tips on implementing peer review
Engagement strategies
Learn how to promote student engagement through interactions and community-building strategies that can be supported by w88 casino games tools.
- Online interaction with w88 casino games
- Building community online
Video in w88 casino games
Learn about delivering video content in w88 casino games using the Kaltura media server. Video content is managed in the My Media storage and upload interface, and can be delivered via embedded links within course content, or through the course Media Gallery.
- Using My Media
- Recording your lectures/screen
- Using other types of video in w88 casino games
- Students: Using video in w88 casino games
Go to video in w88 casino games
Seeking resources for online teaching? Pleasecontact w88 casino Online.