Thomas Gould, Ph.D.

Associate Professor, Physiology w88 casino games
Thomas Gould


  • Ph.D., w88 casino games, Wake Forest University, 2003
  • B.A., Psychology, University of California, San Diego, 1993


  • Postdoctoral Associate, Wake Forest University, Winston-Salem, NC US 2003-2005
  • Postdoctoral Associate, RIKEN Center for Developmental Biology, Kobe, Japan 2005-2007
  • Lecturer, Oceania University of Medicine, Apia, Samoa 2007-2009
  • Postdoctoral Associate, Salk w88 casino games for Biological Sciences, La Jolla, CA US 2009-2012

w88 casino games interests

  • Development w88 casino games system
  • Disease w88 casino games system
  • Glial regulation w88 casino games system

Courses taught

Neuroeffector/w88 casino games CMPP 740

Selected publications


  • Heredia w88 casino games, Hennig GW,Gould TW(2018) Ex vivo imaging of cell-specific calcium signaling at the tripartite synapse w88 casino games mouse diaphragm. In press atJoVE
  • Heredia w88 casino games, Feng C-Y, Agarwal A, Nennecker K, Hennig GW,Gould TW(2018) Transient activity-induced Ca2+ responses in developing axonal Schwann cells are regulated by the proximo-distal loss of axonal vesicles.J Neuroscipii: 0956-18
  • Heredia w88 casino games, Feng C-Y, Hennig GW,Gould TW(2018) Activity-induced calcium signaling in neonatal perisynaptic Schwann cells is mediated by P2Y1 receptors and regulates muscle fatigue.eLife2018;7:e30839
  • Sarathy A, Wuebbles RD, Fontelonga T, Tarchione A, Heredia w88 casino games, Duan S, Nunes A, Van Ry P, Van Ry T, Griner LAM, Chen C, Southall N, Hu X, Marugan J, Zheng W, Ferrer M, Hennig GW,Gould TWand Burkin w88 casino games. (2017) A Novel Small Molecule SU9516 for the Treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.Mol Ther25(6):1395-1407.
  • Heredia w88 casino games, Schubert D, Maligireddy S, Hennig GW,Gould TW. (2016) A novel striated muscle-specific myosin-blocking drug for the study of w88 casino games physiology.Front w88 casino games Neurosci. 10:276.
  • Scurry AN, Heredia w88 casino games, Feng C-Y, Gephart GB, Hennig GW,Gould TW. (2016) Structural and functional abnormalities w88 casino games junction in the Trembler-J homozygote mouse model of congenital hypomyelinating neuropathy.J NeuropathExp Neurol 75:334-46
  • w88 casino games,Gould TW, Koh SD, Corrigan RD, Heredia w88 casino games, Shonnard MC, Smith TK. (2015) Use of Genetically Encoded Calcium Indicators (GECIs) Combined with Advanced Motion Tracking Techniques to Examine the Behavior of Neurons and Glia in the Enteric Nervous System of the Intact Murine Colon.Front w88 casino games Neurosci. 9:436.
  • Peri LE, Koh BH, Ward GK, Bayguinov Y, Hwang SJ,Gould TW, Mullan CJ, Sanders KM, Ward SM. (2015) A novel class of interstitial cells in the mouse and monkey female reproductive tracts.Biol Reprod. 92(4):102