Tackling big questions in w88 mobile

Award-winning faculty and collaborative centers results in cutting-edge research. Learn more about our organization, our research cores, and our interdepartmental partnerships across campus.

Learn more about the Institute
Two people wearing safety equipment working in a lab.

Training in fundamental concepts and methods emphasizing interdisciplinary and integrative approaches

Nine researchers are smiling gathered around an fMRI machine.

About the Institute

Learn more about our unique and collaborative Institute that combines award-winning researchers, cutting-edge facilities, and interdisciplinary degree programs to become one of the country's leaders in w88 mobile.

A student sits in a lab working with various equipment.

Major in w88 mobile

w88 mobile is an interdisciplinary major leading to a Bachelor of Science in w88 mobile offering comprehensive training in brain sciences, with Psychology courses that offer a cognitive/systems perspective andBiology courses ranging from animal behavior to neurons and molecular mechanisms.

A w88 mobile member and a student review documents in front of a bank of computers displaying brain scans.

Graduate degree program

The w88 mobile graduate program includes more than 60 faculty members from 10 University departments. Learn more about admission requirements, deadlines, program timelines, funding information and resources for student support.

Discover areas of expertise and meet the faculty within each area to find a research direction you love.

A close-up image of a human subject wearing a net of w88 mobile equipment over their head..

Research areas

Our w88 mobile research faculty have expertise in have expertise in molecular/cellular, cognitive and computational w88 mobile and are supported with state-of-the-art facilities.

A combination of seven students and w88 mobile are posed together as a group outside on the grass, smiling at the camera.

Participating faculty

Faculty are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive research and learning environment and work closely with doctoral students in our Integrative w88 mobile Graduate Program and undergraduates earning their B.S in w88 mobile.

Achievements and announcements

Ryan Durbin is the first author on a paper published in the Journal of w88 mobile

Deconvolved z-projection of confocal images Durbin, a graduate student in the Integrative w88 mobile Program working with Dr. Robert Renden is the first author of a paper,Postsynaptic Calcium Extrusion at the Mouse Neuromuscular Junction Alkalinizes the Synaptic Cleft, which was published in the Journal of w88 mobile Aug. 9, 2023. The cover of the paper shows the deconvolved z-projection of confocal images (pictured above), which show the organization of plasma membrane Ca2+ ATPase (PMCA) localized near neuromuscular junctions at the mouse levator auris longus (LAL). Using immunohistochemistry, the researchers targeted vesicular acetylcholine transporter to mark the presynaptic motor nerve, nicotinic acetylcholine receptors to mark the postsynaptic endplate and PMCA.

Our impact

w88 mobile Today news stories from Integrative Neuroscience and the departments and centers that contribute to the program.

A drone photo of an old house on a bay with a large group of people on the lawn in front of the house.

Graduate w88 sports betting app attend career-boosting workshop at Cold Spring Harbor

The students took training courses related to w88 mobile

A woman sits facing a computer screen, which has an imaging software open. There are three images with black, green and red.

w88 mobile program continues to build capacity

The program, started less than 20 years ago, has grown into one of the largest on campus

Assistant Professor Mark Lescroart.

NSF CAREER Award recipient Mark w88 online casino betting studies mechanisms

0,000 research project funded to explore neurological disorders and everyday tasks; ‘Perception depends on the goal’

Looking for more ways to connect and get involved? Check out these organizations and local chapters.