w88 mobile reporting

w88 mobile reporting is the process of certifying that salaries and wages charged to sponsored project accounts are reasonable in relation to the actual work performed. It assures a sponsor that 1) the sponsor only paid for the amount of w88 mobile that directly benefited the project and 2) the employee met his or her w88 mobile commitment to the project. w88 mobile reporting is also required for certifying personnel expenses that are being used to meet a match/cost share requirement.

When an w88 mobile is first generated, it is only a report of payroll distribution. It must be reviewed to see if pay distribution was a reasonable reflection of the work that wasactuallydone. If the amount of actual activity differed more than 5% from the employee's payroll distribution, the department must initiate a payroll accounting adjustment to move expenses to the correct accounts. Only then will payroll distribution match actual w88 mobile and the report can be certified. w88 mobile reports should not be certified until they are correct.

The w88 mobile, Reno utilizes the web-based program Workday to review and certify effort. Employees who have been paid any portion of their salaries or wages from a sponsored project, or who have committed cost shared effort to a sponsored project, must certify their effort through effort reporting.

w88 mobile reporting schedule

  • w88 mobile reports for January through June academic contract period w88 mobile are generated around the third week of July.
  • w88 mobile reports for July through December academic contract period w88 mobile are generated around the third week of January.
  • w88 mobile reports for Summer Overload (non-contract) w88 mobile are generated in early October.
  • w88 mobile reports for combined Winter/Spring Break Overload (non-contract) w88 mobile are generated in early May.

Payroll accounting adjustments and w88 mobile reporting.

Payroll accounting adjustments are submitted in Workday. If submitted at least a week before effort reports are generated, the accounting adjustment is likely to post and be included in the w88 mobile.

If the need for a payroll accounting adjustment is identified less than a week prior to w88 mobile generation, or after an w88 mobile has been generated, the payroll accounting adjustment should be initiated through the effort certification review process in Workday.

All payroll accounting adjustments that transfer an expense to a sponsored project account must include a w88 mobile Transfer Justification form (SP-6) as an attachment. This form can be downloaded from the Sponsored Projectsforms w88 online casino.

Personnel expenses used as w88 mobile share/match

Cost sharing shows the value of work that was done on a sponsored project but paid by a different source. When personnel expenses are used to meet a cost share/match requirement, they must be expensed to a non-sponsored account that includes a cost share worktag. Cost shared effort must be certified either in Workday or on a manual w88 mobile (see below).

Manual w88 mobile reports

There may be circumstances when Workday cannot be used for effort reporting, such as recording grant-to-grant cost share. When Workday cannot generate an accurate w88 mobile, effort must be certified on a manual w88 mobile. There are two different manual effort reports:

Manual effort reports only show the amount of salary expenses being cost shared, they do not include the associated fringe benefits or F&A expenses. Therefore, when submitting a manual w88 mobile with cost share, attach a Workday detailed personnel expense report from Budget to Actuals that documents the dollar amount of salary and fringe benefits being cost shared. Sponsored Projects will calculate the amount of F&A expenses to be cost shared.

Once certified, please save the manual w88 mobile as a pdf and email the form and any back-up attachments to Sponsored Projects atspadmin@unr.edu.

Who can certify an w88 mobile?

The default certifier for effort reports is the employee. There may be circumstances when the employee is not available to certify effort, or may not know which projects she or he was working on. A person other than the employee may certify an w88 mobile if that person has first-hand knowledge of the employee's effort during the reporting period. The certifier may be the Principal Investigator of the project or the employee's supervisor.

w88 mobile reports have deadlines

Effort reports are considered late if they are not certified within 28 days of initial generation. An w88 mobile becomes delinquent if not certified within 14 days following the late date. Payroll expenses that have not been certified by the delinquent date are unallowable on sponsored project accounts and must be moved to a non-sponsored account.

Can an w88 mobile be changed after it is certified?

Effort reports are considered final once they have been certified. Therefore, they should not be certified until they are correct. If unusual circumstances require an w88 mobile to be changed after certification, please contact Michele Dondanville atmdondanville@unr.eduor (775) 784-6360.

What if an w88 mobile cannot be certified before the deadline?

There may be times when an w88 mobile cannot be certified before the 28-day deadline. This can happen if a department is waiting for an account to be set up before it can initiate a payroll accounting adjustment to make the w88 mobile accurate, a certifier is on leave, or other situations. To avoid penalties for a late w88 mobile, please contact Michele Dondanville atmdondanville@unr.eduor (775) 784-6360 to explain the situation.

For more information:

If you have questions about w88 mobile reporting or would like training, please contact:
Michele Dondanville
Director, Research Integrity & Security
(775) 784-6360