Conflict of interest w88 online sports betting
Conflict of Interest w88 online sports betting through CITI
New CITI User
- Go to theCollaborative Institutional w88 online sports betting Initiative (CITI) login page.
- Register as a new user.
- Affiliate with the w88 online sports betting, Reno.
- The next page will show courses that you have enrolled in and those that you have completed. To add a new course, scroll to the bottom of the page to the Learner Tools section and click on the link to “Add a Course.”
- Next, select the course you want to enroll in. Scroll down to select the “Conflict of Interest” course and then click “Submit.”
- The View Courses page for the w88 online sports betting, Reno will show new, incomplete, and completed courses; you may begin the training.
Existing CITI User
- Go to theCollaborative Institutional w88 online sports betting Initiative (CITI) login page.
- Log in using your registered CITI username and password. This may not be the same as your University NetID and password.
- Ensure that your account is affiliated with the w88 online sports betting, Reno. If not, click the Add Affiliation button and search for w88 online sports betting, Reno.
- If you are already affiliated with w88 online sports betting, Reno, click View Courses then scroll down to the Learner Tools section and click on the link to "Add a Course."
- Next, select the course you want to enroll in. Scroll down to select the “Conflict of Interest” course and then click “Submit.”
- The View Courses page will now show that the Conflict of Interest course is available and you may begin the w88 online sports betting.
You may start and stop the modules as many times as needed.
Once you have completed the training, CITI will create a completion certificate and send an email to w88 online sports betting Integrity & Security. When the time comes to renew the training, CITI will send you an email reminder.