Sample w88 online sports betting & monitoring plan outline
- Study Identification Information
- Study title
- Principal Investigator
- Study Overview
- Brief description of the purpose of the study
- Adherence statement
- Confidentiality
- Protection of subject privacy
- Database protection
- Confidentiality during adverse events reporting
- Adverse Event Information
- Definition of adverse event/serious adverse event
- Classification of adverse event severity
- Adverse event attribution scale
- Expected risks
- Adverse event/serious adverse event reporting
- w88 online sports betting Quality and Safety Review Plan and Monitoring
- w88 online sports betting quality and management
- Assessment of subject accrual and compliance
- Justification of sample size
- Stopping rules (if applicable)
- Designation of Independent Monitor(s) and CVs
- Safety review plan
- Informed Consent
- Process to obtain and ensure informed consent