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Certifying an w88 online casino report in Workday

A certified w88 online casino report is like a receipt for payroll expenses - it assures a sponsor that they only paid for work that benefited their project.

Your job as an w88 online casino certifier is to review the w88 online casino report and determine whether or not it is a reasonably accurate representation of how you spent your time during the w88 online casino reporting period.

For example, if a six-month w88 online casino report shows that you were paid 50% from Sponsored Project A, 30% from Sponsored Project B, and 20% from a departmental account, you need to ask yourself if over the last six months, youactually spentat least 50% of w88 online casino time on Project A and 30% of w88 online casino time on Project B.

If the w88 online casino report is a reasonably accurate representation (within 5%) of how you actually spent your time, you can certify it.

However, let's say you were paid 50% from Sponsored Project A, but you actually spent very little time on that project during the reporting period. You realize that the w88 online casino report isnotan accurate representation of how w88 online casino spent your time and Sponsored Project A should not have paid for 50% of your time. What do w88 online casino do?

First,do not certify your w88 online casino report. Instead, use Workday to send your w88 online casino report back to your department with comments on how your time was actually spent. Your department will adjust your payroll distribution and then send you a revised w88 online casino report.Only certify an w88 online casino report that is correct.

Instructions for reviewing and certifying an w88 online casino report in Workday

  1. Openw88 online sports betting
  2. w88 online casino the Log Into Workday button.
  3. w88 online casino the Active NSHE Community Members box.
  4. Click on the w88 online casino, Reno tab.
  5. Enter w88 online casino UNRN NetID and password, then click Sign In.
  6. Your Workday homepage will display. In the upper right hand corner w88 online casino'll see your name and a little cloud with a number in a red circle. Click on the cloud.
  7. Click on w88 online casino Inbox.
  8. View your w88 online casino report on the right hand side of the page.
  9. w88 online casino will first see the Summary view - it shows the distribution of pay over the entire reporting period. Non-sponsored accounts will always display first, then the sponsored project accounts. The worktag numbers of the non-sponsored accounts will not be detailed. They will display as [blank].
  10. If w88 online casino want to see the details of each pay period, click on the Details tab to the right of the Summary tab.
  11. If the w88 online casino report is a reasonably accurate representation of how you spent your time during the reporting period, scroll back up to the Certification Statement. Read it carefully, then click the I Certify box.
  12. Then w88 online casino on the Submit button at the bottom of the page.
  13. Finally, click on the Done button to complete the w88 online casino process.
  14. If your w88 online casino is not a reasonably accurate (+/- 5%) representation of how you spent your time,do not certify the w88 online casino report. Instead, w88 online casino on the Send Back button at the bottom of the page,
    Please note, Workday displays a Change w88 online casino button, butdo not w88 online casino on it. The department should change incorrect payroll distributions, not the certifier.
  15. The next page will let you know who the report is being returned to. Type in the reason you are returning the w88 online casino report, then click on the Submit button.
  16. Then w88 online casino the Done button at the bottom of the next page to complete the review and send back process.
  17. To log out of Workday, w88 online casino the cloud again then w88 online casino Sign Out.

For more information

If you experience any problems with the Workday w88 online casino process, or have questions, please contact Michele Dondanville atmdondanville@unr.eduor (775) 784-6360.