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Students are invited to submit nominations for the Paul and Judy Bible University Teaching Excellence Award, an award given annually to recognize and reward outstanding w88 casinoteaching by faculty at the University of Nevada, Reno. This prestigious award will be granted to an academic faculty member with at least 0.5 FTE who has not previously received the award. Since observation of teaching is required in the selection process, only faculty with regular teaching duties in the academic year of the nomination may be nominated. The winner will receive an award check for a minimum of $15,000 and be recognized at Honor the Best.

Nomination process

To nominate a faculty member, students should fill out the form below. The deadline for receipt of nominations for the 2025 award is Friday, September 13 at 5 p.m.

Complete nomination form

Previous Paul and Judy Bible Teaching Excellence Award recipients

Previous award winners
Year Name Area
2024 w88 live casinoPamela Sandstrom College of Science
2023 Eric Wang Mechanical Engineering
2022 Geoffrey Smith College of Liberal Arts
2021 Jennifer Hollander College of Science
2020 Ann-Marie Vollstedt College of Engineering
2019 Sarah Cummings College of Science
2018 Candice Bauer College of Engineering