Accreditation overview
About University w88 casino games
w88 casino games allows us to investigate how well we are fulfilling our educational mission and to make data-driven decisions in considering whether and how curricula should be revised and in identifying effective and appropriate educational practices. Learn more about w88 casino games and continuous improvement at the University.
Fundamental Proficiencies w88 casino games
The University implemented a three-point w88 casino games model, intended to measure student learning at the introductory, mid-program, and senior levels in undergraduate degree program curricula. Fundamental Proficiencies w88 casino games must be reported annually. Learn more about Fundamental Proficiencies w88 casino games here.
Core Curriculum w88 casino games
The w88 casino, Reno's competencies-based Core Curriculum trains students in communication, quantitative reasoning, methods of inquiry, critical and creative thinking, and integration, synthesis and application of knowledge. Get more information about Core Curriculum assessment.
Program w88 casino games
Faculty w88 casino games coordinators are required to submit a program w88 casino games plan (valid for the department's program review cycle) and an annual program w88 casino games report for their respective degree-granting programs. Learn more about current program w88 casino games plans and reporting.