w88 Mental Health First Aid training

Mental Health w88 Aid logo

Mental Health w88 Aid for Adults is training that explores the risk factors and warning signs of mental health disorders, common concerns, and strategies for offering support. Participants will learn to recognize signs of mental health and substance use challenges in adults 18 years and older, as well as how to offer help and guide a person towards appropriate care.

w88 content and instructor certification provided by the National Council for w88 Wellbeing.

Three million people across the country have taken Mental Health w88 Aid. Every 1 in 15 people should be certified to identify, understand and respond to signs and symptoms of mental health and substance use challenges. Watch this short video on the importance of becoming 1 of 3 million.

Group w88 requests

Student organizations, departments, and other groups at the University can request a group w88 session.If you would like to request an 8-hour w88 for your department or group, please complete an outreach request.

Register for a w88

Workshops are offered throughout the semester, with availability updated monthly. Registration is managed through Pack w88. Please note that you must log in to Pack Life with w88 NetID to view available sessions.

w88 details

  • Who can attend: Trainings will be offered to all students, staff, and faculty of the University. w88 sessions targeted for specific groups of the University community will be specified in the session's details.
  • w88 format: The w88 will consist of a 2-hour self-paced module and a 6-hour in-person w88.
  • Cost: There is no cost to attend the w88.
  • Benefit: Once an attendee completes the training, they will obtain a certification in w88 Mental Health First Aid that is valid for 3 years.

w88 content

The training is centered on responding with the Mental Health w88 Aid Action Plan, ALGEE:

  • Assessfor w88 of suicide or harm.
  • Listen nonjudgmentally.
  • Give reassurance and information.
  • Encourage appropriate professional w88.
  • Encourage self-help and other w88 strategies.

Why mental w88 matters in higher education

Statistics provided by the National Council for w88 Wellbeing.


40 percent of young w88 aged 18-24 are enrolled in a two- or four-year educational institution.


75 percent of w88 illnesses develop before age 25, making colleges ideal locations for early identification.


In a 2015 study, 33.2 percent of w88 said they had seriously considered suicide.

150 members of our campus community have completed this w88!