Class Listing

Component overview

The Class Listing Component uses a .xml file to generate a listing of classes by term, student type, and subject.

Example #1

Example Class Listing Component utilizing an external file.

Online Class Listings

The University of Nevada, Reno offers a variety of online classes during the spring, summer, and fall terms.

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Class List Results

ACC 201 - Financial Accounting

Purpose and nature of accounting, measuring business income, accounting principles, assets and equity accounting for external financial reporting.

Purpose and nature of accounting, measuring business income, accounting principles, assets and equity accounting for external financial reporting.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91149 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Nicholas Hunt
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91150 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Mark Jackson

ACC 202 - Managerial Accounting

An introduction to managerial accounting concepts, and techniques used to measure, analyze, interpret, and communicate financial information to managers to better guide the activity of an organization.

An introduction to managerial accounting concepts, and techniques used to measure, analyze, interpret, and communicate financial information to managers to better guide the activity of an organization.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91151 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jeffrey Wong

AGSC 413 - Rnge-Lvstk Intract

Emphasis on species and breed selection, physiological considerations and alleviating detrimental effects on livestock. Interactions among livestock, wildlife and plant communities.

Emphasis on species and breed selection, physiological considerations and alleviating detrimental effects on livestock. Interactions among livestock, wildlife and plant communities.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92724 3 08/26/2024 12/23/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Yvette Gibson

ANTH 101 - Intro to Cultural Anth

Introduction to human culture and society. Understanding human diversity through comparative study of politics, religion, economics, and kinship.

Introduction to human culture and society. Understanding human diversity through comparative study of politics, religion, economics, and kinship.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80534 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Mikaela Rogozen-Soltar

ANTH 414 - Basque Culture

Survey of the culture of the Basque, including occupations, cultural institutions, oral traditions and art, as well as their transformations in emigrant settings such as the American West. (ANTH 414 and BASQ 471 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Survey of the culture of the Basque, including occupations, cultural institutions, oral traditions and art, as well as their transformations in emigrant settings such as the American West. (ANTH 414 and BASQ 471 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80493 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Forrest Cole

ANTH 614 - Basque Culture

Survey of the culture of the Basque, including occupations, cultural institutions, oral traditions and art, as well as their transformations in emigrant settings such as the American West. (ANTH 614 and BASQ 671 are cross-listed; credits may be earned in one of the two.)

Survey of the culture of the Basque, including occupations, cultural institutions, oral traditions and art, as well as their transformations in emigrant settings such as the American West. (ANTH 614 and BASQ 671 are cross-listed; credits may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86773 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Forrest Cole

APST 207 - Practical Statistics

Oriented towards those with no prior introduction to concepts of probability and statistics. Emphasis on usefulness of statistics through behavioral, business, criminal justice, environmental, health, and all other social-scientific applications.

Oriented towards those with no prior introduction to concepts of probability and statistics. Emphasis on usefulness of statistics through behavioral, business, criminal justice, environmental, health, and all other social-scientific applications.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80621 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Kara Hoofman

ART 141 - Intro to Digital Photo

Introduction to photographic techniques. Topics include exposure, camera controls, digital printing, file management. Exploration of creative possibilities and thematic modes of photography; working in series.

Introduction to photographic techniques. Topics include exposure, camera controls, digital printing, file management. Exploration of creative possibilities and thematic modes of photography; working in series.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80632 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Bobby Lee

ART 245 - Digital Media I

Introduction to concepts and practices of computer art and related media with an emphasis on contemporary experimental applications.

Introduction to concepts and practices of computer art and related media with an emphasis on contemporary experimental applications.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80697 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Tyler Brownlow-Calkin

ART 260 - Surv Art History I

This survey course covers the history of art and cultural production from prehistory to 1400 in the ancient Middle East, the Mediterranean and Europe.

This survey course covers the history of art and cultural production from prehistory to 1400 in the ancient Middle East, the Mediterranean and Europe.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80739 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Heather Casseday

ART 360 - Interactive Art & Creativ Code

This course is an exploration of hardware and software interactivity for the studio artist.

This course is an exploration of hardware and software interactivity for the studio artist.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91223 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Tyler Brownlow-Calkin

ART 365 - Contemporary Art

This course covers artists, art movements, and issues ranging from mid-century Europe and America to 21st century global art centers.

This course covers artists, art movements, and issues ranging from mid-century Europe and America to 21st century global art centers.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80792 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Janaye Lunsford

BADM 701 - Prod / Operations Mangmt

Problems of manufacturing goods and services; production applications of linear programming, scheduling, quality control and materials management; CAD, CAM, multi-cultural and international issues.

Problems of manufacturing goods and services; production applications of linear programming, scheduling, quality control and materials management; CAD, CAM, multi-cultural and international issues.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86166 3 08/26/2024 11/17/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Ron Lembke

BADM 710 - Financial Reporting & Analysis

Examination of accounting and disclosure techniques and their impact on external financial reporting. Preparation, analysis and interpretation of financial reports.

Examination of accounting and disclosure techniques and their impact on external financial reporting. Preparation, analysis and interpretation of financial reports.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86164 3 08/26/2024 11/17/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sonja Pippin

BADM 720 - Mangmt & Organizal Sci

Individual and group behavior in organizations, and organizational design and communication strategies. Interaction of structural, technological and human resource components. International focus emphasized.

Individual and group behavior in organizations, and organizational design and communication strategies. Interaction of structural, technological and human resource components. International focus emphasized.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86165 3 08/26/2024 11/17/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Bret Simmons

BADM 728 - Mang Orgs Global Econ

Assessment of cost, benefits and risks of operating in specific countries. Emphasis on recognizing, respecting, and responding to cultural differences.

Assessment of cost, benefits and risks of operating in specific countries. Emphasis on recognizing, respecting, and responding to cultural differences.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86167 3 08/26/2024 11/17/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jasmine Stanley

BADM 750 - Info & Comm Tech in Orgs

Overview of strategic value creation through ICT; managing end-user involvement in ICT including requirements specification, change management and process reengineering; systems development process and outsourcing.

Overview of strategic value creation through ICT; managing end-user involvement in ICT including requirements specification, change management and process reengineering; systems development process and outsourcing.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86019 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Mala Kaul

BADM 772 - Chng Environment of Busin

Legal, ethical, cultural, economic, political and global environment. Approaches to continual monitoring and managing complex interactions between business and its changing environments.

Legal, ethical, cultural, economic, political and global environment. Approaches to continual monitoring and managing complex interactions between business and its changing environments.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86017 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Fran Ryan

BASQ 471 - Basque Culture

Survey of the culture of the Basque, including occupations, cultural institutions, oral traditions and art, as well as their transformations in emigrant settings such as the American West. (ANTH 414 and BASQ 471 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Survey of the culture of the Basque, including occupations, cultural institutions, oral traditions and art, as well as their transformations in emigrant settings such as the American West. (ANTH 414 and BASQ 471 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80859 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Forrest Cole

BASQ 671 - Basque Culture

Survey of the culture of the Basque, including occupations, cultural institutions, oral traditions and art, as well as their transformations in emigrant settings such as the American West. (ANTH 614 and BASQ 671 are cross-listed; credits may be earned in one of the two.)

Survey of the culture of the Basque, including occupations, cultural institutions, oral traditions and art, as well as their transformations in emigrant settings such as the American West. (ANTH 614 and BASQ 671 are cross-listed; credits may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86958 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Forrest Cole

CAS 154 - Prob Subst Abuse Adctn

Overview of how involvement with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs can affect health, personal and social development. Related social, philosophical, cultural, prevention and treatment issues.

Overview of how involvement with alcohol, tobacco and other drugs can affect health, personal and social development. Related social, philosophical, cultural, prevention and treatment issues.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81337 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Alyson Mullen
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81338 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Kevin Quint
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81339 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jason Natwora

CAS 254 - Signs and Symptoms - Addiction

Theories and models of alcohol and other drug addiction with emphasis on the signs and symptoms of problematic use and abuse.

Theories and models of alcohol and other drug addiction with emphasis on the signs and symptoms of problematic use and abuse.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81340 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sandra Lowery

CAS 255 - Substance Abuse Prevent

A basic overview of substance abuse prevention with emphasis on scientifically defensible substance abuse prevention research and practices.

A basic overview of substance abuse prevention with emphasis on scientifically defensible substance abuse prevention research and practices.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81341 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Asteriadis Pyle

CAS 354 - Screen & Engage Clients

Overview of philosophical and procedural components for providing addictions services; professional characteristics, ethical/legal issues, helping process and initial assessment. Motivational interviewing practiced.

Overview of philosophical and procedural components for providing addictions services; professional characteristics, ethical/legal issues, helping process and initial assessment. Motivational interviewing practiced.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81343 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Marcia Baker

CAS 355 - Indiv/Grp Adctn Trtmnt

Strategies and core competencies for treating addicted individual and group counseling. Experiential learning is the primary approach utilized in this class.

Strategies and core competencies for treating addicted individual and group counseling. Experiential learning is the primary approach utilized in this class.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81344 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Clare Fite
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81345 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Clare Fite

CAS 357 - Behavioral Health in Just Sys

Provides theoretical, research-based and practical perspectives on the two overlapping fields of criminal justice and behavioral healthcare (including substance abuse and mental health).

Provides theoretical, research-based and practical perspectives on the two overlapping fields of criminal justice and behavioral healthcare (including substance abuse and mental health).
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81346 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Scott Reiner

CAS 437 - Aging and Addiction

A multidisciplinary overview of factors affecting the identification, intervention and treatment of substance-related and behavioral addictions in older adults. (CAS 437, GERO 437 and SW 437 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the three.)

A multidisciplinary overview of factors affecting the identification, intervention and treatment of substance-related and behavioral addictions in older adults. (CAS 437, GERO 437 and SW 437 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the three.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81351 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Angela Broadus
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81351 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jim Jobin
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81352 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Teresa Sacks
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81353 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Angela Broadus
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81353 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jim Jobin
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81354 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Teresa Sacks

CAS 439 - Exploring Gambling Behaviors

Explores the history, prevalence and etiology of problem gambling. Investigates stages of progression, effects on families and relationships to other addictions.

Explores the history, prevalence and etiology of problem gambling. Investigates stages of progression, effects on families and relationships to other addictions.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81347 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Denise Quirk

CAS 454 - Assess and Case Mgmt-Addiction

Practical application of providing addiction services; assessment, placement, treatment planning, ethical/legal issues, and case management.

Practical application of providing addiction services; assessment, placement, treatment planning, ethical/legal issues, and case management.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81348 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Erik Schoen

CAS 460 - Addiction: FASD

Basic information regarding consequences of in utero substance exposure involvement and methods necessary to intervene with this special population. (CAS 460 and SW 460 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Basic information regarding consequences of in utero substance exposure involvement and methods necessary to intervene with this special population. (CAS 460 and SW 460 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81350 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Adaobi Anakwe
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81350 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Leigh Tenkku Lepper

CAS 463 - Virt Client Engage Behv Hlth

This course addresses how behavioral health providers engage with people seeking change for behavioral unease in a virtual space with a focus on engaging people when using technology. Case scenarios, group discussion, practice sessions, and other learning activities will be used to explore and practice having engaging discussions among participants. Content discussed will include comparing and contrasting having engaging exchanges using various technology, texting, email, and videoconferencing.

This course addresses how behavioral health providers engage with people seeking change for behavioral unease in a virtual space with a focus on engaging people when using technology. Case scenarios, group discussion, practice sessions, and other learning activities will be used to explore and practice having engaging discussions among participants. Content discussed will include comparing and contrasting having engaging exchanges using various technology, texting, email, and videoconferencing.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81356 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Amy Shanahan

CAS 637 - Aging and Addiction

A multidisciplinary overview of factors affecting the identification, intervention and treatment of substance-related and behavioral addictions in older adults. (CAS 637, GERO 637 and SW 637 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the three.)

A multidisciplinary overview of factors affecting the identification, intervention and treatment of substance-related and behavioral addictions in older adults. (CAS 637, GERO 637 and SW 637 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the three.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 87313 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Angela Broadus
2024 Fall Graduate 87313 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jim Jobin
2024 Fall Graduate 87314 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Teresa Sacks
2024 Fall Graduate 87315 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Angela Broadus
2024 Fall Graduate 87315 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jim Jobin
2024 Fall Graduate 87316 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Teresa Sacks

CAS 639 - Exploring Gambling Behaviors

Explores the history, prevalence and etiology of problem gambling. Investigates stages of progression, effects on families and relationships to other addictions.

Explores the history, prevalence and etiology of problem gambling. Investigates stages of progression, effects on families and relationships to other addictions.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 87311 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Denise Quirk

CAS 660 - Addiction: FASD

Basic information regarding consequences of in utero substance exposure involvement and methods necessary to intervene with this special population. (CAS 660 and SW 660 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Basic information regarding consequences of in utero substance exposure involvement and methods necessary to intervene with this special population. (CAS 660 and SW 660 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 87312 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Leigh Tenkku Lepper
2024 Fall Graduate 87312 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Adaobi Anakwe

CAS 663 - Virt Client Engage Behv Hlth

This course addresses how behavioral health providers engage with people seeking change for behavioral unease in a virtual space with a focus on engaging people when using technology. Case scenarios, group discussion, practice sessions, and other learning activities will be used to explore and practice having engaging discussions among participants. Content discussed will include comparing and contrasting having engaging exchanges using various technology, texting, email, and videoconferencing.

This course addresses how behavioral health providers engage with people seeking change for behavioral unease in a virtual space with a focus on engaging people when using technology. Case scenarios, group discussion, practice sessions, and other learning activities will be used to explore and practice having engaging discussions among participants. Content discussed will include comparing and contrasting having engaging exchanges using various technology, texting, email, and videoconferencing.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 87317 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Amy Shanahan

CAS 674 - Overview of Addiction

Physical and psychological aspects of the addictive process with emphasis on assessment, diagnosis, treatment, referral and self-help options for individuals and families. (CAS 674, CEP 674 and SW 674 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the three.)

Physical and psychological aspects of the addictive process with emphasis on assessment, diagnosis, treatment, referral and self-help options for individuals and families. (CAS 674, CEP 674 and SW 674 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the three.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 87310 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Adrienne Renwick

CH 201 - Ancient & Medieval Cultur

Critical survey of Near East, Greece, Rome and Middle Ages; origins of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, philosophy and science; concepts like heroism, justice, and romantic love.

Critical survey of Near East, Greece, Rome and Middle Ages; origins of Judaism, Christianity, Islam, philosophy and science; concepts like heroism, justice, and romantic love.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81499 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Kathryn Densford
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81525 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Matthew King
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81527 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Alison Harvey
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81543 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lara Hansen-Morse
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81544 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lara Hansen-Morse

CH 202 - The Modern World

Analyzes Europe's legacy in shaping world ideas, institutions, and cultures. Includes Renaissance; Reformation; Enlightenment; Romanticism; development of science and industry; political revolutions; colonialism; postcolonialism; globalization.

Analyzes Europe's legacy in shaping world ideas, institutions, and cultures. Includes Renaissance; Reformation; Enlightenment; Romanticism; development of science and industry; political revolutions; colonialism; postcolonialism; globalization.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81541 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Brendan Johnston
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81545 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Mariah Mena
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81546 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Mariah Mena
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81547 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Alison Harvey
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81548 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Devin Bray
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81549 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Devin Bray

CH 203 - Amer Exper & Constit Chng

Identities, ideas, and institutions from pre-colonial to present, emphasizing civil rights, liberty, individualism, federalism, environmentalism, urbanization, industrialization, and cultural diversity. Satisfies the U.S. and Nevada constitution requirements.

Identities, ideas, and institutions from pre-colonial to present, emphasizing civil rights, liberty, individualism, federalism, environmentalism, urbanization, industrialization, and cultural diversity. Satisfies the U.S. and Nevada constitution requirements.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81551 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) John Auer
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81552 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Christopher Natali
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81553 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shelby Grauberger
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81554 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shelby Grauberger
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81555 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Katie Wolf
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81556 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Gus Paoli
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81557 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Megan Mather

CHS 798 - Field Studies in Public Health

Supervised field experience in health and wellness settings.

Supervised field experience in health and wellness settings.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 87632 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Mel Flores

COM 101 - Oral Communication

Theory and practice in the composition and delivery of public speeches. Advanced techniques of message development, organization and style.

Theory and practice in the composition and delivery of public speeches. Advanced techniques of message development, organization and style.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81940 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jessica Mougeotte
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81954 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Daniel Scruggs

COM 113 - Fund Spch Communica

Principles and theories of speech communication. Participation in public speaking and interpersonal communication activities.

Principles and theories of speech communication. Participation in public speaking and interpersonal communication activities.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81924 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Cody Freeman
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81941 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Katherine Lapeirre
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81942 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Katherine Lapeirre

COM 202 - Listening

Theories of listening as they relate to variety of interpersonal relationships and settings.

Theories of listening as they relate to variety of interpersonal relationships and settings.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81935 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jessica Mougeotte
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81952 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jessica Mougeotte

COM 212 - Intro Comm Research

Basic approaches to research in communication studies. Introduction to historical, analytical, critical, and empirical methods of investigation.

Basic approaches to research in communication studies. Introduction to historical, analytical, critical, and empirical methods of investigation.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81950 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sarah Black

COM 311 - Communication Research Methods

Investigation of research methods in social science research. Emphasis on quantitative and qualitative methods in communication research.

Investigation of research methods in social science research. Emphasis on quantitative and qualitative methods in communication research.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81911 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Reeham Ramadan Mohammed
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81911 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Jimmie Manning

COM 315 - Small Grp Communica

Speech communication in face-to-face and co-acting groups. Analysis of group cohesiveness, leadership, role structure, information processing and decision-making.

Speech communication in face-to-face and co-acting groups. Analysis of group cohesiveness, leadership, role structure, information processing and decision-making.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81879 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sarah Black
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81896 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sarah Black

COM 317 - Organiza Communica

Analysis of communication functions and networks in organizational settings. Organizational structures and dynamics and their effect upon the communication process.

Analysis of communication functions and networks in organizational settings. Organizational structures and dynamics and their effect upon the communication process.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81895 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Reeham Ramadan Mohammed

COM 329 - Bus Profess Speak

Practice of the principles of public speaking, conference methods and group discussions which are applicable to the business and professional community.

Practice of the principles of public speaking, conference methods and group discussions which are applicable to the business and professional community.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81925 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Katherine Lapeirre
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81959 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Katherine Lapeirre
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81959 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jimmie Manning

COM 407 - Gender and Communication

Exploration of gendered verbal and nonverbal communication in various social interaction settings. Includes friendships, families, classrooms, organizations, and the media.

Exploration of gendered verbal and nonverbal communication in various social interaction settings. Includes friendships, families, classrooms, organizations, and the media.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81919 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Julie-Ann Scott-Pollock

COM 412 - Intercultural Communication

Theory, application, and analysis of intercultural communication including how communication impacts identity, group boundaries, preferences, and norms. Comparison of cultures within and outside US included.

Theory, application, and analysis of intercultural communication including how communication impacts identity, group boundaries, preferences, and norms. Comparison of cultures within and outside US included.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81898 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Katherine Lapeirre
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81898 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jimmie Manning
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81926 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Daniel Scruggs
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81926 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jimmie Manning

CRJ 106 - Intro to Corrections

History and analysis of development in corrections, recent innovations and future correctional systems structure and programs.

History and analysis of development in corrections, recent innovations and future correctional systems structure and programs.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82078 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lauren Anderson

CRJ 211 - Police in America

Critical analysis of historical development, roles, socialization and problems of police work.

Critical analysis of historical development, roles, socialization and problems of police work.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82075 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Emmanuel Barthe

CRJ 234 - Intro Courts & Amer Legal Syst

Introduction to the role and organization of the judicial branch of government, its central actors, and processes.

Introduction to the role and organization of the judicial branch of government, its central actors, and processes.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82071 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Joshua Ozymy

CRJ 301 - Research Meth Crim Jus

Techniques commonly utilized in criminal justice research, emphasis on research design, methods of data collection, measurement of variables, and validity and reliability. Open to criminal justice majors only.

Techniques commonly utilized in criminal justice research, emphasis on research design, methods of data collection, measurement of variables, and validity and reliability. Open to criminal justice majors only.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91211 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) David Andrews

CRJ 420 - Jurisprudence

Problems of legal theory from the analytical, philosophical and sociological points of view. Particular attention to modern theories of law. (CRJ 420 and PSC 409K are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Problems of legal theory from the analytical, philosophical and sociological points of view. Particular attention to modern theories of law. (CRJ 420 and PSC 409K are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82074 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Mia Holbrook

CRJ 430 - Juvenile Justice

An in depth analysis of the history of the juvenile justice system; the processing and treatment of juveniles; and issues of disparate treatment and challenges faced by the system.

An in depth analysis of the history of the juvenile justice system; the processing and treatment of juveniles; and issues of disparate treatment and challenges faced by the system.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91115 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Ali Banister

CRJ 451 - Crim Justice Colloquium

Intense examination of contemporary issues facing the criminal justice system.

Intense examination of contemporary issues facing the criminal justice system.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82047 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Emily Berthelot
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82047 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Audrey Cerfoglio

CRJ 780 - Homeland Security

Provides a multidisciplinary overview of homeland security. Examines issues of public policy, public administration, law, criminal justice, information technology, psychological, social and behavioral aspects of terrorism and homeland security.

Provides a multidisciplinary overview of homeland security. Examines issues of public policy, public administration, law, criminal justice, information technology, psychological, social and behavioral aspects of terrorism and homeland security.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 88185 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Ronald Glensor

CTL 742 - Models of Teaching

Study of various models of instruction with emphasis on application in classroom.

Study of various models of instruction with emphasis on application in classroom.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86396 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Robert Quinn

CTL 746 - Sec Schl Curr

Study and discussion of development and improvement of curriculum practices, with special stress upon working out procedures suited to this area.

Study and discussion of development and improvement of curriculum practices, with special stress upon working out procedures suited to this area.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 90864 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Ian Mcgregor

ECON 102 - Prin Microeconomics

Introductory analysis of price determination, resource allocation, market structure, consumer behavior, producer behavior, market failure and government failure. Economic approaches to social issues and policy.

Introductory analysis of price determination, resource allocation, market structure, consumer behavior, producer behavior, market failure and government failure. Economic approaches to social issues and policy.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91229 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shawn Stoddard

ECON 262 - Principles of Statistics II

Hypothesis testing; simple linear regression and correlation; analysis of variance; chi-square applications. Emphasis on data analysis as it relates to business decision-making.

Hypothesis testing; simple linear regression and correlation; analysis of variance; chi-square applications. Emphasis on data analysis as it relates to business decision-making.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91230 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Krista Williams

ECON 334 - Econ Hist of US

Origin and development of economic institutions including industry, agriculture, commerce, transportation, labor and finance. Analysis of the economic progress of the U.S.

Origin and development of economic institutions including industry, agriculture, commerce, transportation, labor and finance. Analysis of the economic progress of the U.S.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91231 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Christopher Wilbus

EDLE 740 - Social Class and Schooling

Study of research and practice on the relationship of social class to PK-12 and higher education.

Study of research and practice on the relationship of social class to PK-12 and higher education.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86387 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Eleni Oikonomidoy

EDLE 751 - Social Justice and Education

Examines the relationship between social justice and education, with a focus on curriculum, pedagogy, and policy.

Examines the relationship between social justice and education, with a focus on curriculum, pedagogy, and policy.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86517 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rose Ann Gutierrez

EDRL 442 - Literacy Instruct I

Early literacy theory, instruction, and assessment for pre-kindergarten through third grade students.

Early literacy theory, instruction, and assessment for pre-kindergarten through third grade students.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90826 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80459 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Julie Pennington

EDRL 443 - Literacy Instruc II

Learning and instruction in reading, writing, oral language and literature for the 4-8 grades.

Learning and instruction in reading, writing, oral language and literature for the 4-8 grades.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80311 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Diana Walker

EDRL 451 - Read/Writ Sec Schl

In content fields; sources of difficulties; developmental instruction; techniques for promoting comprehension and vocabulary.

In content fields; sources of difficulties; developmental instruction; techniques for promoting comprehension and vocabulary.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80312 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Matthew Ochs

EDRL 461 - Diag Assess & Instr Lit

Apprentice teaching, emphasis on developmental instruction with children who have difficulty learning to read, small group instruction and applications in the classroom.

Apprentice teaching, emphasis on developmental instruction with children who have difficulty learning to read, small group instruction and applications in the classroom.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80314 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Julie Pennington

EDRL 471 - Acad. English Lang. Devel.

Survey of current acquisition theory and research and analysis of the implications of research for the classroom.

Survey of current acquisition theory and research and analysis of the implications of research for the classroom.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80313 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rod Case

EDRL 472 - Meth Elem Eng Lang Learn

Systematic instruction to help ESL students (1) adjust to school; (2) acquire English for self-help and for extended interaction; (3) develop English for extended learning.

Systematic instruction to help ESL students (1) adjust to school; (2) acquire English for self-help and for extended interaction; (3) develop English for extended learning.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80343 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Fares Karam
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80359 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Fares Karam

EDRL 473 - Meth Adult/Adol Ell

Overview of methods and materials for ESL instruction in secondary schools/adult language programs. Emphasis on application of national standards for second language instruction.

Overview of methods and materials for ESL instruction in secondary schools/adult language programs. Emphasis on application of national standards for second language instruction.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80346 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rod Case

EDRL 475 - Second Language Assessment

Explores the theory and practice of second language assessment and testing among K-12 students.

Explores the theory and practice of second language assessment and testing among K-12 students.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80347 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Gokce Unlu

EDRL 477 - Crit. Issues ELLs-Practicum

This course will familiarize students with historical and current issues and cultivate skill in the design and implementation of instruction and assessment for English learners. Students will demonstrate their understanding through practicums.

This course will familiarize students with historical and current issues and cultivate skill in the design and implementation of instruction and assessment for English learners. Students will demonstrate their understanding through practicums.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80377 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Fares Karam
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80378 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Fares Karam

EDRL 642 - Literacy Instruct I

Early literacy theory, instruction, and assessment for pre-kindergarten through third grade students.

Early literacy theory, instruction, and assessment for pre-kindergarten through third grade students.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 90828 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 86622 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Julie Pennington

EDRL 643 - Literacy Instruc II

Learning and instruction in reading, writing, oral language and literature for the 4-8 grades.

Learning and instruction in reading, writing, oral language and literature for the 4-8 grades.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86352 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Diana Walker

EDRL 651 - Read/Writ Sec Schl

In content fields; sources of difficulties; developmental instruction; techniques for promoting comprehension and vocabulary.

In content fields; sources of difficulties; developmental instruction; techniques for promoting comprehension and vocabulary.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86356 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Matthew Ochs

EDRL 661 - Diag Assess & Instr Lit

Apprentice teaching, emphasis on developmental instruction with children who have difficulty learning to read, small group instruction and applications in the classroom.

Apprentice teaching, emphasis on developmental instruction with children who have difficulty learning to read, small group instruction and applications in the classroom.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86350 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Julie Pennington

EDRL 671 - Acad. English Lang. Devel.

Survey of current acquisition theory and research and analysis of the implications of research for the classroom.

Survey of current acquisition theory and research and analysis of the implications of research for the classroom.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86353 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rod Case

EDRL 672 - Meth Elem Eng Lang Learn

Systematic instruction to help ESL students (1) adjust to school; (2) acquire English for self-help and for extended interaction; (3) develop English for extended learning.

Systematic instruction to help ESL students (1) adjust to school; (2) acquire English for self-help and for extended interaction; (3) develop English for extended learning.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86349 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Fares Karam
2024 Fall Graduate 86385 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Fares Karam

EDRL 673 - Meth Adult/Adol Ell

Overview of methods and materials for ESL instruction in secondary schools/adult language programs. Emphasis on application of national standards for second language instruction.

Overview of methods and materials for ESL instruction in secondary schools/adult language programs. Emphasis on application of national standards for second language instruction.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86354 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rod Case

EDRL 675 - Second Language Assessment

Explores the theory and practice of second language assessment and testing among K-12 students.

Explores the theory and practice of second language assessment and testing among K-12 students.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86366 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Gokce Unlu

EDRL 677 - Crit. Issues ELLs-Practicum

This course will familiarize students with historical and current issues and cultivate skill in the design and implementation of instruction and assessment for English learners. Students will demonstrate their understanding through practicums.

This course will familiarize students with historical and current issues and cultivate skill in the design and implementation of instruction and assessment for English learners. Students will demonstrate their understanding through practicums.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86418 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Fares Karam
2024 Fall Graduate 86422 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Fares Karam

EDRL 702 - Reading Clinic

Administration of the reading clinic. Observation, planning and management of the pupils diagnosis and remediation as well as staffing and parent conference. Maximum of 6 credits.

Administration of the reading clinic. Observation, planning and management of the pupils diagnosis and remediation as well as staffing and parent conference. Maximum of 6 credits.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86394 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rachel Salas Didier
2024 Fall Graduate 86395 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Julie Pennington
2024 Fall Graduate 86423 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rachel Salas Didier
2024 Fall Graduate 86424 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Julie Pennington

EDRS 640 - Educ Meas Stat

Basic statistical methods in the field of education and related disciplines. Emphasis on role of statistics in behavioral research; meets certification requirements for those areas in education requiring a background in statistical understandings.

Basic statistical methods in the field of education and related disciplines. Emphasis on role of statistics in behavioral research; meets certification requirements for those areas in education requiring a background in statistical understandings.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86243 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Li-Ting Chen

EDRS 700 - Intro Educ Research

Introduction course required for all students preparing for an advanced degree. Emphasis on the purpose, general procedures and types of educational research. Designed for research practitioners and consumers.

Introduction course required for all students preparing for an advanced degree. Emphasis on the purpose, general procedures and types of educational research. Designed for research practitioners and consumers.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86434 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Li-Ting Chen

EDRS 740 - Univariate Statistics Ed Rsrch

Second course designed for the student planning to contribute research findings of their own design. Refinement of inferential statistical methods introduced in EDRS 640.

Second course designed for the student planning to contribute research findings of their own design. Refinement of inferential statistical methods introduced in EDRS 640.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86520 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Leping Liu

EDRS 741 - Nonparametric Stats Ed Rsrch

Emphasis on computers in designing and carrying out research, preparing manuscripts for publication and in using non-parametric statistics in educational research.

Emphasis on computers in designing and carrying out research, preparing manuscripts for publication and in using non-parametric statistics in educational research.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86370 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Leping Liu

EDRS 761 - Program Dev and Eval

Provides a background in the design and implementation of program evaluations of social, educational, and community-based programs.

Provides a background in the design and implementation of program evaluations of social, educational, and community-based programs.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 92634 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Karen Pugh

EDS 749 - Teach Math Prob Solving

Problem solving and reasoning in mathematics teaching and learning. Application to K-12 classrooms with attention to the needs of diverse learners.

Problem solving and reasoning in mathematics teaching and learning. Application to K-12 classrooms with attention to the needs of diverse learners.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86464 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Lynda Wiest

EDS 795 - Comp Exam

Course is used by graduate programs to administer comprehensive examinations either as an end of program comprehensive examination or as a qualifying examination for doctoral candidates prior to being advanced to candidacy. Credits determined by each individual program.

Course is used by graduate programs to administer comprehensive examinations either as an end of program comprehensive examination or as a qualifying examination for doctoral candidates prior to being advanced to candidacy. Credits determined by each individual program.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86287 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Eleni Oikonomidoy

EDSP 468 - Augmntve/Altrntv Communic

Assessing, designing, and implementing augmentative communication programs for individuals with severe communication impairments.

Assessing, designing, and implementing augmentative communication programs for individuals with severe communication impairments.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80362 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Maryann Demchak

EDSP 611 - Stdnt Disab Gen Ed Set

Preparation of teachers to deal with assessment and program development for students with disabilities who are included in general education classrooms.

Preparation of teachers to deal with assessment and program development for students with disabilities who are included in general education classrooms.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 90789 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Robert Ives
2024 Fall Graduate 90790 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Robert Ives

EDSP 632 - Serv Indiv Disab Famil

Facilitating the interrelationship of varied services for students with disabilities. Focus includes working with parents, professionals, and community services.

Facilitating the interrelationship of varied services for students with disabilities. Focus includes working with parents, professionals, and community services.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86483 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Lindsey Hogue

EDSP 643 - Spcl Ed Curr: Gen Methods

Special instructional methods for students with cognitive and behavioral disorders. Includes instruction in I.E.P. goals and objectives.

Special instructional methods for students with cognitive and behavioral disorders. Includes instruction in I.E.P. goals and objectives.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86484 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Jodee Prudente

EDSP 644 - Spcl Ed Curr: Adolescents

Needs of adolescents with cognitive and behavioral disorders in secondary school special education programs. Strategies to improve academic, social, career/vocational and transition skills.

Needs of adolescents with cognitive and behavioral disorders in secondary school special education programs. Strategies to improve academic, social, career/vocational and transition skills.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86485 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Sharon Goldrup

EDSP 652 - Assess Spec Ed Teacher

Formal and informal methods for assessing students with disabilities: academic, language, motor, perception, social skills. Interpretation of assessment and application to program needs.

Formal and informal methods for assessing students with disabilities: academic, language, motor, perception, social skills. Interpretation of assessment and application to program needs.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86486 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Robert Ives

EDSP 653 - Behavior Mgmt & Social-Emotion

Developing, implementing and evaluating behavior management techniques, including social-emotional & academic development for general and special education classrooms. Assessment and intervention into problem behaviors.

Developing, implementing and evaluating behavior management techniques, including social-emotional & academic development for general and special education classrooms. Assessment and intervention into problem behaviors.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86487 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Sara Vega

EDSP 664 - Instruction through MTSS

Exploration of Multitiered Systems of Support for elementary schools, classrooms and students. Instructional and behavioral interventions are included.

Exploration of Multitiered Systems of Support for elementary schools, classrooms and students. Instructional and behavioral interventions are included.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91247 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Lacey Solferino

EDSP 668 - Augmntve/Altrntv Communic

Assessing, designing, and implementing augmentative communication programs for individuals with severe communication impairments.

Assessing, designing, and implementing augmentative communication programs for individuals with severe communication impairments.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86391 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Maryann Demchak

EDSP 687 - Behavioral Systems in Ed

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support to align behavioral/academic support in schools at individual, class, and school levels with a behavior-analytic lens. Emphasis also on behavioral analytic supervision/management of educational personnel.

Multi-Tiered Systems of Support to align behavioral/academic support in schools at individual, class, and school levels with a behavior-analytic lens. Emphasis also on behavioral analytic supervision/management of educational personnel.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86465 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Chevonne Sutter

EDSP 716 - Interv. for Stud. w/Lrng. Nds.

Principles, methods and materials appropriate for instruction of students with significant learning and behavioral needs. Includes instruction in IEP development and implementation.

Principles, methods and materials appropriate for instruction of students with significant learning and behavioral needs. Includes instruction in IEP development and implementation.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 92703 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Shanon Taylor
2024 Fall Graduate 92703 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Shanon Taylor

EDSP 722 - Autism

Survey of autism spectrum disorders, including characteristics, impact on language development, educational services, and teaching methods.

Survey of autism spectrum disorders, including characteristics, impact on language development, educational services, and teaching methods.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86369 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Lindsey Hogue

EDSP 724 - Trnds Iss Spec Educ

Study of research pertaining to physical, mental, emotional and social characteristics of exceptional children. Emphasis on the implications of research for program development.

Study of research pertaining to physical, mental, emotional and social characteristics of exceptional children. Emphasis on the implications of research for program development.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86253 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Sharon Goldrup
2024 Fall Graduate 86253 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Sharon Goldrup
2024 Fall Graduate 86253 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Sharon Goldrup

EDSP 725 - Supervision and Field Work

Advanced field work.

Advanced field work.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86414 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Maryann Demchak
2024 Fall Graduate 86414 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Chevonne Sutter
2024 Fall Graduate 86439 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Maryann Demchak

EDU 207 - Explor Child Lit

Survey of children's literature genres. Censorship, historical background, children's interests, literature programs and book evaluations.

Survey of children's literature genres. Censorship, historical background, children's interests, literature programs and book evaluations.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80332 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rachel Salas Didier
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80363 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rachel Salas Didier

EDU 245 - Elem Lit & Sci of Reading

EDU 245 is designed to teach the Science of Reading's five pillars of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Recent research and theory will be used to teach instructional strategies and assessments that can be adapted to meet the needs of diverse student populations.

EDU 245 is designed to teach the Science of Reading's five pillars of reading instruction: phonemic awareness, phonics, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. Recent research and theory will be used to teach instructional strategies and assessments that can be adapted to meet the needs of diverse student populations.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92690 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)

EDUC 447 - Parent Inv & Family Engagement

Focus on building engagement practices and enhancing the inclusion of families in the education process in the preschool setting and beyond.

Focus on building engagement practices and enhancing the inclusion of families in the education process in the preschool setting and beyond.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80440 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Elizabeth De Los Santos

EDUC 459 - Student Teaching Seminar

This course provides full-time supervised teaching in schools. Students are required to attend weekly seminar throughout the term. (Formerly SNU: ELEM 495/595; SPED 595; EDUC 595; SEC 595)

This course provides full-time supervised teaching in schools. Students are required to attend weekly seminar throughout the term. (Formerly SNU: ELEM 495/595; SPED 595; EDUC 595; SEC 595)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91197 8 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Keli Brown

EDUC 609 - Professional Project

During this graduate level class, candidates complete their approved professional projects with the guidance of an assigned Project Director. At the end of each semester, candidates present their projects to the SNU Masters Project Panel Committee. (Formerly SNU: EDUC 635)

During this graduate level class, candidates complete their approved professional projects with the guidance of an assigned Project Director. At the end of each semester, candidates present their projects to the SNU Masters Project Panel Committee. (Formerly SNU: EDUC 635)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86536 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Michael Everson
2024 Fall Graduate 86537 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Anne Lenhares
2024 Fall Graduate 86538 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Zane Gray
2024 Fall Graduate 86539 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Kendall Mena
2024 Fall Graduate 86540 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) William Logan
2024 Fall Graduate 86541 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Kendall Mena
2024 Fall Graduate 86542 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Christine Whitcome
2024 Fall Graduate 86543 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Christine Whitcome
2024 Fall Graduate 86544 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Anne Lenhares
2024 Fall Graduate 86545 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Patricia Moore
2024 Fall Graduate 86629 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Anne Lenhares
2024 Fall Graduate 86631 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Francine Bromley-Norwood
2024 Fall Graduate 86632 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Patricia Moore
2024 Fall Graduate 86634 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) William Logan
2024 Fall Graduate 86640 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Michael Lauletta

EDUC 625 - Curr Dev Science Ed

Research and curriculum studies dealing with content and procedures of the science program.

Research and curriculum studies dealing with content and procedures of the science program.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86509 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Mandi Collins

EDUC 647 - Parent Inv & Family Engagement

Focus on building engagement practices and enhancing the inclusion of families in the education process in the preschool settings and beyond.

Focus on building engagement practices and enhancing the inclusion of families in the education process in the preschool settings and beyond.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86512 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Elizabeth De Los Santos

EDUC 659 - Student Teaching Seminar

This course provides full-time supervised teaching in schools. Students are required to attend weekly seminar throughout the term. (Formerly SNU: ELEM 495/595; SPED 595; EDUC 595; SEC 595)

This course provides full-time supervised teaching in schools. Students are required to attend weekly seminar throughout the term. (Formerly SNU: ELEM 495/595; SPED 595; EDUC 595; SEC 595)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86535 8 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Keli Brown

EDUC 692 - Edu Ind Study

Action or library research in an appropriate area of educational specialties. Maximum of 6 credits.

Action or library research in an appropriate area of educational specialties. Maximum of 6 credits.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86660 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lynda Wiest

EDUC 770 - Grad Sem in Rev Educ Research

Writing scholarly reviews of educational research is the focus of this graduate seminar. Students will learn how to search for empirical and theoretical sources related to a topic of their choosing and write a scholarly review of the literature focused on their area of inquiry.

Writing scholarly reviews of educational research is the focus of this graduate seminar. Students will learn how to search for empirical and theoretical sources related to a topic of their choosing and write a scholarly review of the literature focused on their area of inquiry.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91144 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Abbie Olszewski

EDUC 771A - Sp Top:Teacher Ed

Selected problems related to educational specialties: Teacher education,

Selected problems related to educational specialties: Teacher education,
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86511 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Lindsay Diamond
2024 Fall Graduate 86511 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Abbie Olszewski

EL 702 - Equity and Administration

This course examines the key axes of inequality in K-12 schools in the United States and how school administrators can lead for greater equity.

This course examines the key axes of inequality in K-12 schools in the United States and how school administrators can lead for greater equity.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86481 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Alexandra Aylward

EL 746 - Data Based Dec Making

Emphasis on the understanding and use of data to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. Data analysis relating to educational leadership and decision-making applications.

Emphasis on the understanding and use of data to improve teaching and learning in the classroom. Data analysis relating to educational leadership and decision-making applications.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86251 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Alexandra Aylward

ENG 101 - Composition I

Offers a rhetorical approach to writing and communicating, meaning students will explore writing in-context, with a range of related constraints and opportunities. This approach develops writing habits that will enable students to write effectively in their core curriculum courses, their majors and programs, and in their professional and public lives.

Offers a rhetorical approach to writing and communicating, meaning students will explore writing in-context, with a range of related constraints and opportunities. This approach develops writing habits that will enable students to write effectively in their core curriculum courses, their majors and programs, and in their professional and public lives.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85643 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Alison Moore
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85639 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jeffrey Wright
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85541 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Dana Rider
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85543 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Dana Rider
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85544 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) AnnElise Hatjakes
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85564 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Phillip Goodwin

ENG 102 - Composition II

Builds on rhetorical writing habits provided in earlier Core Writing courses and invites students to engage with contemporary rhetorical situations or problems by immersing themselves in the research practices, methods of analysis, and genres of writing necessary for engaged discussion in a public conversation. Students will compose in traditional print and multi-modal genres.

Builds on rhetorical writing habits provided in earlier Core Writing courses and invites students to engage with contemporary rhetorical situations or problems by immersing themselves in the research practices, methods of analysis, and genres of writing necessary for engaged discussion in a public conversation. Students will compose in traditional print and multi-modal genres.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91346 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jeffrey Wright
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85684 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Talley Kayser
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85690 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Talley Kayser
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91475 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jessica Nelson
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92494 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Alison Moore
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92495 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Brendan Johnston
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92496 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Brendan Johnston
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92608 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Talley Kayser
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92657 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jeffrey Wright
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92658 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Linzy Garcia

ENG 321 - Wrtg: Disciplines/Professions

Offers students an opportunity to practice writing in their academic disciplines and anticipated future professions.

Offers students an opportunity to practice writing in their academic disciplines and anticipated future professions.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91009 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jeffrey Wright
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91007 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jeffrey Wright

ENG 350 - Cultural Rhetorics & Identity

Students will critically analyze cultural rhetorical practices, attending to how they intersect with identities of race, gender, class, sexuality, nationality, and dis/ability. This course explores the rhetoric of racism as well as how communities of color speak back and articulate their identities.

Students will critically analyze cultural rhetorical practices, attending to how they intersect with identities of race, gender, class, sexuality, nationality, and dis/ability. This course explores the rhetoric of racism as well as how communities of color speak back and articulate their identities.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91011 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Matthew Reynolds

ENG 427A - Women & Lit

Women writers and the ways in which women are portrayed in literature. (ENG 427A and WMST 427A are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Women writers and the ways in which women are portrayed in literature. (ENG 427A and WMST 427A are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91322 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sarah Purdy

ENGR 400 - Alt Energy Fundamentals

Interdisciplinary fundamentals of alternative energy and public policy process as relates to socioeconomic factors of energy production and consumption.

Interdisciplinary fundamentals of alternative energy and public policy process as relates to socioeconomic factors of energy production and consumption.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82274 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Mariana Eneva

ENGR 410 - Renewable Energy Policy

Focuses on policy instruments utilized to foster use and development of renewable energy. Introduces analytic framework to understand policy impacts and examining policy interventions.

Focuses on policy instruments utilized to foster use and development of renewable energy. Introduces analytic framework to understand policy impacts and examining policy interventions.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82275 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Derek Kauneckis

ENGR 450 - Solar Energy: Fund, Proc, App

Introduction to the technologies of a wide range of solar energy applications and related public policy, economic, and environmental issues.

Introduction to the technologies of a wide range of solar energy applications and related public policy, economic, and environmental issues.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82276 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Vaidyanathan Subramanian

ENGR 600 - Alt Energy Fundamentals

Interdisciplinary fundamentals of alternative energy and public policy process as relates to socioeconomic factors of energy production and consumption.

Interdisciplinary fundamentals of alternative energy and public policy process as relates to socioeconomic factors of energy production and consumption.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 88507 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Mariana Eneva

ENGR 610 - Renewable Energy Policy

Focuses on policy instruments utilized to foster use and development of renewable energy. Introduces analytic framework to understand policy impacts and examining policy interventions. (ENGR 610 and PSC 603N are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Focuses on policy instruments utilized to foster use and development of renewable energy. Introduces analytic framework to understand policy impacts and examining policy interventions. (ENGR 610 and PSC 603N are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 88509 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Derek Kauneckis

ENGR 650 - Solar Energy: Fund, Proc, App

Introduction to the technologies of a wide range of solar energy applications and related public policy, economic, and environmental issues.

Introduction to the technologies of a wide range of solar energy applications and related public policy, economic, and environmental issues.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 88510 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Vaidyanathan Subramanian

ENT 200 - Fundmentals Entrepreneurship

Explores the basics of entrepreneurship, introducing students to the cycle of entrepreneurship, from idea generation and validation to presenting the idea to potential investors.

Explores the basics of entrepreneurship, introducing students to the cycle of entrepreneurship, from idea generation and validation to presenting the idea to potential investors.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80246 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sydonie Neysmith

EPY 220A - Princ Ed Psy/Elem

Overview of the psychology of learning, motivation, growth and development, personality dynamics and social adjustment. Credit is allowed in only one of EPY 220A or EPY 220B.

Overview of the psychology of learning, motivation, growth and development, personality dynamics and social adjustment. Credit is allowed in only one of EPY 220A or EPY 220B.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80445 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Kulwadee Axtell

FIN 301 - Prin Managerial Finance

Business and corporate finance, investments and international finance. Topics include business financial management.

Business and corporate finance, investments and international finance. Topics include business financial management.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80106 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Boyong Park
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80137 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Dong Joon Lee

FIN 419 - Portfolio Management

A comprehensive analysis of the practice of evaluating equity securities and the process of combining securities into portfolios with emphasis on management strategies of portfolio managers.

A comprehensive analysis of the practice of evaluating equity securities and the process of combining securities into portfolios with emphasis on management strategies of portfolio managers.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80141 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Brian Cheney

FIN 430 - Applied Portfolio Mgt

Applications of security analysis, portfolio selection and risk management techniques by managing real funds. Security selection techniques, portfolio management styles and trading strategies.

Applications of security analysis, portfolio selection and risk management techniques by managing real funds. Security selection techniques, portfolio management styles and trading strategies.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80110 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Dong Joon Lee

FREN 111 - First Year French I

Introduction to the language through the development of language skills and through structural analysis. Includes an introduction to French culture.

Introduction to the language through the development of language skills and through structural analysis. Includes an introduction to French culture.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82318 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Alexandra Shaeffer

FREN 211 - Second Year French I

Structural review, conversation and writing, readings in modern literature.

Structural review, conversation and writing, readings in modern literature.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82322 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Alexandra Shaeffer

FREN 661 - Spec Topics in Contemp French

Special topics in contemporary French and Francophone studies. The period of focus for this course is the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.

Special topics in contemporary French and Francophone studies. The period of focus for this course is the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91482 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Isabelle Favre

GEOG 106 - Cultural Geography

Systematic consideration of the spatial aspects of human culture. Major theses: spatial history and morphology, society-land relations and political/economic development. Discussion sessions required.

Systematic consideration of the spatial aspects of human culture. Major theses: spatial history and morphology, society-land relations and political/economic development. Discussion sessions required.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85909 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Christine Johnson

GEOG 200 - World Regional Geog

Synthesis of the geographic factors (physical and human) that give distinctive character to specific culture regions of the world. Emphasis on globalization and cultural diversity.

Synthesis of the geographic factors (physical and human) that give distinctive character to specific culture regions of the world. Emphasis on globalization and cultural diversity.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85910 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Christine Johnson

GEOG 210 - Intro to Geotechnology

The uses of Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning Systems, and Remote Sensing for data analysis and assimilation are introduced. (GEOG 210 and GEOL 210 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

The uses of Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning Systems, and Remote Sensing for data analysis and assimilation are introduced. (GEOG 210 and GEOL 210 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85907 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jia Feng
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85908 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jia Feng

GEOL 210 - Intro to Geotechnology

The uses of Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning Systems, and Remote Sensing for data analysis and assimilation are introduced. (GEOG 210 and GEOL 210 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

The uses of Geographic Information Systems, Global Positioning Systems, and Remote Sensing for data analysis and assimilation are introduced. (GEOG 210 and GEOL 210 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82440 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jia Feng
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82441 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jia Feng

GEOL 765 - Recent Advances in Hydrology

This is a selection of online courses offered in conjunction with the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science (CUAHSI). Selections consist of up to three modules including: coastal and urban hydrology, snow hydrology, ecohydrology, water and agriculture, hydrologic modeling, the application of drones in hydrology and stream tracer modeling. Modules are updated annually for most current problems in hydrology.

This is a selection of online courses offered in conjunction with the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science (CUAHSI). Selections consist of up to three modules including: coastal and urban hydrology, snow hydrology, ecohydrology, water and agriculture, hydrologic modeling, the application of drones in hydrology and stream tracer modeling. Modules are updated annually for most current problems in hydrology.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 88595 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Justin Huntington

GERO 430 - Aging and Health

Exploration of the interrelationships w88 casino gamesbetween health and aging in the U.S. healthcare system. (GERO 430 and NURS 430 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Exploration of the interrelationships w88 casino gamesbetween health and aging in the U.S. healthcare system. (GERO 430 and NURS 430 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91213 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lisa Thomas

GERO 437 - Aging and Addiction

A multidisciplinary overview of factors affecting the identification, intervention and treatment of substance-related and behavioral addictions in older adults. (CAS 437, GERO 437 and SW 437 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the three.)

A multidisciplinary overview of factors affecting the identification, intervention and treatment of substance-related and behavioral addictions in older adults. (CAS 437, GERO 437 and SW 437 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the three.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82500 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Angela Broadus
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82500 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jim Jobin
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82501 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Teresa Sacks
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82502 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Angela Broadus
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82502 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jim Jobin
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82503 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Teresa Sacks

GERO 630 - Aging and Health

Exploration of the interrelationships w88 casino gamesbetween health and aging in the U.S. healthcare system. (GERO 630 and NURS 630 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Exploration of the interrelationships w88 casino gamesbetween health and aging in the U.S. healthcare system. (GERO 630 and NURS 630 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91214 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lisa Thomas

GRAD 701S - College Teaching I

Prefatory workshop required of all new graduate teaching assistants.

Prefatory workshop required of all new graduate teaching assistants.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 88660 0 08/22/2024 08/25/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Markus Kemmelmeier
2024 Fall Graduate 88660 0 08/22/2024 08/25/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Matthew Aguirre
2024 Fall Graduate 88660 0 08/22/2024 08/25/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Loren Pietsch

HDFS 201 - Lifespan Human Develop

Overview of growth and development from the prenatal period through adulthood.

Overview of growth and development from the prenatal period through adulthood.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80419 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Turna Mithila
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80420 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sarah Mitchell

HDFS 430 - Adv Human Sexuality

Exploration of masculine and feminine roles as they relate to human development, personal functioning, interpersonal relations and family living in a complex, changing society.

Exploration of masculine and feminine roles as they relate to human development, personal functioning, interpersonal relations and family living in a complex, changing society.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80416 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Ana Shipman

HDFS 431A - Adv Dev-Infancy

Theory, research, and issues in infancy.

Theory, research, and issues in infancy.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80407 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jennifer Mortensen

HDFS 436 - Family Interaction

Review of research and theory on family dynamics, interactions, and processes. In addition, application also of concepts and assessments via theory application and assessment of family interactions, as well as application of culture to broader global family contexts.

Review of research and theory on family dynamics, interactions, and processes. In addition, application also of concepts and assessments via theory application and assessment of family interactions, as well as application of culture to broader global family contexts.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80371 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Pamela Payne
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80418 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Kimberly Prokosch

HDFS 630 - Adv Human Sexuality

Exploration of masculine and feminine roles as they relate to human development, personal functioning, interpersonal relations and family living in a complex, changing society.

Exploration of masculine and feminine roles as they relate to human development, personal functioning, interpersonal relations and family living in a complex, changing society.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86440 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Ana Shipman

HDFS 631A - Adv Dev-Infancy

Theory, research, and issues in infancy.

Theory, research, and issues in infancy.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86473 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jennifer Mortensen

HDFS 636 - Family Interaction

Review of research and theory on family dynamics, interactions, and processes. In addition, application also of concepts and assessments via theory application and assessment of family interactions, as well as application of culture to broader global family contexts.

Review of research and theory on family dynamics, interactions, and processes. In addition, application also of concepts and assessments via theory application and assessment of family interactions, as well as application of culture to broader global family contexts.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86657 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Pamela Payne

HGPS 201 - Con Holocaust Genocide

Analyzes the origins of prejudice, hatred, and dehumanization policies; examines major social conflicts, mass destructions and genocides; explores conflict resolutions and peaceful social relationships.

Analyzes the origins of prejudice, hatred, and dehumanization policies; examines major social conflicts, mass destructions and genocides; explores conflict resolutions and peaceful social relationships.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82555 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Patrick Jackson

HIST 217 - Nevada History

Nevada history from early exploration to the present. Includes examination of the Nevada Constitution and satisfies the Nevada Constitution requirement.

Nevada history from early exploration to the present. Includes examination of the Nevada Constitution and satisfies the Nevada Constitution requirement.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82676 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Gus Paoli

IDS 495 - Interdisc Studies Capstone

Complete and present a portfolio demonstrating a synthesis of the student's areas of study. Portfolio may include a comprehensive report, specialized field experience, internship, or creative production reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the plan of study.

Complete and present a portfolio demonstrating a synthesis of the student's areas of study. Portfolio may include a comprehensive report, specialized field experience, internship, or creative production reflecting the interdisciplinary nature of the plan of study.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91119 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Emilly Borthwick-Wong

IS 101 - Intro Information Systems

Introductions to microcomputers, computers in business and microcomputer software tools including word processors, spreadsheets and database management systems.

Introductions to microcomputers, computers in business and microcomputer software tools including word processors, spreadsheets and database management systems.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80149 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Adam Reed

IS 301 - Management Info Systms

Introductions to business applications, computers in organizations, systems development theory and practice, application develop methodology, changing technology, and concerns about computer security and privacy.

Introductions to business applications, computers in organizations, systems development theory and practice, application develop methodology, changing technology, and concerns about computer security and privacy.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80027 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) David Croasdell
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91267 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Abel Gbogbolu

IS 482 - Applied Data Science

An introduction to the most commonly used techniques in data analysis, statistical learning and machine learning. This is an applied data analytics course focusing on the theories and algorithms behind each technique from an application point of view.

An introduction to the most commonly used techniques in data analysis, statistical learning and machine learning. This is an applied data analytics course focusing on the theories and algorithms behind each technique from an application point of view.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80211 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Arash Barfar

IS 682 - Applied Data Science

An introduction to the most commonly used techniques in data analysis, statistical learning and machine learning. This is an applied data analytics course focusing on the theories and algorithms behind each technique from an application point of view.

An introduction to the most commonly used techniques in data analysis, statistical learning and machine learning. This is an applied data analytics course focusing on the theories and algorithms behind each technique from an application point of view.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86132 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Arash Barfar

ITLD 410 - Foundation of IT & Lrning Dsgn

Foundation of learning design and using instructional technology tools to support teaching and learning.

Foundation of learning design and using instructional technology tools to support teaching and learning.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90833 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Leping Liu

ITLD 412 - Methods Info Teaching

Special emphasis on developing methods and materials for incorporating information technology into the classroom.

Special emphasis on developing methods and materials for incorporating information technology into the classroom.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80393 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Wenzhen Li

ITLD 413 - Digital Comm & Social Lrning

Theory and practice of technology based social learning. Examine, select and apply digital communication tools to engage social learning.

Theory and practice of technology based social learning. Examine, select and apply digital communication tools to engage social learning.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80421 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Li-Ting Chen

ITLD 610 - Foundation of IT & Lrning Dsgn

Foundation of learning design and using instructional technology tools to support teaching and learning.

Foundation of learning design and using instructional technology tools to support teaching and learning.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 90834 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Leping Liu

ITLD 612 - Methods Info Tech in Teaching

Special emphasis on developing methods and materials for incorporating information technology into the classroom.

Special emphasis on developing methods and materials for incorporating information technology into the classroom.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86455 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Wenzhen Li

ITLD 613 - Digital Comm & Social Lrning

Theory and practice of technology based social learning. Examine, select and apply digital communication tools to engage social learning.

Theory and practice of technology based social learning. Examine, select and apply digital communication tools to engage social learning.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86499 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Li-Ting Chen

ITLD 710 - Ind Study Ed Psy

Independent research in an appropriate area of educational psychology. Maximum of 6 credits.

Independent research in an appropriate area of educational psychology. Maximum of 6 credits.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 86652 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Leping Liu

ITLD 720 - Inst Design Theory & Appli

Contemporary theories, models, and procedures of instructional design in technology based learning, teaching, and training, and the design principles in developing educational digital applications.

Contemporary theories, models, and procedures of instructional design in technology based learning, teaching, and training, and the design principles in developing educational digital applications.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 90838 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jeffrey Weinert

JM 601 - Intro to Justice Mgmt

Subject matter experts engage students in examining the fundamental issues associated with the Justice Management program's areas of concentration: Juvenile, Adult, and Executive Court/Agency Administration.

Subject matter experts engage students in examining the fundamental issues associated with the Justice Management program's areas of concentration: Juvenile, Adult, and Executive Court/Agency Administration.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 88793 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Heather Lara
2024 Fall Graduate 88793 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Nikki Garlic
2024 Fall Graduate 88793 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shawn Marsh

JM 703 - Judicial Process I

Comprehensive overview of civil law and procedure. Areas of law covered in context of causes of action filed in court. Litigation, discovery, trial.

Comprehensive overview of civil law and procedure. Areas of law covered in context of causes of action filed in court. Litigation, discovery, trial.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 90905 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Nikki Garlic
2024 Fall Graduate 90905 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shawn Marsh
2024 Fall Graduate 90905 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Heather Lara

JM 734 - Mental Health Just Mgmt

Examination of selected issues confronting the criminal justice system today such as criminalization of the mentally ill, diagnosis and screening, forced psychotropic medication, and re-entry.

Examination of selected issues confronting the criminal justice system today such as criminalization of the mentally ill, diagnosis and screening, forced psychotropic medication, and re-entry.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 92679 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Heather Lara
2024 Fall Graduate 92679 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shawn Marsh

JM 792 - Sp Top: Adult Just Mgt

Study of special topics related to Adult Justice Management. May be repeated when content differs.

Study of special topics related to Adult Justice Management. May be repeated when content differs.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 90904 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Heather Lara
2024 Fall Graduate 90904 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shawn Marsh
2024 Fall Graduate 90904 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Nikki Garlic

JM 795 - Comprehensive Examination

Course used by the graduate program to administer comprehensive examinations at the end of the degree program. The purpose of course will be to determine student competence in the core areas of the program.

Course used by the graduate program to administer comprehensive examinations at the end of the degree program. The purpose of course will be to determine student competence in the core areas of the program.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 88795 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shawn Marsh
2024 Fall Graduate 88795 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Nikki Garlic
2024 Fall Graduate 88795 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Heather Lara

JM 796 - Professional Project

Submission of plan for change in specific agency, organization, or community. Upon approval, student will implement plan and submit report on process and outcome.

Submission of plan for change in specific agency, organization, or community. Upon approval, student will implement plan and submit report on process and outcome.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 88794 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shawn Marsh
2024 Fall Graduate 88794 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Nikki Garlic
2024 Fall Graduate 88794 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Heather Lara

JOUR 108 - Media Design

Introduction to design principles for media production including the basics of color, typography and composition.

Introduction to design principles for media production including the basics of color, typography and composition.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82872 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Amber Walsh
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82873 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Amber Walsh

JOUR 300 - Visual Communication

Study of visual literacy, perception, cognition, aesthetics, design principles, creativity, critical evaluation, and ethics related to the use of images and information in the media.

Study of visual literacy, perception, cognition, aesthetics, design principles, creativity, critical evaluation, and ethics related to the use of images and information in the media.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82897 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Amber Walsh

JOUR 404 - Cybersecurity, Privacy, Survel

Discussions and readings provide a social scientific framework for contemporary cybersecurity, privacy, and surveillance issues in our global society. Provides a basic knowledge of cybersecurity technologies.

Discussions and readings provide a social scientific framework for contemporary cybersecurity, privacy, and surveillance issues in our global society. Provides a basic knowledge of cybersecurity technologies.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82922 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Paromita Pain

JOUR 475 - Global Media

The goal of the course is to help students develop understanding of media in our global society. The class will present basic media and communication elements that are foundational and commonly found in all or most international media formats. The presentation of formats and elements will be based using the US as our comparative model but with a global perspective.

The goal of the course is to help students develop understanding of media in our global society. The class will present basic media and communication elements that are foundational and commonly found in all or most international media formats. The presentation of formats and elements will be based using the US as our comparative model but with a global perspective.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91166 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Paromita Pain

JOUR 604 - Cybersecurity, Privacy, and Su

Discussions and readings provide a social scientific framework for contemporary cybersecurity, privacy, and surveillance issues in our global society. Provides a basic knowledge of cybersecurity technologies.

Discussions and readings provide a social scientific framework for contemporary cybersecurity, privacy, and surveillance issues in our global society. Provides a basic knowledge of cybersecurity technologies.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 88845 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Paromita Pain

JOUR 675 - Global Media

The goal of the course is to help students develop understanding of media in our global society. The class will present basic media and communication elements that are foundational and commonly found in all or most international media formats. The presentation of formats and elements will be based using the US as our comparative model but with a global perspective.

The goal of the course is to help students develop understanding of media in our global society. The class will present basic media and communication elements that are foundational and commonly found in all or most international media formats. The presentation of formats and elements will be based using the US as our comparative model but with a global perspective.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91167 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Paromita Pain

JPN 111 - First Year Japanese I

Introduction to the language through structural analysis and the writing system. Includes some conversation and an introduction to Japanese culture.

Introduction to the language through structural analysis and the writing system. Includes some conversation and an introduction to Japanese culture.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82953 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Aiko Nagao
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82953 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Aiko Nagao

JPN 221 - Japan- Its Culture

Introduction to the culture and civilization of Japan. Taught in English; no knowledge of Japanese required.

Introduction to the culture and civilization of Japan. Taught in English; no knowledge of Japanese required.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 82963 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Aiko Nagao

KIN 111 - Medical Terminology

Self-learning approach to terminology used in medical professions. Emphasis on understanding word roots and building vocabulary.

Self-learning approach to terminology used in medical professions. Emphasis on understanding word roots and building vocabulary.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90609 1 08/26/2024 10/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Daryl Teittinen
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90610 1 10/14/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Daryl Teittinen

KIN 120 - Pers Health & Wellness

Explore health values, attitudes, and behaviors of self and others. Design personal wellness plans.

Explore health values, attitudes, and behaviors of self and others. Design personal wellness plans.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85942 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Nora Constantino
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85942 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Daryl Teittinen

KIN 360 - Disability Issues

Examines disability issues related to health and wellness from historical, philosophical, psychological, and sociological perspectives.

Examines disability issues related to health and wellness from historical, philosophical, psychological, and sociological perspectives.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85940 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Robbin Dunn

MATH 120 - Fund College Math

Sets, logic; probability, statistics; consumer mathematics; variation; geometry and trigonometry for measurement; linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functions. Emphasis on problem solving and applications. (Credit may not be received for MATH 120 if credit has already been awarded for MATH 127 or above. This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics requirement.)

Sets, logic; probability, statistics; consumer mathematics; variation; geometry and trigonometry for measurement; linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functions. Emphasis on problem solving and applications. (Credit may not be received for MATH 120 if credit has already been awarded for MATH 127 or above. This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics requirement.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83296 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Randy Ringstad

MATH 126 - Precalculus I

Fundamentals of algebra; polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, their graphs, and applications; complex numbers; absolute value and quadratic inequalities; systems of equations, matrices, determinants. (Credit may not be received for MATH 126 if credit has already been awarded for MATH 128. This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics requirement).

Fundamentals of algebra; polynomial, rational, exponential, and logarithmic functions, their graphs, and applications; complex numbers; absolute value and quadratic inequalities; systems of equations, matrices, determinants. (Credit may not be received for MATH 126 if credit has already been awarded for MATH 128. This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics requirement).
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83297 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Paige Hernandez

MATH 127 - Precalculus II

Trigonometric functions, identities and equations; conic sections; complex numbers; polar coordinates, vectors; systems of equations, Matrix algebra and more. (Credit may not be received for MATH 127 if credit has already been awarded for MATH 128.) This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics requirement).

Trigonometric functions, identities and equations; conic sections; complex numbers; polar coordinates, vectors; systems of equations, Matrix algebra and more. (Credit may not be received for MATH 127 if credit has already been awarded for MATH 128.) This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics requirement).
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83298 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Birant Ramazan

MATH 176 - Calculus for Business

Fundamental ideas of analytic geometry and calculus, plane coordinates, graphs, functions, limits, derivatives, integrals, the fundamental theorem of calculus, rates, extrema and applications thereof. (This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics requirement. Credit may not be received for Math 176 if credit has already been awarded for MATH 181 or above.)

Fundamental ideas of analytic geometry and calculus, plane coordinates, graphs, functions, limits, derivatives, integrals, the fundamental theorem of calculus, rates, extrema and applications thereof. (This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics requirement. Credit may not be received for Math 176 if credit has already been awarded for MATH 181 or above.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83299 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Amit Saini

MATH 181 - Calculus I

Fundamental concepts of analytic geometry and calculus; functions, graphs, limits, derivatives and integrals. (This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics requirement.)

Fundamental concepts of analytic geometry and calculus; functions, graphs, limits, derivatives and integrals. (This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics requirement.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83300 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stanislav Jabuka

MATH 182 - Calculus II

Methods of integration. Sequences and series, power series.

Methods of integration. Sequences and series, power series.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83301 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Charlie Nazemian

MATH 283 - Calculus III

Continuation of MATH 182; vectors, partial and directional derivatives, optimization problems, multiple integrals, parametric curves, vector fields, line integrals, surface integrals, and the theorems of Gauss, Green and Stokes.

Continuation of MATH 182; vectors, partial and directional derivatives, optimization problems, multiple integrals, parametric curves, vector fields, line integrals, surface integrals, and the theorems of Gauss, Green and Stokes.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83302 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Tynan Kelly

MATH 285 - Differential Equations

Theory and solving techniques for: constant and variable coefficient linear equations, a variety of non-linear equations. Emphasis on those differential equations arising from real-world phenomena.

Theory and solving techniques for: constant and variable coefficient linear equations, a variety of non-linear equations. Emphasis on those differential equations arising from real-world phenomena.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83303 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Aleksey Telyakovskiy

MATH 330 - Linear Algebra

Vector analysis continued; abstract vector spaces; bases, inner products; projections; orthogonal complements, least squares; linear maps, structure theorems; elementary spectral theory; applications.

Vector analysis continued; abstract vector spaces; bases, inner products; projections; orthogonal complements, least squares; linear maps, structure theorems; elementary spectral theory; applications.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83293 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Pan Shun Lau

MGT 321 - Business Communication

Principles and practices for business writing, letters, memos, proposals, research, job applications, resumes, and business presentations.

Principles and practices for business writing, letters, memos, proposals, research, job applications, resumes, and business presentations.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90957 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Joey Ray
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90959 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Judith Parker

MGT 325 - Legal Environment

Legal, ethical, political and international environments in which business operates. Examines changing procedural and substantive rules which regulate business entities and individuals in a diverse culture.

Legal, ethical, political and international environments in which business operates. Examines changing procedural and substantive rules which regulate business entities and individuals in a diverse culture.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80082 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Joseph Mckay
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80169 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Joseph Mckay

MGT 496 - Strg Mgmt/Policy

Emphasis on the application of knowledge from all functional areas of business to organizational problems and the formulation and implementation of organizational strategies.

Emphasis on the application of knowledge from all functional areas of business to organizational problems and the formulation and implementation of organizational strategies.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90961 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Saeb Khassawneh

MICR 276 - Intro to Microbiology

Survey of the biology of microorganisms. Topics include microbial structure, physiology, genetics, and evolution; virology; and environmental microbiology.

Survey of the biology of microorganisms. Topics include microbial structure, physiology, genetics, and evolution; virology; and environmental microbiology.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83507 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Deanna Colton

MKT 312 - Buyer Behavior

Nature and determinants of consumer behavior. Attention focused on the influence of socio-psychological factors (such as personality, small groups, demographic variables, social class and culture) on the formation of consumer's attributes, consumption and purchasing behavior.

Nature and determinants of consumer behavior. Attention focused on the influence of socio-psychological factors (such as personality, small groups, demographic variables, social class and culture) on the formation of consumer's attributes, consumption and purchasing behavior.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 80174 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Stephanie Jiroch

MKT 492 - Adv Sem Marketing

Advanced study of selected topics in marketing. Maximum of 9 credits.

Advanced study of selected topics in marketing. Maximum of 9 credits.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91324 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Murray Mackenzie

MUS 121 - Music Appreciation

Historical and cultural background of music. A general course in music appreciation open to all students. Representative works are heard and analyzed.

Historical and cultural background of music. A general course in music appreciation open to all students. Representative works are heard and analyzed.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83756 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Valerio Morucci
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83776 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Valerio Morucci
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83833 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Valerio Morucci
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83789 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Valerio Morucci

MUS 122 - Survey of Jazz

Chronological study of jazz music and musicians with emphasis on directed listening.

Chronological study of jazz music and musicians with emphasis on directed listening.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83869 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Chris Clark

NURS 407 - Pathophysiology

This course provides a conceptual foundation of pathophysiological principles for nursing practice.

This course provides a conceptual foundation of pathophysiological principles for nursing practice.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83950 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Patricia Ozuna

NURS 430 - Aging and Health

Exploration of the interrelationships w88 casino gamesbetween health and aging in the U.S. healthcare system. (GERO 430 and NURS 430 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Exploration of the interrelationships w88 casino gamesbetween health and aging in the U.S. healthcare system. (GERO 430 and NURS 430 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91216 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Diane Anderson

NURS 441 - Nursing Leadership & Managment

Applies theories and concepts of leadership, management, interdisciplinary collaboration, quality improvement, and EBP across complex and diverse healthcare settings. Develops a personal leadership style and professional career plan.

Applies theories and concepts of leadership, management, interdisciplinary collaboration, quality improvement, and EBP across complex and diverse healthcare settings. Develops a personal leadership style and professional career plan.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83894 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Caleigh Sollinger

NURS 466S - Hlth Care Stats & Nursg Rsrch

Explores the foundations upon which scientific investigations of health are based. Includes instruction on descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency, probability models, and hypothesis testing with an emphasis on critical appraisal of healthcare literature.

Explores the foundations upon which scientific investigations of health are based. Includes instruction on descriptive statistics, measures of central tendency, probability models, and hypothesis testing with an emphasis on critical appraisal of healthcare literature.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83939 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Aubree Carlson

NURS 467 - Informatics, Tech, & Hlth Plcy

Provides an overview of health care policy, policy development, and healthcare systems. Introduces concepts of nursing informatics and healthcare technology to improve quality and interdisciplinary communication.

Provides an overview of health care policy, policy development, and healthcare systems. Introduces concepts of nursing informatics and healthcare technology to improve quality and interdisciplinary communication.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92356 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shannon Burleson

NURS 487 - Social Justice in Health Care

Introduction to social justice topics as they relate to the healthcare professions.

Introduction to social justice topics as they relate to the healthcare professions.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83938 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Julie Sawyer

NURS 488 - Nursing Leadership Application

Application of nursing leadership theory and management principles.

Application of nursing leadership theory and management principles.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92622 3 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lisa Thomas

NURS 497 - Nursing Law and Ethics

Legal and ethical issues relevant to healthcare professions. Students will analyze the concepts of jurisprudence, regulation of healthcare, and ethical practice in healthcare settings.

Legal and ethical issues relevant to healthcare professions. Students will analyze the concepts of jurisprudence, regulation of healthcare, and ethical practice in healthcare settings.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83937 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lisa Sikes

NURS 498 - Independent Study

Opportunity for students to master areas of knowledge through independent organization and assimilation of materials under guidance of faculty advisors. Maximum of 6 credits.

Opportunity for students to master areas of knowledge through independent organization and assimilation of materials under guidance of faculty advisors. Maximum of 6 credits.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 83940 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lisa Thomas

NURS 630 - Aging and Health

Exploration of the interrelationships w88 casino gamesbetween health and aging in the U.S. healthcare system. (GERO 630 and NURS 630 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Exploration of the interrelationships w88 casino gamesbetween health and aging in the U.S. healthcare system. (GERO 630 and NURS 630 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91215 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lisa Thomas

NURS 701 - Mental Health Assessment

Mental health knowledge, concepts, and techniques for the evaluation and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders across the lifespan.

Mental health knowledge, concepts, and techniques for the evaluation and diagnosis of psychiatric disorders across the lifespan.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89499 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89499 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Roger Green
2024 Fall Graduate 89499 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) CAMERON DUNCAN

NURS 707 - Assessment & Management for th

AGACNP clinical practicum emphasizing advanced assessment, differential diagnosis, diagnostic and laboratory evaluations, intervention implementation (including prescribing and non-pharmacologic treatments), outcome identification, evaluation, care planning and management, counseling, education, and leadership for patients and families with acute episodic, acute exacerbations of chronic illness, acute injury, or terminal illness.

AGACNP clinical practicum emphasizing advanced assessment, differential diagnosis, diagnostic and laboratory evaluations, intervention implementation (including prescribing and non-pharmacologic treatments), outcome identification, evaluation, care planning and management, counseling, education, and leadership for patients and families with acute episodic, acute exacerbations of chronic illness, acute injury, or terminal illness.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89552 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jacqueline Ferdowsali
2024 Fall Graduate 89552 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Denise Stahlbusch
2024 Fall Graduate 89552 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89553 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89553 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sherry Fedak
2024 Fall Graduate 89553 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jacqueline Ferdowsali
2024 Fall Graduate 89554 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89554 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Michael Marinaccio
2024 Fall Graduate 89554 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jacqueline Ferdowsali
2024 Fall Graduate 89557 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Christina Clark
2024 Fall Graduate 89557 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jacqueline Ferdowsali
2024 Fall Graduate 89557 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 713 - Mgt Comor Cond Acute Care Prac

Advancing competency in the formation and evaluation of comprehensive evidence-based plans of care.

Advancing competency in the formation and evaluation of comprehensive evidence-based plans of care.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89519 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89519 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Denise Stahlbusch
2024 Fall Graduate 89525 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Denise Stahlbusch
2024 Fall Graduate 89525 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 714 - Adv Practice Intro Criti Care

Refinement of knowledge and skills in evidence-based practice; evaluation of patient outcomes for complex management within a critical care environment.

Refinement of knowledge and skills in evidence-based practice; evaluation of patient outcomes for complex management within a critical care environment.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89520 2 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jacqueline Ferdowsali
2024 Fall Graduate 89520 2 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89520 2 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Kameron Ferdowsali

NURS 717 - Adv Pathophys

Focus on the physiology and pathology that underlies disease processes across the lifespan.

Focus on the physiology and pathology that underlies disease processes across the lifespan.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89456 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Patricia Ozuna
2024 Fall Graduate 89456 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 721 - Assess & DX in PMH Settings

Psychiatric-mental health clinical practicum emphasizing psychiatric assessment, diagnostic evaluations, treatment planning, leadership and evaluations strategies for the PMHNP.

Psychiatric-mental health clinical practicum emphasizing psychiatric assessment, diagnostic evaluations, treatment planning, leadership and evaluations strategies for the PMHNP.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89521 1 - 12 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Roger Green
2024 Fall Graduate 89521 1 - 12 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89522 1 - 12 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)

NURS 725 - DNP Underpinnings

Articulates and supports a role for the nursing doctorate to prepare nurse leaders. Addresses critical analysis and synthesis of the literature and available data to implement evidence-based practice into healthcare practice.

Articulates and supports a role for the nursing doctorate to prepare nurse leaders. Addresses critical analysis and synthesis of the literature and available data to implement evidence-based practice into healthcare practice.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89507 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89507 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Christina Alsop

NURS 726 - MH Dx & Mgt of Child/Adolesc

Advanced psychiatric nursing care of children and adolescents: including assessment, diagnosis, health promotion/management, and evaluation.

Advanced psychiatric nursing care of children and adolescents: including assessment, diagnosis, health promotion/management, and evaluation.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89505 2 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89505 2 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Roger Green

NURS 728 - Analysis of Healthcare

An introduction to the analysis of the health/human service organizations as a particular type of complex organization.

An introduction to the analysis of the health/human service organizations as a particular type of complex organization.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89506 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89506 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Carrie Hintz

NURS 730 - MH Dx & Mgt Geriatrics

Theoretical and practical strategies for the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner caring for the geriatric client.

Theoretical and practical strategies for the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner caring for the geriatric client.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89523 1 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89523 1 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Roger Green

NURS 731 - Adv Pharm & Prescrib

Understanding of basic pharmacologic principles applied to new drugs as they become available in the future with application to acute, and critical care situations for pediatric and adolescent populations.

Understanding of basic pharmacologic principles applied to new drugs as they become available in the future with application to acute, and critical care situations for pediatric and adolescent populations.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89536 1 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Patricia Ozuna
2024 Fall Graduate 89536 1 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 733 - Dx Sympt, Acut & Chron Ill Mgt

Application of theoretical frameworks for disease prevention, health promotion, maintenance and restoration for pediatric populations. Principles of diagnostic and treatment modalities; application of diagnostic reasoning skills and management of pediatric acutely ill.

Application of theoretical frameworks for disease prevention, health promotion, maintenance and restoration for pediatric populations. Principles of diagnostic and treatment modalities; application of diagnostic reasoning skills and management of pediatric acutely ill.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89534 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89534 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Patricia Ozuna

NURS 734 - Mgt Chron Ill Ped & Adol

Synthesis and practicum application of the ACNP role in a variety of precepted acute care clinical settings. Interdisciplinary collaboration among health care providers is promoted.

Synthesis and practicum application of the ACNP role in a variety of precepted acute care clinical settings. Interdisciplinary collaboration among health care providers is promoted.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89535 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) David Morgan
2024 Fall Graduate 89535 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Patricia Ozuna
2024 Fall Graduate 89535 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 735 - Scientific Inquiry

Analysis of concepts, models, constructs, and theories that apply to scientific inquiry in development of nursing science for evidence-based practice, leadership, and education.

Analysis of concepts, models, constructs, and theories that apply to scientific inquiry in development of nursing science for evidence-based practice, leadership, and education.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89447 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89447 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Aubree Carlson
2024 Fall Graduate 89487 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89487 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Ezra Holston

NURS 737 - Aggreg Health Issues

Advanced practice nursing applications for population or aggregate health promotion, advocacy, and disease and/or disability prevention.

Advanced practice nursing applications for population or aggregate health promotion, advocacy, and disease and/or disability prevention.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89448 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Theresa Watts
2024 Fall Graduate 89448 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89489 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89489 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Ezra Holston

NURS 750 - Adv Health Assess

Utilizes knowledge derived from the arts, humanities and sciences to assess the health of individuals across the life span.

Utilizes knowledge derived from the arts, humanities and sciences to assess the health of individuals across the life span.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89458 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Deborah Shindell
2024 Fall Graduate 89458 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89458 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Alexa Curtis
2024 Fall Graduate 89449 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)

NURS 751 - Assessment & Management Practi

Synthesis and practicum application of the FNP role in primary care clinical settings in both rural and urban areas. Includes clients across the lifespan.

Synthesis and practicum application of the FNP role in primary care clinical settings in both rural and urban areas. Includes clients across the lifespan.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89549 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Megan Pratt
2024 Fall Graduate 89549 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Deborah Shindell
2024 Fall Graduate 89549 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89550 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89550 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Megan Pratt
2024 Fall Graduate 89550 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Christina Alsop
2024 Fall Graduate 89551 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Megan Pratt
2024 Fall Graduate 89551 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89551 1 - 13 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Andrea Black

NURS 757 - Role in Managing Pediatric Chr

Synthesis of the role of the Nurse Practitioner in management of pediatric clients with chronic illness in primary care.

Synthesis of the role of the Nurse Practitioner in management of pediatric clients with chronic illness in primary care.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89450 1 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Megan Pratt
2024 Fall Graduate 89450 1 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Elaine Cudnik
2024 Fall Graduate 89450 1 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 761 - Clinical Education Leadership

Promoting the unique knowledge, skills, insights, attitudes, and leadership of nurses in clinical agencies.

Promoting the unique knowledge, skills, insights, attitudes, and leadership of nurses in clinical agencies.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89542 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89542 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rochelle Walsh

NURS 762 - Healthcare Policy

This course provides a foundation for analyzing health policy from a public, institutional, organizational, and social domains. It will provide a generalist foundation for nursing leaders in policy and advocacy from the perspective of the various components involved in the healthcare system.

This course provides a foundation for analyzing health policy from a public, institutional, organizational, and social domains. It will provide a generalist foundation for nursing leaders in policy and advocacy from the perspective of the various components involved in the healthcare system.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89543 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Carrie Hintz
2024 Fall Graduate 89543 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 763 - Management for Nursing

Analysis and application of human resource management, public relations, and marketing strategies for effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals.

Analysis and application of human resource management, public relations, and marketing strategies for effective and efficient use of human talent to accomplish organizational goals.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89511 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89511 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Derek Drake
2024 Fall Graduate 89511 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Carrie Hintz

NURS 764 - Prac Devel Strat APRN

Analysis, application of advanced nursing practice principles: business/financial operations, regulatory/legal management, marketing, information management, role development.

Analysis, application of advanced nursing practice principles: business/financial operations, regulatory/legal management, marketing, information management, role development.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89514 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jacqueline Ferdowsali
2024 Fall Graduate 89514 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 765 - DNP Residency

Residency to apply program concepts and develop and implement strategies for practice-level and/or system-wide practice initiatives to improve the quality of care.

Residency to apply program concepts and develop and implement strategies for practice-level and/or system-wide practice initiatives to improve the quality of care.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89518 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Carrie Hintz
2024 Fall Graduate 89518 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 774 - Mgt of Adult/Gero Acute Illnes

Synthesis and practicum application of the AGPCNP role in managing the care of adult and geriatric patient population in primary care. Synthesis and practicum application of the AGPCNP role in primary care clinical settings in both rural and urban areas.

Synthesis and practicum application of the AGPCNP role in managing the care of adult and geriatric patient population in primary care. Synthesis and practicum application of the AGPCNP role in primary care clinical settings in both rural and urban areas.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89548 1 - 11 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Megan Pratt
2024 Fall Graduate 89548 1 - 11 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Deborah Shindell
2024 Fall Graduate 89548 1 - 11 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 780 - Didactic Nursing Education

Educational foundations for didactic teaching in academic and non-academic environments.

Educational foundations for didactic teaching in academic and non-academic environments.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89555 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rochelle Walsh
2024 Fall Graduate 89555 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Julie Sawyer
2024 Fall Graduate 89555 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89556 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)

NURS 781 - Online Nursing Education

Educational foundations for online learning in academic and non-academic settings.

Educational foundations for online learning in academic and non-academic settings.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89455 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rochelle Walsh
2024 Fall Graduate 89455 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89455 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Julie Sawyer
2024 Fall Graduate 89545 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Julie Sawyer
2024 Fall Graduate 89545 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rochelle Walsh
2024 Fall Graduate 89545 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 784 - Role Managing Adult/Gero Chron

Synthesis of the role of the Nurse Practitioner in management of adult and geriatric clients with chronic illness in primary care. This course examines the pathophysiological, psychosocial, and human basis for occurrence, detection, and management of selected chronic illnesses in the adult and geriatric populations. Management focuses on prevention, intervention, health maintenance, evaluation, and the human experience.

Synthesis of the role of the Nurse Practitioner in management of adult and geriatric clients with chronic illness in primary care. This course examines the pathophysiological, psychosocial, and human basis for occurrence, detection, and management of selected chronic illnesses in the adult and geriatric populations. Management focuses on prevention, intervention, health maintenance, evaluation, and the human experience.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89547 2 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Megan Pratt
2024 Fall Graduate 89547 2 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 788 - DNP Project

Completion of the DNP project design and implementation. The results will be evaluated, culminating with a final written and oral defense. The course may be repeated up to a maximum of 6 units.

Completion of the DNP project design and implementation. The results will be evaluated, culminating with a final written and oral defense. The course may be repeated up to a maximum of 6 units.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89490 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89490 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Z Li
2024 Fall Graduate 89491 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lisa Thomas
2024 Fall Graduate 89491 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89510 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89510 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) CAMERON DUNCAN
2024 Fall Graduate 89492 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Roger Green
2024 Fall Graduate 89492 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89493 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Patricia Ozuna
2024 Fall Graduate 89493 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89494 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89495 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 89496 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 89509 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Carrie Hintz
2024 Fall Graduate 89509 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89513 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shannon Richard
2024 Fall Graduate 89513 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89515 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89515 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stacy Demitropoulos
2024 Fall Graduate 89516 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89516 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jacqueline Ferdowsali
2024 Fall Graduate 89526 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rochelle Walsh
2024 Fall Graduate 89526 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89527 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89527 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Aubree Carlson
2024 Fall Graduate 89528 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Deborah Shindell
2024 Fall Graduate 89528 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89531 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 89533 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Ezra Holston
2024 Fall Graduate 89533 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89539 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89539 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Suchawadee Yimmee
2024 Fall Graduate 89540 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89540 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Theresa Watts
2024 Fall Graduate 89546 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Megan Pratt
2024 Fall Graduate 89546 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89558 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 89561 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89561 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Kimberly Baxter

NURS 791 - Special Topics

Guided literature review and analysis.

Guided literature review and analysis.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89524 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) CAMERON DUNCAN
2024 Fall Graduate 89524 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 792 - Nursing Outcomes Mgmt

Application of concepts of quality improvement and safety to the management of outcomes in health care and nursing systems to ensure delivery of quality inter-professional care.

Application of concepts of quality improvement and safety to the management of outcomes in health care and nursing systems to ensure delivery of quality inter-professional care.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89512 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Rebecca Scarpa
2024 Fall Graduate 89512 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Karen Meskimen
2024 Fall Graduate 89512 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 793 - Independent Study

Independent research or project in an area of special interest.

Independent research or project in an area of special interest.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89452 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89475 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shannon Richard
2024 Fall Graduate 89476 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Debera Thomas
2024 Fall Graduate 89477 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89478 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 89479 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 89480 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 89481 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 89482 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Wei-Chen Tung
2024 Fall Graduate 89502 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jacqueline Ferdowsali

NURS 794 - Evidence Based Scholarship

Translation and integration of research into evidence-based practice to improve the health outcomes of identified individuals, communities, or populations.

Translation and integration of research into evidence-based practice to improve the health outcomes of identified individuals, communities, or populations.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89544 1 - 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89544 1 - 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Aubree Carlson
2024 Fall Graduate 89544 1 - 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Carrie Hintz
2024 Fall Graduate 89544 1 - 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jacqueline Ferdowsali

NURS 795 - Comp Exam

Course is used by graduate programs to administer comprehensive examinations either as an end of program comprehensive examination or as a qualifying examination for doctoral candidates prior to being advanced to candidacy.

Course is used by graduate programs to administer comprehensive examinations either as an end of program comprehensive examination or as a qualifying examination for doctoral candidates prior to being advanced to candidacy.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89453 1 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NURS 797 - Thesis

Required of all students who wish to complete a master of science degree in nursing under Plan A.

Required of all students who wish to complete a master of science degree in nursing under Plan A.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89460 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Deborah Shindell
2024 Fall Graduate 89460 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89466 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lisa Thomas
2024 Fall Graduate 89461 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89462 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Susan Ervin
2024 Fall Graduate 89463 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 89464 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 89465 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)
2024 Fall Graduate 89467 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Wei-Chen Tung
2024 Fall Graduate 89484 1 - 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Glenn Hagerstrom

NURS 798 - Research Project

Maximum of 3 credits.

Maximum of 3 credits.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89454 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89468 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lisa Thomas
2024 Fall Graduate 89469 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor
2024 Fall Graduate 89470 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shannon Richard
2024 Fall Graduate 89471 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Susan Ervin
2024 Fall Graduate 89472 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Wei-Chen Tung
2024 Fall Graduate 89473 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Glenn Hagerstrom
2024 Fall Graduate 89474 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sandra Olguin
2024 Fall Graduate 89508 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Debera Thomas
2024 Fall Graduate 89483 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Carrie Hintz
2024 Fall Graduate 89488 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jacqueline Ferdowsali
2024 Fall Graduate 89501 1 - 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous)

NURS 899 - Graduate Advisement

Provides access to faculty for continued consultation and advisement. Credits may not be applied to any degree requirements. Limited to 8 credits (2 semester) enrollment. For non-thesis master's degree students only.

Provides access to faculty for continued consultation and advisement. Credits may not be applied to any degree requirements. Limited to 8 credits (2 semester) enrollment. For non-thesis master's degree students only.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89485 1 - 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stephanie Deboor

NUTR 121 - Human Nutrition

Principles of nutrition and their application to well balanced diets. Four laboratory sessions are included each semester.

Principles of nutrition and their application to well balanced diets. Four laboratory sessions are included each semester.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84021 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Erin Engle
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84022 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Erin Engle
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84023 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Erin Engle

NUTR 701 - Advanced Metabolism

Physiological pathways for detoxification that mainly centers around phase I and phase II enzyme systems. How do food-derived compounds and nutrients modulate processes involved in the conversion and excretion of toxins from the body? Examine clinical applications to improve patient health or reduce disease burden; examining detoxification with disease state, genetic polymorphisms and drug-nutrient interactions.

Physiological pathways for detoxification that mainly centers around phase I and phase II enzyme systems. How do food-derived compounds and nutrients modulate processes involved in the conversion and excretion of toxins from the body? Examine clinical applications to improve patient health or reduce disease burden; examining detoxification with disease state, genetic polymorphisms and drug-nutrient interactions.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91317 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Bradley Ferguson

NUTR 702 - Advanced Medical Nutri Therapy

This course focuses on the advanced application of evidence-based practices and standards of care necessary to address patient management issues in individuals requiring medical nutrition therapy. A major focus of this course is to evaluate the complications encountered in medical nutrition therapy in the presence of inflammation and metabolic stress. Students' prior basic skills in the pathophysiology disease and the Nutrition Care Process (NCP) will be further developed in reading the literature.

This course focuses on the advanced application of evidence-based practices and standards of care necessary to address patient management issues in individuals requiring medical nutrition therapy. A major focus of this course is to evaluate the complications encountered in medical nutrition therapy in the presence of inflammation and metabolic stress. Students' prior basic skills in the pathophysiology disease and the Nutrition Care Process (NCP) will be further developed in reading the literature.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91318 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Justine Habibian

PAIT 111 - First Year Northern Paiute I

This course is an introduction to the Northern Paiute (Numu) language. The goal of the course is to develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in the language, as well as to develop a deeper understanding of Numu cultural contexts.

This course is an introduction to the Northern Paiute (Numu) language. The goal of the course is to develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in the language, as well as to develop a deeper understanding of Numu cultural contexts.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 86003 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Ralph Burns

PAIT 211 - 2nd Year Northern Paiute I

This course builds on the introductory PAIT 111 and 112. The goal of the course is to develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in the language, as well as to develop a deeper understanding of Numu cultural contexts.

This course builds on the introductory PAIT 111 and 112. The goal of the course is to develop speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in the language, as well as to develop a deeper understanding of Numu cultural contexts.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 86004 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Ralph Burns

PBH 101 - Foundations of Public Health

Epidemics, chronic disease, workplace hazards, bioterrorism, pollution, second hand smoke, violence - are all public health problems. This course will introduce students to the growing field of public health with a focused look at the core areas of environmental health, epidemiology, population health, and health promotion.

Epidemics, chronic disease, workplace hazards, bioterrorism, pollution, second hand smoke, violence - are all public health problems. This course will introduce students to the growing field of public health with a focused look at the core areas of environmental health, epidemiology, population health, and health promotion.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90636 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Amy Fitch

PBH 211 - Technical Writing in the Healt

Improve student skills in developing and presenting written discussion of a health science topic; gain experience with norms and guidelines for successful writing in the sciences.

Improve student skills in developing and presenting written discussion of a health science topic; gain experience with norms and guidelines for successful writing in the sciences.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90722 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Enid Jennings
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90677 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Sandra Deleon
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90681 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Sandra Deleon

PBH 220 - Intro to Public Health Biology

Overview of human disease, implication of disease management, and current disease processes.

Overview of human disease, implication of disease management, and current disease processes.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90670 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Julie Smith Gagen

PBH 281 - Introduction to Biostatistics

This course will introduce elementary methods for collection, presentation, and analysis of public health data and emphasize the application of statistical ideas and methods to a variety of public health research. Core concepts and methods in health data analysis will be addressed. Applications using real data from a variety of public health data sources will be used throughout the course to illustrate the material.

This course will introduce elementary methods for collection, presentation, and analysis of public health data and emphasize the application of statistical ideas and methods to a variety of public health research. Core concepts and methods in health data analysis will be addressed. Applications using real data from a variety of public health data sources will be used throughout the course to illustrate the material.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90669 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Soyoung Ryu

PBH 315 - Social and Behavioral Sciences

This course presents significant social, cultural, and behavioral topics related to public health and health promotion sciences.

This course presents significant social, cultural, and behavioral topics related to public health and health promotion sciences.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90699 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Roy Oman

PBH 381 - Intro Health Data Analysis

Principles of health data analysis in fields of health sciences.

Principles of health data analysis in fields of health sciences.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91189 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Yoon-Bae Jun

PBH 461 - Global Health Promotion

Overview of contemporary global public health concerns, their determinants, and potential evidence-based solutions.

Overview of contemporary global public health concerns, their determinants, and potential evidence-based solutions.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 90641 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Gerold Dermid

PBH 472 - Intro Organ Procur & Transplan

This course provides the students with introductionary and overview knowledge necessary to understanding key concepts and elements of organ procurement and transplantation process.

This course provides the students with introductionary and overview knowledge necessary to understanding key concepts and elements of organ procurement and transplantation process.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92237 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Nilay Etiler

PBH 494 - Field Studies in Public Health

Supervised field experience in health and wellness settings.

Supervised field experience in health and wellness settings.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 81876 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Zach Dupin

PBH 661 - Global Health Promotion

Overview of contemporary global public health concerns, their determinants, and potential evidence-based solutions.

Overview of contemporary global public health concerns, their determinants, and potential evidence-based solutions.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 90924 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Gerold Dermid

PBH 672 - Intro Organ Procur & Transplan

This course provides the students with introductionary and overview knowledge necessary to understanding key concepts and elements of organ procurement and transplantation process.

This course provides the students with introductionary and overview knowledge necessary to understanding key concepts and elements of organ procurement and transplantation process.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 92238 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Nilay Etiler

PBH 717 - Adv Pathophys

Focus on the physiology and pathology that underlies disease processes across the lifespan.

Focus on the physiology and pathology that underlies disease processes across the lifespan.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 92239 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Patricia Ozuna

PHIL 244 - Bioethics

Treatment of such issues as abortion and euthanasia, cloning, genetic screening, just health care, patients' rights, the use of human and animal subjects in research.

Treatment of such issues as abortion and euthanasia, cloning, genetic screening, just health care, patients' rights, the use of human and animal subjects in research.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84168 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) James Smith

PSC 100 - Nevada Constitution

Introduction to the political history of Nevada through an examination of the Nevada Constitution. Satisfies the Nevada Constitution requirement. Not open to students who have obtained credit for PSC 103, PSC 208, or HIST 217.

Introduction to the political history of Nevada through an examination of the Nevada Constitution. Satisfies the Nevada Constitution requirement. Not open to students who have obtained credit for PSC 103, PSC 208, or HIST 217.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 89840 1 08/26/2024 10/13/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Evan Pritsos
2024 Fall Undergraduate 89841 1 10/14/2024 12/08/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Evan Pritsos
2024 Fall Undergraduate 89842 1 08/26/2024 10/13/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Owen Fite
2024 Fall Undergraduate 89845 1 10/14/2024 12/08/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Owen Fite
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92578 1 08/26/2024 10/13/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Owen Fite

PSC 101 - Amer Polit Process

American government and the discipline of political science; surveys participation, pursuit and use of power, constitution formation, and contemporary political issues. Satisfies the U.S. and Nevada Constitution requirements. Credit not allowed in both PSC 101 and PSC 103 .

American government and the discipline of political science; surveys participation, pursuit and use of power, constitution formation, and contemporary political issues. Satisfies the U.S. and Nevada Constitution requirements. Credit not allowed in both PSC 101 and PSC 103 .
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84343 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Adam Garcia

PSC 211 - Intro to Comparative Politics

Introduction to the politics and governing systems of countries around the world. Addresses questions such as why some governments are democratic and others are not; why the inhabitants of some countries and world regions experience higher levels of material and physical well-being than others; and when and why social mobilization and/or political violence occurs. The course examines some of the answers that have been proposed on the basis of comparative (cross-national) research.

Introduction to the politics and governing systems of countries around the world. Addresses questions such as why some governments are democratic and others are not; why the inhabitants of some countries and world regions experience higher levels of material and physical well-being than others; and when and why social mobilization and/or political violence occurs. The course examines some of the answers that have been proposed on the basis of comparative (cross-national) research.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84360 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stacy Fisher

PSC 231 - Intro International Relations

This course offers an introduction to theories of international relations and issues affecting international politics. The course is both theoretical and thematic. Students will examine competing arguments regarding relations among states and relations between states and non-state actors. What causes conflict? What leads to peace between states? What forces drive changes in geo-politics? (CO6, CO11).

This course offers an introduction to theories of international relations and issues affecting international politics. The course is both theoretical and thematic. Students will examine competing arguments regarding relations among states and relations between states and non-state actors. What causes conflict? What leads to peace between states? What forces drive changes in geo-politics? (CO6, CO11).
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84344 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jeffrey Griffin

PSC 304 - Legislative Process

Study of the legislative process, with special emphasis on the U.S. Congress. Topics covered include internal distribution of power, external influences and current problems. Satisfies the U.S. Constitution requirement.

Study of the legislative process, with special emphasis on the U.S. Congress. Topics covered include internal distribution of power, external influences and current problems. Satisfies the U.S. Constitution requirement.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84454 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Eric Herzik

PSC 305 - American Presidency

Study of the American presidency from 1787 to the present. Analysis of the powers of the President and the relationship of the office to the American political system.

Study of the American presidency from 1787 to the present. Analysis of the powers of the President and the relationship of the office to the American political system.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84457 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Eric Herzik

PSC 353 - Identity Politics in the U.S.

This course addresses the historical, social, and political origins and implications of group identities in the United States (including racial, sexual, gender, class, generational, and national identities). By analyzing the issues and conflicts arising from these identities, the course considers how best to analyze and address ongoing group-based inequalities and oppressions. (PSC 353 and WMST 353 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

This course addresses the historical, social, and political origins and implications of group identities in the United States (including racial, sexual, gender, class, generational, and national identities). By analyzing the issues and conflicts arising from these identities, the course considers how best to analyze and address ongoing group-based inequalities and oppressions. (PSC 353 and WMST 353 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84458 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jennifer Ring

PSC 403J - Pol Ethcs & Pol Corruptions

Nature of morals and ethics and their role in government and policy, especially in the American republic.

Nature of morals and ethics and their role in government and policy, especially in the American republic.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84459 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Stacy Fisher
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84469 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Richard Ramm

PSY 101 - General Psychology

Presents psychology as a science concerned with the actions of organisms in a social and cultural context. (Credit may not be earned in both PSY 101 and PSY 103.)

Presents psychology as a science concerned with the actions of organisms in a social and cultural context. (Credit may not be earned in both PSY 101 and PSY 103.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84673 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Christopher Blair

PSY 210 - Statistical Methods

Practice with statistical methods especially useful in the presentation and interpretation of psychological, sociological and educational data.

Practice with statistical methods especially useful in the presentation and interpretation of psychological, sociological and educational data.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84675 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Lars Strother

PSY 240 - Intro Research Methods

Major techniques and problems encountered in both survey and experimental research in the behavioral sciences.

Major techniques and problems encountered in both survey and experimental research in the behavioral sciences.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84685 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jacqueline Walsh-Snow

PSY 308 - Hist of Psychology

Historical background of psychology from the Greek period to the present. Development of psychology as a science and advances during this century.

Historical background of psychology from the Greek period to the present. Development of psychology as a science and advances during this century.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84647 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Brittany Avila

PSY 609 - Prin Behavior Analysis

Reviews the basic terms, concepts, principles, facts and laws in behavior analysis.

Reviews the basic terms, concepts, principles, facts and laws in behavior analysis.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91279 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos
2024 Fall Graduate 91279 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Luisa Canon

PSY 713 - Behavioral & Systm Assess

Theory and methods of the behavioral assessment of individuals and systems. Director observation, environmental assessment, functional analysis, task analysis, needs assessment, program monitoring and evaluation.

Theory and methods of the behavioral assessment of individuals and systems. Director observation, environmental assessment, functional analysis, task analysis, needs assessment, program monitoring and evaluation.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91281 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos

PSY 752 - Graduate Research

Research projects in psychology carried out under supervision. Maximum of 6 credits.

Research projects in psychology carried out under supervision. Maximum of 6 credits.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 92696 6 08/26/2024 12/10/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos

PSY 766 - Behav Anlys Pract I

Supervised practice in the application of behavioral principles and methods in organizational and institutional settings. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.

Supervised practice in the application of behavioral principles and methods in organizational and institutional settings. May be repeated for a maximum of 6 credits.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91288 1 - 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos
2024 Fall Graduate 91289 1 - 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos
2024 Fall Graduate 91290 1 - 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos
2024 Fall Graduate 91291 1 - 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos

PSY 767 - Behavior Mgmnt & Consl

Theory and application of behavioral analytic techniques with special populations. Behavioral consultation and the development, management, and evaluation of behavioral programs.

Theory and application of behavioral analytic techniques with special populations. Behavioral consultation and the development, management, and evaluation of behavioral programs.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91284 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos
2024 Fall Graduate 91285 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Elizabeth Ghezzi
2024 Fall Graduate 91285 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos

PSY 768 - Behav Anlys Pract II

Supervised practice in the application of behavioral analytic techniques for special populations. Practice in behavioral consultation and the development and evaluation of behavioral programs. Maximum of 6 credits.

Supervised practice in the application of behavioral analytic techniques for special populations. Practice in behavioral consultation and the development and evaluation of behavioral programs. Maximum of 6 credits.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 91292 1 - 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos
2024 Fall Graduate 91293 1 - 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos
2024 Fall Graduate 91294 1 - 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos
2024 Fall Graduate 91295 1 - 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos
2024 Fall Graduate 91302 1 - 3 09/02/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos

PSY 783 - Behavioral Interventions

Methods of behavioral interventions for decreasing aberrant behaviors and increasing adaptive behavior (e.g. antecedent manipulations, extinction, differential reinforcement, punishment, and token economies) will be considered.

Methods of behavioral interventions for decreasing aberrant behaviors and increasing adaptive behavior (e.g. antecedent manipulations, extinction, differential reinforcement, punishment, and token economies) will be considered.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Graduate 89993 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Elizabeth Ghezzi
2024 Fall Graduate 89993 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos
2024 Fall Graduate 89994 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Laura Barcelos Nomicos

REM 241 - Prin Range Mgt

Conservation, management and multiple use of rangeland resources.

Conservation, management and multiple use of rangeland resources.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92664 3 08/26/2024 12/23/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Yvette Gibson
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92664 3 08/26/2024 12/23/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Tamzen Stringham

REM 310 - Rangeland Soil Analysis & MGT

Introduce students to the analysis and management of rangeland soils in the Western US, with a specific focus on the soil types of the Great Basin. Students will learn about major soil orders of Western US rangeland systems in the context of common tools and frameworks of rangeland management, specifically ecological sites, disturbance response groups, and state and transition models.

Introduce students to the analysis and management of rangeland soils in the Western US, with a specific focus on the soil types of the Great Basin. Students will learn about major soil orders of Western US rangeland systems in the context of common tools and frameworks of rangeland management, specifically ecological sites, disturbance response groups, and state and transition models.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92665 3 08/26/2024 12/23/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Yvette Gibson
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92665 3 08/26/2024 12/23/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Tamzen Stringham

REM 411 - Range Veget Monitoring

The primary goal of this course is to introduce and develop the marketable skills in vegetation inventory, monitoring, analysis, and assessment that are required for employment with the state, federal government, and NGOs.

The primary goal of this course is to introduce and develop the marketable skills in vegetation inventory, monitoring, analysis, and assessment that are required for employment with the state, federal government, and NGOs.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92722 3 08/26/2024 12/23/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Yvette Gibson

REM 460 - Range Resource Mgt

Capstone field course involving evaluation of actual rangeland management case studies.

Capstone field course involving evaluation of actual rangeland management case studies.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92723 3 08/26/2024 12/23/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Tamzen Stringham
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92723 3 08/26/2024 12/23/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Yvette Gibson

REM 490 - Rangeland Planning

REM490 teaches students how to plan a project based on analysis of observations and data collected from a field site. Planning involves communication skills to discuss and negotiate with stakeholders, set objectives, determine actions with supporting rationale, scheduling & budgeting, monitoring, and contingency planning.

REM490 teaches students how to plan a project based on analysis of observations and data collected from a field site. Planning involves communication skills to discuss and negotiate with stakeholders, set objectives, determine actions with supporting rationale, scheduling & budgeting, monitoring, and contingency planning.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92666 3 08/26/2024 12/23/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Yvette Gibson
2024 Fall Undergraduate 92666 3 08/26/2024 12/23/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Tamzen Stringham

RST 101 - Intro Religion

Varieties of religious expression: belief, ritual, scripture, art. Religious issues: God, death, evil, salvation. Methods of studying religion.

Varieties of religious expression: belief, ritual, scripture, art. Religious issues: God, death, evil, salvation. Methods of studying religion.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84699 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Amy Absher

SOC 101 - Prin of Sociology

Sociological principles underlying the development, structure and function of culture, society, human groups, personality formation and social change.

Sociological principles underlying the development, structure and function of culture, society, human groups, personality formation and social change.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85345 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Johnson Makoba
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85357 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Edith Ramirez
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85359 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Cheryl Maes

SOC 207 - Intro Soc Theory

Examination of the works of classical and contemporary social theorists of the 19th and 20th centuries.

Examination of the works of classical and contemporary social theorists of the 19th and 20th centuries.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85346 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Angela Lee

SOC 240 - Intro to Research Methods

An overview of the methods and analytical techniques used in the research of social phenomena. Emphasis will be on the design and execution of research.

An overview of the methods and analytical techniques used in the research of social phenomena. Emphasis will be on the design and execution of research.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85372 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Kara Hoofman

SOC 325 - Sociology of Happiness

w88 casino gamesIntroduction to a global perspective on the sociology of happiness that emphasizes how science and technology impact subjective wellbeing.

w88 casino gamesIntroduction to a global perspective on the sociology of happiness that emphasizes how science and technology impact subjective wellbeing.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91154 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Shila Morris

SOC 425 - Research Methods

Major techniques and problems encountered in both quantitative and qualitative research in the social sciences.

Major techniques and problems encountered in both quantitative and qualitative research in the social sciences.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 91152 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Alaina Martine

SOTA 101 - Intro to the Arts

Introduction to the nature and role of the arts in individual and community life, including exposure to performing and visual arts.

Introduction to the nature and role of the arts in individual and community life, including exposure to performing and visual arts.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84722 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Brandon Lacow

SPAN 111 - First Year Spanish I

Introduction to basic Spanish language structures and cultural topics with a focus on development of communicative proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. For beginners only.

Introduction to basic Spanish language structures and cultural topics with a focus on development of communicative proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing. For beginners only.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85008 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Matthew King

SPAN 112 - First Year Spanish II

Continues introduction to basic Spanish language structures and cultural topics with a focus on proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Continues introduction to basic Spanish language structures and cultural topics with a focus on proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85010 4 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Roberto Ortiz

SPAN 211 - Second Year Spanish I

Study at the intermediate level of Spanish language structures and culture with continues emphasis on proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.

Study at the intermediate level of Spanish language structures and culture with continues emphasis on proficiency in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 84782 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Anna Kalminskaia

SPAN 212 - Second Year Spanish II

Intermediate-level study of Spanish structures with an emphasis on listening, writing, reading, and conversation. Completion of SPAN 212 satisfies the College of Liberal Arts foreign language requirement and counts toward a minor in Spanish.

Intermediate-level study of Spanish structures with an emphasis on listening, writing, reading, and conversation. Completion of SPAN 212 satisfies the College of Liberal Arts foreign language requirement and counts toward a minor in Spanish.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85011 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Kathleen Leonard

STAT 152 - Introduction to Statistics

Descriptive statistics; probability models; statistical estimation and hypothesis testing; linear regression analysis; and special topics. This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics Requirement. Credit may not be received for STAT 152 if credit has already been awarded for STAT 352 and above.

Descriptive statistics; probability models; statistical estimation and hypothesis testing; linear regression analysis; and special topics. This course satisfies the University Core Mathematics Requirement. Credit may not be received for STAT 152 if credit has already been awarded for STAT 352 and above.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85211 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Mehmet Gumus

SW 437 - Aging and Addiction

A multidisciplinary overview of factors affecting the identification, intervention and treatment of substance-related and behavioral addictions in older adults. (CAS 437, GERO 437 and SW 437 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the three.)

A multidisciplinary overview of factors affecting the identification, intervention and treatment of substance-related and behavioral addictions in older adults. (CAS 437, GERO 437 and SW 437 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the three.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85408 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jim Jobin
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85408 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Angela Broadus
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85413 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Teresa Sacks
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85414 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Angela Broadus
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85414 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Jim Jobin
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85415 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Teresa Sacks

SW 440 - Intro SW Research

Examines concepts, principles and methods of scientific inquiry, emphasizing qualitative and quantitative designs, assessment of practice and program effectiveness, and critical use of existing research.

Examines concepts, principles and methods of scientific inquiry, emphasizing qualitative and quantitative designs, assessment of practice and program effectiveness, and critical use of existing research.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85409 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Uriel Gonzalez
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85410 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Celeste Turner

SW 460 - Addiction: FASD

Basic information regarding consequences of in utero substance exposure involvement and methods necessary to intervene with this special population. (CAS 460 and SW 460 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Basic information regarding consequences of in utero substance exposure involvement and methods necessary to intervene with this special population. (CAS 460 and SW 460 are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85411 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Adaobi Anakwe
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85411 3 08/26/2024 11/24/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Leigh Tenkku Lepper

SW 480 - Field Exp Soc Wrk I

This course is the first of the sequence of two, six-credit courses constituting the social work field education program required of all Generalist Practice Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) students. It consists of completing 225 hours at a supervised practicum in an approved practicum site that provides opportunities for students to demonstrate social work competencies and integration of professional content through a seminar course.

This course is the first of the sequence of two, six-credit courses constituting the social work field education program required of all Generalist Practice Bachelor of Social Work (BSW) students. It consists of completing 225 hours at a supervised practicum in an approved practicum site that provides opportunities for students to demonstrate social work competencies and integration of professional content through a seminar course.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85400 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Crystal Akutey
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85396 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Jessica Rosas
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85397 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) William Feuerborn
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85403 6 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Live (Synchronous) Marina Murphy

WMST 101 - Intro Women's Studies

Interdisciplinary analysis of women in culture and society from historical and cross-cultural perspectives.

Interdisciplinary analysis of women in culture and society from historical and cross-cultural perspectives.
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85254 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sarah Purdy

WMST 427A - Women & Lit

Women writers and the ways in which women are portrayed in literature. (ENG 427A and WMST 427A are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)

Women writers and the ways in which women are portrayed in literature. (ENG 427A and WMST 427A are cross-listed; credit may be earned in one of the two.)
Term Type Class Number Credits Start Date End Date Instruction Mode Instructor
2024 Fall Undergraduate 85283 3 08/26/2024 12/11/2024 Web Based (Asynchronous) Sarah Purdy

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