w88 mobile

Below is an abbreviated list of services available. If you are interested in a service that you do not see in the list below, please contact us for service availability and w88 mobile. Please see additional w88 mobile notes below. Prices are effective July 1, 2022 and are subject to change.

A summary of our w88 mobile is listed here for Nevada System of Higher Education (NSHE) clients and non-NSHE clients. Upon request we will be glad to provide a written quote.

View a comprehensive description of services and w88 mobile for NSHE clients.

View a comprehensive description of services and w88 mobile for non-profit and profit clients.

Sanger sequencing service w88 mobile
Sanger sequencing services NSHE Non-profit For-profit
Sanger sequencing, per sample .75 .00 .50
PCR cleanup with ExoSAP (requires prior DNA quantification) .50 .00 .50
Fragment analysis service w88 mobile
Fragment analysis services NSHE Non-profit For-profit
Fragment analysis: Capillary run, per sample .50 .25 .00
Fragment analysis: Prep + Run, per sample .00 .00 .00
Illumina service w88 mobile
Illumina services NSHE Non-profit For-profit
Illumina NextSeq 2000 start run (kit purchased separately) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Illumina MiniSeq start run (kit purchased separately) 0.00 0.00 0.00
Illumina pooled library quantification (by qPCR) .00 .00 .00
Illumina Stranded mRNA library prep 0.00 + .00/sample 0.00 + .00/sample 0.00 + .00/sample
Illumina DNA Prep library prep 0.00 + .00/sample 0.00 + .00/sample 0.00 + .00/sample
Single-Cell library prep 0 + kit reagent costs 5 + kit reagent costs 0 + kit reagent costs
Prepare Illumina sequencing libraries from any type of kit that can be purchased. Contact us to discuss 0 + kit reagent costs 0 + kit reagent costs 0 + kit reagent costs

*All library prep services include pooling.

Agilent TapeStation service w88 mobile
Agilent TapeStation service NSHE Non-profit For-profit
RNA ScreenTape, per ladder (optional; electronic ladder can be used .00 .00 .00
RNA ScreenTape, per sample .00 .00 .00
D1000 ScreenTape, per ladder (optional; electronic ladder can be used) .00 .00 .00
D1000 ScreenTape, per sample .00 .00 .00
D1000 High Sensitivity ScreenTape, per sample .50 .50 .50
DNA 5000, per ladder (required for every set of 15 or fewer samples) w88 mobile w88 mobile w88 mobile
DNA 5000, per sample w88 mobile w88 mobile w88 mobile
D5000 High Sensitivity ScreenTape w88 mobile w88 mobile w88 mobile
Genomic ScreenTape w88 mobile w88 mobile w88 mobile
Cell-free DNA ScreenTape w88 mobile w88 mobile w88 mobile
RNA High Sensitivity ScreenTape w88 mobile w88 mobile w88 mobile

We have an Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100 available for custom projects, particularly those involving small RNA. w88 mobile for details.

DNA Quantification service w88 mobile
DNA Quantification services NSHE Non-profit For-profit
Qubit dsDNA HS (up to 48 samples) .75 .00 .00
Plate-based assay (more than 48 samples) .00 + .00/sample .00 + .50/sample .00 + .50/sample
RNA Quantification service w88 mobile
RNA Quantification services NSHE Non-profit For-profit
RNA HS (up to 48 samples) .75 .00 .00
Plate-based assay (more than 48 samples) .00 + .00/sample .00 + .50/sample .00 + .50/sample
QuantStudio 3 usage w88 mobile
Support services NSHE Non-profit For-profit
QuantStudio 3 usage .00/run .00/run .00/run

w88 mobile notes

You will be charged for all requested procedures regardless of their final outcome. Failed reactions resulting from instrument malfunction will be repeated at no additional charge.