Aiding w88 online sports betting in the study of genomes.
With expertise and a variety of instrumentation options, w88 casino Genomics Center is prepared to serve academic and industry researchers in their studies on the function and structure of genomes. Services offered can support a range of options and sequencing yield, from intensive, data-rich projects to pilot projects. w88 casino Genomics Center is a core facility located on the w88 casino, Reno campus.
Our equipment includes:
- Illumina NextSeq 2000 and MiniSeq for high-throughput DNA sequencing
- SeqStudio Genetic Analyzer for Sanger sequencing and fragment analysis
- Hamilton STARlet for automated library preparation
- Agilent TapeStation 4150 and Bioanalyzer 2100 for nucleic acid size determination
- QuantStudio 3 for quantitative PCR
- Covaris M220 for nucleic acid shearing
We offer w88 online sports betting for next-generation Illumina sequencing, 10X single-cell library preparation, Sanger sequencing, fragment analysis and nucleic acid quantification and sizing.