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Our College's hashtags

In addition to the University hashtags below, we use:

  • Units: #UNRExperimentStation, #UNRExtension
  • Departments, majors: #AgriculturalScience, #AgSci, etc.
  • Careers, pathways relevant to the post: #Veterinarian, #PreVetSchool, #VetSchool
  • Extension programs: #Nevada4H, #NevadaMasterGardeners, #AlternativeCrops

University hashtags

  • #GoPack – team spirit
  • #WolfPack - our University family
  • #FacesOfThePack, #GradsOfThePack – profiles on students, employees and alumni
  • #WolfPackAtWork – highlighting employees (including student workers) and their jobs
  • #PackPride – honors, awards, achievements, recognitions, things/people we’re proud of
  • #NVGrad, #NVGrad2022, #PackGRADitude – commencement, graduating students
  • #WolfPackWay - recent grads doing great work, our unique ways of being/doing
  • #ResearchWorksforNevada – our science’s local impact
  • #WolfPackRising – strategic planning, long-term goals

Plus, hashtags for holidays/observances, including those related to the University's editorial and academic calendars.

Other hashtags

A quick Google search will turn up websites that'll suggest hashtags to you or let you search for hashtags. Just be sure you know what a hashtag means and who's using it before you use it. This way, you won't end up in any scandalous conversations!

Hashtag order

  1. The first hashtags listed on a post should be things our audience for this post would use to find it. Think: What would my audience Google to find the info in this post? If my audience were w88 casino games loginwriting a post on this topic, how would they hashtag it?
  2. Then, add in the relevant University and College hashtags.

Hashtag formatting

Capitalize the first letter of each word in multi-word hashtags for readability and accessibility.