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The Joe Crowley Student Union (JCSU) provides opportunities for underrepresented and marginalized student groups and campus departments to co-sponsor their events with the JCSU. Co-Sponsorship has the potential to include custom designs for marketing materials, cost of event staffing, and assistance in planning your event. The specifics of what w88 casino gameswill be provided by co-sponsorship must be determined and agreed upon prior to the event. Please fill out the Co-Sponsorship Agreement Form to be reviewed by the JCSU team. 

Requirements for co-sponsorship

  • The event, first and foremost, must benefit the students at the University of Nevada, Reno.
  • Your group needs to be a University-affiliated group including a student organization or a department.
  • The event must be held in the Joe Crowley Student Union.
  • You must have a space reserved in the Joe Crowley Student Union for your event.
  • The JCSU logo must be w88 casino gameslocated on all marketing materials.
  • Admission and fundraising events must be discussed with the JCSU prior to your event.
  • During your event, you must follow all policies outlined in the Facilities Usage Guidelines.
  • The facilities must be returned to the same cleanliness that you found them.
  • Failure to meet these requirements may result in a loss of co-sponsorship and full ownership of charges.