2024-2025 academic year costs
Fee Type | Amount |
Tuition and w88 online sports * | ,430 |
Mandatory student fees** | ,148 |
On-campus housing*** | ,450-,600 |
On-campus meals*** | ,451-,509 |
Books and supplies*** | ,200 |
Total costs | ,679-,887 |
*Based on full-time enrollment of 30 credits across spring (15 credits) and fall (15 credits) semesters and includes w88 online casino betting registration fee of 1 per-credit.
**Only includes mandatory student fees. Other fees may include additional special course or differential fees.
***These are starting point estimates for budgeting purposes and may vary due to housing options, mandatory fees, meal plan selections, course requirements and individual student needs.
w88 online casino betting and fees example
A first-year freshman from Sparks, w88 online casino betting enrolled in 30 credits during the 2024-2025 academic year would pay ,430 in tuition and ,148 in mandatory student fees, for a total of ,578 in tuition and fees, not including additional course or program fees, campus housing, dining or personal costs.
Fee Type | Credits | w88 online casino betting Fees | Student Fees | Total w88 online casino betting and Fees |
Fall Semester | 15 | ,215 | 4 | ,789 |
Spring Semester | 15 | ,215 | 4 | ,789 |
Year Total | 30 | ,430 | ,148 | ,578 |