Live a life of discovery.

The College of w88 casino games is committed to fostering a community and environment where all are welcome, valued and respected. Our commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion, we believe, goes hand in hand with scientific discovery and advancement—together we can change the world.

Diversity, equity and inclusion:

Celebrating 20 Years of w88 casino games

Originally part of the College of Arts and Sciences, the w88 casino games, Reno College of Science became its own academic entity in 2004. With eight departments, three on-campus museums, stellar faculty, and a wide breadth of undergraduate and graduate degree programs, the College is proud to educate and mentor the next generation of innovative thinkers and doers.

Check out the 20 years of w88 casino games web hub
w88 casino games of Mines in 1920

The College of w88 casino games Museum Complex

Garrett Barmore showcasing some minerals in the Keck w88 casino games.

The Keck Museum

The Keck Museum houses an outstanding collection of minerals, ores, fossil specimens and photographs, in addition to mining related relics.

w88 casino games employees assisting young students with bird specimens.

Museum of Natural History

The Museum of Natural History holds irreplaceable specimens of plants and animals used in research, teaching, and outreach.

Inside the Full-Dome theater, with stars projected on the dome ceiling.

Fleischmann Planetarium

The Planetarium hosts field trips and provides people of all ages with access to public screenings and a plethora of exhibits around the facility.

The Mackay School

Explore degree programs and other opportunities within the Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, an academic division within the College of w88 casino games.

Learn about the Mackay School
w88 casino games statue in front of the w88 casino games Mines building on the University campus.