Live a Life of Discovery.

At the College of w88 online casino betting, our accomplished faculty, inventive students, leading researchers and scientific pioneers take on complex challenges and unearth groundbreaking solutions for problems we all care about.

Explore w88 online casino betting degrees

Happening at the College of w88 online casino betting

A group of people standing on steps smile for a photo, while the front row of people hold a banner that reads, "w88 online casino betting Medical Research Consortium".

w88 online casino betting Medical Research Consortium launches on campus

The consortium will serve undergraduates interested in medical research

A satellite image of a storm sweeping across California and into the Sierra w88 online casino betting. The storm is overlaid with pixels of various colors.

Holistic precipitation models in the age of climate change

Two statistics professors developed a stochastic model used to predict precipitation intensity

Four people stand in front of a research poster, talking.

w88 online casino betting NASA Space Grant recipients share progress on projects

Students in three colleges received funding for their research projects

Building a future of discovery, together

We are a college of accomplished faculty and inventive students, leading researchers and scientific pioneers. Every day, these great minds take on complex challenges and unearth groundbreaking solutions for problems we all care about. Imagine where we could go if we work together to support them. Will you join us?

The Mackay School

Explore degree programs and other opportunities within the Mackay School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, an academic division within the College of w88 online casino betting.

Learn about the Mackay School
w88 online casino betting statue in front of the w88 online casino betting Mines building on the University campus.