Lorraine Benuto headshot

Lorraine T. Benuto

Associate Professor


Lorraine T. Benuto is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of clinical psychology. She received her doctoral degree in psychology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas in 2009 and completed an internship at the Veteran's Administration in San Juan, Puerto Rico. While Dr. Benuto's research is broadly focused on w88 casino gamesethnic minority behavioral health, much of the work that she does is focused on interpersonal violence, trauma, and Post-Traumatic Stress disorder. She is currently director of the DICE Center and runs three clinical service programs: La Cliníca VIVA, THRIVE, and SIERRA Families. The programs are focused on providing behavioral health services to Spanish-speaking Latinx community members, victims of interpersonal violence, and children who are at risk of abuse (respectively). Dr. Benuto is accepting applications for matriculation in 2023.

Research interests

In alignment with UNR's second core theme, the DICE Center acts as a platform to create new knowledge through basic and applied research. The DICE Center aims to answer research questions regarding the behavioral health of ethnic minorities. This includes identifying barriers to services, examining the efficacy of behavioral health interventions w88 casino gameswith ethnic minority clients, and researching the best means to train clinicians to be culturally competent practitioners. Much of the work that Dr. Benuto does is focused on trauma. Thus, the DICE Center also examines risk factors in the development of behavioral health issues in the aftermath of trauma from interpersonal violence. We also examined treatment outcomes for interventions targeted at Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. The DICE Center also conducts research on race based traumatic stress including research on the associated risk and protective factors and on interventions that may be effective at treating race based traumatic stress.

Courses taught

  • PSY 451 - Basic Principles of Psychotherapy
  • PSY 743 - Cultural Diversity
  • PSY 756 - Introduction to Clinical Assessment


  • Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2009
  • M.A., Clinical Psychology, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, 2007
  • B.A., Psychology, Dominican University of California, 2003

Selected publications

See Dr. Lorraine Benuto's Google Scholar

Professional certifications

  • Licensed Clinical Psychologist, State of Nevada Board of Psychological Examiners, PY0617