
"The resources we found through w88 online sports betting Center for Applied Research, be it their industrial space or the Biosciences Entrepreneurial Lab, or even just the office space we use there, it's all been very helpful in allowing us to grow our business and develop our product and our intellectual property." – Joe Hill, founder, Adaract

Jump to:Research and development infrastructure | Shared Research Facilities | iLab Solutions core facility management software

Research and development infrastructure

The center is based in theApplied Research Facilityon the University’s main campus. We manage a variety of spaces within the building that are available to both the internal campus community and our external clients. Entities based in the lab spaces within the Applied Research Facility have access tochemical and biowaste management servicesand benefit from these crucial operating systems as part of their contract.

Researcher inserting dropper of fluid into w88 online sports betting for analysis

Biosciences Entrepreneurial Lab

A fully-equipped, turnkey wet lab business incubation space designed for multiple operations with minimal sharing, plus equipment and training to accelerate the growth of new business. Secure a monthly membership or a dedicated bench space.

Learn more about the Biosciences Entrepreneurial Lab

A startup company researcher working in a fume hood in the Biosciences Entrepreneurial Lab

Wet and dry labs

Independent laboratory spaces are available with 24/7 key card access. Wet labs are equipped with chemical storage, fume hoods and deionized water. Dry labs offer a working space for prototyping and data analysis.

Inquire about the wet and dry labs

Two people in a startup company office space inside the Applied w88 online sports betting Facility

Office space

An office for administrative and research support includes high-speed network connectivity, access to conference and meeting areas and access to the University’s central receiving services for mail delivery.

Inquire about office space

Two researchers using the high bay drone arena in the Applied w88 online sports betting Facility

Robotics and drone arena

A large high-bay with tall ceilings that can be utilized to test drones and is a working area for autonomous systems being developed on campus. The space also has a viewing balcony at the second-floor level.A state- of-the-art camera system offers high-precision tracking for analysis of test flight data.

Inquire about the robotics and drone arena

University Shared Research Facilities

w88 online sports betting Center for Applied Research coordinates access to the University’s Shared Research Facilities – an extensive resource of labs with cutting-edge research and development equipment available to the internal University community and external clients from industry, government, research organizations and other institutions.

In addition to services and high-end instrumentation, we offer support from highly experienced staff with expertise in designing and conducting experiments and analyzing data. Many facilities can also provide training and education upon request.

Investigators outside of the university, please use our contact form to inquire about the availability of instruments and services.

results display below
  • Animal Resources

    Animal Resources provides optimized animal care and welfare for high quality science, campus-wide veterinary care, and assistance with faculty research and teaching programs. We provide support to w88 online sports betting System of Higher Education (NSHE) facilities and all its associated academic departments, as well as outside entities. New projects are welcomed from all interested investigators.

    Technical info:Animal Resources website | Ben Weigler| (775) 784-4874
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

  • Cell Analysis Core Facility

    The Cell Analysis Core Facility provides state-of-the-art analytical fluorescence-based flow cytometry and cell sorting equipment and services and serves investigators from laboratories at the w88 online sports betting, Reno in addition to other public and private institutions.

    Technical info:Vincent Lombardi, director, (775) 682-8278 |David White, technical info contact, (775) 682-8826
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    View the equipment list for Cell Analysis Core Facility

  • Cell Metabolism Core

    The Cell Metabolism Core assists with the measurement and analysis of energy-producing pathways using an extracellular flux analyzer for measuring cell metabolism by simultaneously measuring oxidative phosphorylation and glycolysis in tissue and cells.

    Technical info:Ruben Dagda| (775) 784-4121
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    View equipment list for Cell Metabolism Core

  • Center of Civil Engineering Earthquake Research

    The center has been conducting large-scale, experimental research for over 30 years to make buildings and bridges safer. Both University and visiting researchers take advantage of the center's unique, world-class engineering facilities.

    CCEER has also established an Industry Support Group comprised of professional engineers to assist companies with developing products, improving competitiveness, and performing product qualification. Visit theIndustry Support Groupto see their extensive list of services and facilities or to request a quote.

    Technical info & pricing:Center for Civil Engineering Earthquake w88 online sports betting | Sherif Elfass| (775) 784-6664
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    View the equipment list for Center of Civil Engineering Earthquake Research

  • Center for Integrative Neuroscience/Neuroimaging and Biomedical Research Support Core

    A multidisciplinary research center bringing together neuroscientists from across campus to foster complementary and synergistic approaches to understanding the brain and neurological disorders. The center is supported by an NIH/NIGMS Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE) grant P30 GM145646 and P20 GM103650. COBRE grants are designed to build the faculty and resources that will strengthen an institution's research capacity and expertise in focused areas of biomedical science.

    Technical info:Center for Integrative Neuroscience website
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    Core descriptions and equipment lists: Center for Integrative Neuroscience/Neuroimaging and Biomedical Research Support Core | w88 online

  • Chemistry Department Shared Instrumentation Laboratory

    Housed in the chemistry building at the University, the Shared Instrumentation Laboratory (SIL) provides access to synthesis and material science related instrumentation, optical based spectroscopy, mass spectroscopy (MS), x-ray crystallography, electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopy, and nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. The staff of the SIL do not run samples, but are available for consultation and training.

    Technical info & pricing:CDSIL website | Stephen Spain, Director of Instrumentation, (775) 784-6019
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    Equipment list: chemistry w88 online casino

  • Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility

    Located in the Paul Laxalt Mineral Engineering building, the facility provides services and research opportunities to students, faculty and local industry. Using state-of-the-art imaging equipment, the facility offers research and teaching services in transmission electron microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive x-ray spectroscopy. Services that are offered to industry include: mechanical testing (impact, tensile and hardness), microcrack and failure analysis, high resolution surface morphology imaging, polymer testing, TEM/SEM sample preparation, SEM training, optical microscopy, and consulting.

    Technical info & pricing:Electron w88 casino games and Microanalysis Facility | Krista Carlson, Director (775) 682-6245 |Karthik Baskaran, Manager
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    View equipment list for Electron Microscopy and Microanalysis Facility

  • High Performance Computing: Pronghorn

    The w88 online sports betting, Reno's user-driven, high performance computing cluster is extending research capacity and supporting the latest research applications in areas such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, robotics, computational biology, computational neuroscience, bioinformatics and large data sets. Known as Pronghorn, the research-computing cluster is named after the American antelope, the fastest mammal on the North American continent.

    Pronghorn signals the University’s commitment to continue to enhance the research enterprise, advance the global competitiveness of faculty and the regional economy, and deepen discovery across a range of disciplines University-wide.

    Technical info & pricing:w88 sports betting Performance Computing | John Anderson, (775) 784-1757
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    Equipment List: High Performance Computing - Pronghorn | w88 online

  • Laser Ablation-Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) facility

    The LA-ICP-MS facility was established in 2018 with a focus on U-Pb zircon geochronology and trace element analysis of minerals and glasses. A dual rotary pump system was installed to improve ICP-MS sensitivity and generate robust plasma conditions. GeoStar software provides seamless integration with large area CL and BSE maps collected in house (through the Scanning Electron Microscope and Electron Probe Microanalyzer Laboratory) for fast and efficient sample navigation. The Agilent 7700x is controlled by ICP-MS MassHunter software (v4.6). Data reduction can be performed with Iolite4 and LADR software packages.

    Technical info & pricing:Joel DesOrmeau, (775) 784-6054
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    Equipment list: Laser Ablation-Inductively

  • The Makerspace @ DeLaMare Library

    The DeLaMare Science & Engineering Library, located inside the Mackay Mines Building, is a dynamic and technology-rich environment alive with learning and research activity. It houses materials related to engineering and the physical sciences, as well as the Makerspace, Mary B. Ansari Map library, Data & GIS Depot, and northern w88 online sports betting’s Patent and Trademark Resource Center.

    Consultation and Training Bookings:The Makerspace @ DeLaMare Library website
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    Equipment list: The Makerspace @ DeLaMare Library | w88 online

  • Manufacture w88 online sports betting

    Manufacture w88 online sports betting is an industrial extension program of w88 online sports betting System of Higher Education and assists manufacturing businesses to become premier industry leaders in w88 online sports betting. By providing expert resources and programs to improve processes and increase efficiencies and productivity, Manufacture w88 online sports betting enables businesses to be flexible and responsive in a rapidly changing marketplace.

    Program info:Manufacture w88 online sports betting website |, (800) 637-4634

  • Material Characterization w88 online sports betting

    The Materials Characterization w88 online sports betting (MCNV) lab, located in the Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering, offers services to industry, characterization and laboratory services in the form of research studies or measurements in the field of electrochemistry and surface analysis.

    Director:Dev Chidambaram| (775) 784-7066
    Technical info & pricing:Nevada's Materials w88 online game Experts
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    View services and equipment list for Materials Characterization w88 online sports betting

  • Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing Lab

    The Department of Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing Lab offers a full range of precision machining capabilities including Solidworks CAD and MasterCam CAM for machine programming and solid modeling. The lab also offers a variety of precision measuring options.

    Technical info & pricing:w88 casino lab reservations | Brian Nagy| (775) 784-6795
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    Equipment list: Mechanical Engineering Manufacturing w88 online sports

  • Mick Hitchcock, Ph.D. w88 online sports betting Proteomics Center

    The Mick Hitchcock, Ph.D. w88 online sports betting Proteomics Center offers high quality mass spectral and electrophoretic proteomic analysis using state-of-the-art technologies to all research faculty and students in w88 online sports betting at extremely competitive rates. A variety of services are offered including: enzymatic protein digestions, LC-MS/MS, gel electrophoresis of 1-D or 2-D gels (including DIGE gels), staining and imaging of gels, spot excision, and differential expression analysis. The center also offers individual training and workshops.

    Technical info & pricing:w88 casino Hitchcock, Ph.D. Nevada Proteomics Center | David Quilici| (775) 784-1590
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    View equipment list for Mick Hitchcock, Ph.D. w88 online sports betting Proteomics Center

  • Museum of Natural History

    Located on the University’s main campus, the Museum of Natural History holds irreplaceable specimens of flora and fauna of the Great Basin and beyond dating as far back as the 1850's and houses decades of biological research and teaching collections of University faculty, students, technicians, and volunteers. Publicly accessible and located in the Fleischmann Agriculture building, it is the only museum of its kind in the state– and an invaluable resource for understanding w88 online sports betting's natural heritage. The museum is currently in the process of making data available through searchable publicCollections and w88 online live casino. Educational resources andtoursfor K-12 classes, clubs, and groups in the community are also offered to provide interactive and age appropriate hands-on learning.

    Information & resources:Museum of Natural w88 sports betting app | Chris Feldman, (775) 784-4053 |Beth Leger, (775) 784-7582
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    w88 sports betting app list: Museum of Natural History

  • National Science Foundation Centers for Transformative Environmental Sensing Programs (CTEMPs)

    The CTEMPs facility is an NSF-supported community user facility, focusing on high resolution earth surface processes. The laboratory focuses on fiber optic based distributed temperature sensing (DTS), unmanned aircraft remote sensing and recently, fiber-based distributed acoustic sensing (DAS). As a community user facility, the laboratory builds, maintains and trains researchers, both locally and internationally in the areas of fiber-based sensing for hydrology, seismology, geomorphology and glaciology.

    Technical info & pricing: CTEMPs website |Scott Tyler, (775) 784-6250
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    Equipment list: NSF Centers for Transformative Environmental Sensing Programs | w88 casino

  • w88 online sports betting Autonomous

    w88 online sports betting Autonomous was established in 2014 with funding from the Governor's Office of Economic Development Knowledge Fund and is a business development arm of the University.It is a center of excellence working with University researchers, industry and entrepreneurs to design, develop and commercialize technology related to robotics, artificial intelligence and autonomous systems. w88 online sports betting Autonomous manages the official, FAA-designated Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Test Site Service for w88 online sports betting.Thecenter connects entrepreneurs and business owners with the resources of a research University with substantial interdisciplinary expertise in autonomous systems.

    Program info:w88 online sports betting Autonomous website | Mark Genung, (757) 289-4015
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

  • w88 online sports betting Bioinformatics Center

    w88 online sports betting Bioinformatics Center provides state-wide bioinformatics support via, (bio)statistical analysis, proper design of large experiments, next-generation whole genome and whole transcriptome sequencing data processing and analysis, high-throughput mass spectrometry proteomic bioinformatics support, computational services, information technology guidance, bioinformatics software licenses and targeted bioinformatics training and resources to w88 online sports betting researchers, students and external organizations.

    Technical info & pricing:NBC website | Juli Petereit, (775) 784-4781
    For entities external to w88 online sports betting Center for Applied Research, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

  • w88 online sports betting Genomics Center

    With expertise and a variety of instrumentation options, w88 online sports betting Genomics Center is prepared to serve academic and industry researchers in their studies on the function and structure of genomes. Services offered can support a range of options and sequencing yield, from intensive, data-rich projects to pilot projects.

    Technical info & pricing:Nevada w88 online sports betting Center| Andrew Gorzalski| (775) 784-1657
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    View equipment list for w88 online sports betting Genomics Center

  • w88 online sports betting Stable Isotope Laboratory

    w88 online sports betting Stable Isotope Laboratory is well-equipped with instrumentation to provide stable isotope analyses of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen and sulfur for a variety of sample types. Liquid waters are analyzed for deltaD and delta18O using a spectroscopic analyzer, while all other samples are analyzed by gas-source electron-impact stable isotope ratio mass spectrometry.

    Technical info & pricing:w88 casino games login and facilities | Simon Poulson| (775) 784-1104
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    View equipment list for w88 online sports betting Stable Isotope Laboratory

  • Ozmen Center for Entrepreneurship

    The center was founded in 2014 and serves as a point of inspiration and a clearinghouse for information, an idea space that facilitates entrepreneurship, moving ideas into action. The center’s goals are to focus on the development of students' entrepreneurial skills, assist faculty in commercializing their research, and improve northern w88 online sports betting's entrepreneurial ecosystem.

    Information & resources:Ozmen w88 online live casino for Entrepreneurship |

  • Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) Laboratory

    The Department of Geological Sciences and Engineering Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) and Electron Probe Microanalyzer (EPMA) Laboratory is open for use and services to researchers within the NSHE, external organizations, and industry. The facility offers characterization of minerals, metals, and other solids through high-resolution imaging (SE, BSE, CL), microstructural analyses (EBSD), and non-destructive high-resolution chemical analyses (EDS, WDS). Our new NSF-funded field-emission EPMA (JEOL JXA iHP200F) was the first to be installed in the U.S. and is equipped with 5 WDS spectrometers, a hyperspectral CL detector (xCLent), a Thermo UltraDry EDS, and runs Probe for EPMA and Probe Image software packages.

    Technical info & pricing:Microbeam Laboratory website|Joel DesOrmeau| (775) 784-6054
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    Equipment list: Mackay School of Earth Science and Engineering Microbeam Laboratory | w88 sports betting app Center

  • Surface Engineering & Tribology Lab

    The lab provides services in friction and wear testing, surface analysis and lubricant testing. Specific research exploration includes: experimental and computational analyses in advanced green- and bio-manufacturing; green solid and liquid lubricants and multifunctional bio-based hybrid lubricants; surface science and coatings; shoe-floor design and human tribology; triboluminescence; additive manufacturing; triboluminescence; additive manufacturing; sustainable, self-healing and self-lubricating composite materials; tribology of manufacturing systems; rock drilling technology; explicit finite element modeling and tribology analysis of welded joints.

    Technical info & pricing:SETL website | Pradeep Menezes| (775) 682-7413
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    w88 casino games login list: Surface Engineering & Tribology Laboratory

  • w88 online sports betting, Reno Innevation Center

    Located in Downtown Reno, the center is available to University faculty, staff and students, as well as individuals and businesses through a membership model. The center offers co-working, conference and meeting space to collaborate with entrepreneurs, investors and commercialization experts and a makerspace to support the development of prototypes. The center provides access to mentoring by industry executives and experienced entrepreneurs in addition to providing opportunities to make connections with external networks and gain access to capital.

    Info & pricing:w88 online casino betting || (775) 682-8612

    View equipment list for Innevation Center Makerspace

  • Zebra Pulsed Power Lab

    The mission of the Zebra Pulsed Power Lab (ZPPL) is to perform high-quality basic research in high-energy-density (HED) physics, the study of matter under extreme conditions of temperature and density.

    Technical info & pricing:w88 slot online Pulsed Power Lab | Vladimir Ivanov, (775) 682-9745
    For entities external to NSHE, contact w88 online sports betting Center for Applied| (775) 784-4781

    Equipment List: Zebra Pulsed Power Lab | w88 casino

iLab Solutions core facility management software

Through the University, w88 online sports betting Center for Applied Research is pleased to offer iLab Solutions to institutional researchers. iLab Solutions is the leader in providing web-based management services to research and development institutions internationally, with more than 1,400 cores and shared resource facilities across over 170 organizations worldwide. Researchers are able to log in from anywhere using their institutional credentials to request services, schedule equipment, track projects and related billing, and generate project reports using the software’s robust reporting features.

Other benefits of the iLab system include:

  • Transparency to University cores with a single, web-based portal for access
  • Easy tracking of the status of service requests, orders, and equipment reservations
  • Automatic billing that is integrated with job requests and/or equipment usage
  • Automatic detailed invoices for each billing event to the PI's and financial managers
  • Invoices that can be paid through the system using credit cards or institutional accounts
  • Ability for PI's and managers to track usage metrics and costs to create budgets
  • Ability for PI's to have as much or as little control over spending by lab members using approval settings in their lab profile

Researchers who wish to obtain or pay for services from a core facility or service center that is part of the University iLab system must use iLab. Administrators who support researchers who use the iLab system must use iLab to review and approve financial transactions.

If you are experiencing problems logging in or registering with iLab please contact Rebecca Albion atralbion@unr.eduor (775) 784-4781.

Access iLab

The iLab instruction manual contains an overview of the system, login and navigation info, how to manage labs, invoices and billing instructions and covers frequently asked questions about the system.

View the iLab instruction manual