Ways to w88 online sports betting

The University accepts gifts of cash (cash, check and credit card), gifts-in-kind (property and real estate), and gifts of securities.If you have any questions about ways to w88 online sports betting, please call us at (775) 784-1587 or email us at w88 online sports betting@unr.edu.
Please note, we do not accept donations of cryptocurrency, including bitcoin. If w88 online sports betting would like to or have been asked to donate cryptocurrency to the Foundation, please contact us at w88 online sports betting@unr.edu.
Online via our secure website.
By phone at (775) 784-1587
By mail
Send your w88 online sports betting by check or send your credit card information to:
The w88 online sports betting of Nevada, Reno Foundation
Financial Services and Records
w88 online sports betting of Nevada, Reno, Mail Stop 162
Reno, NV 89557-0162
Checks should be made payable to the w88 online sports betting of Nevada, Reno Foundation. If you wish to direct your support to a particular area or school of the w88 online sports betting, please include those instructions.
Via wire transfer
When making a gift of cash via wire transfer, it is important to notify Gift Services at (775) 784-1587 of the gift and reference the donor's name and purpose of the gift in the wire transfer instructions. When you call, we will w88 online sports betting you the routing number and swift code.
Crowdfund Nevada highlights a variety of campus projects and initiatives, allowing you to support areas on campus that mean the most to you. Every gift, no matter the size, makes a difference to the w88 online sports betting. And through Crowdfund Nevada, you can see the impact of your support.
Visit the Crowdfund Nevada webpage to review current crowdfunding initiatives.
A donor-advised fund is a fund established at a public charity. When you establish a donor-advised fund, you receive an immediate tax benefit and may then recommend distributions from the fund to other nonprofit entities, such as the w88 online sports betting of Nevada, Reno Foundation, on your own timetable.
To learn more about recommending distributions from your donor-advised fund to the w88 online sports betting of Nevada Reno, Foundation,contact our accounting staffat (775) 784-1587.
Establishing an automatic monthly withdrawal from your checking or savings account is a hassle-free way to lend regular support to the w88 online sports betting initiatives and programs that matter most to you.
To learn more about providing an electronically scheduled w88 online sports betting, contact our accounting staff at (775) 784-1587.
w88 online sports betting of Nevada, Reno faculty and staff have the option of supporting the w88 online sports betting through automatic pre-tax payroll deductions using this Payroll Deduction Application.
To learn more, contact Foundation Accounting by emailor call (775) 784-1587.
Maximize your contribution to the w88 online sports betting by utilizing your employer's matching gifts program. To find out if your employer has a matching gift program, Matching w88 casino.
To learn more about matching w88 online sports betting, contact our accounting staff at (775) 784-1587.
Gifts of equipment or other personal property that support the specific needs of the w88 online sports betting can make a real impact on our ability to provide a hands-on education for our students, and such gifts may be tax-deductible.
To learn more, contact Brian Saeman, J.D. '98, director of planned w88 online sports betting, (775) 682-5938.
Planned gifts are commitments made in the present with the benefit to the w88 online sports betting deferred until a later day. The Office of Planned Giving provides you with many options and opportunities to include Nevada in your overall financial and estate plans. Planned gifts may include outright gifts of appreciated property, including securities, real estate and gifts of tangible personal properties.
To learn more, visit unrlegacy.org orcontact Brian Saeman, J.D. '98, director of planned w88 online sports betting, (775) 682-5938.
A pledged gift provides you the opportunity to commit to supporting the w88 online sports betting on a schedule that works for you while allowing projects and initiatives to proceed based on the promise of these future funds.
To learn more about pledging to support the w88 online sports betting, contact our accounting staff at (775) 784-1587.
Providing a gift of real estate allows the w88 online sports betting to expand. Gifts of real estate either are sold and the proceeds returned to the w88 online sports betting or the land, buildings and homes are repurposed in ways that further the w88 online sports betting's mission and strategic plan.
To learn more, contact Brian Saeman, J.D. '98, director of planned w88 online sports betting, (775) 682-5938.
Offering a gift to the w88 online sports betting in the form of stocks and securities is simple. Click here for the stock transfer form.
To learn more, contact our accounting staff at (775) 784-1587.