The w88 casino, Reno Foundation

The w88 casino, Reno Foundation is a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization (TIN: 94-2781749) separate from the w88 casino, Reno. The Foundation was incorporated in 1981 to provide a mechanism for private individuals, corporations and foundations to make charitable gifts to the University. The Foundation receives, invests and administers funds to benefit the University, while honoring the philanthropic intent of its generous donors.

Board of Trustees

The volunteer board of trustees guides the w88 casino in supporting the University.

Meetings and agendas

w88 casino meetings are open to the public. Schedules and agendas are available online.

Asset management

w88 casino assets are prudently managed to maximize the benefits for students and faculty.

Financial information

The w88 casino's financial information is available for public review.

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