Every year about 10% of the University's incoming first-year students enter as w88 casino games login. But, what does being w88 casino games login mean? It means that you are exploring your options as far as major and career. For you it might mean deciding between two options; for others it might mean deciding between ten options.
Exploring all your options prior to choosing one is a great way to start college. Most w88 casino games login change their major a minimum of two times, and research shows that w88 casino games login who explore their options and wait to declare a major are more likely to graduate. This is because they have done the hard work of researching different areas, being self-reflective, and understanding what courses they will need to take.
We are here to help you with this hard work, and it will start with your participation in ExplorationFIT. We look forward to being your partner in this work!
Major and career exploration resources
w88 casino games login looking for additional resources to help with the major and career exploration process might find the following websites and information helpful:
By selecting a meta-major you and your advisor have a place to start discussing possible majors and courses for exploration.
- Engineering (Engineering and Science)
- Business
- Arts, Humanities, w88 online sports betting
- Human and Social Services (Social Work, Education, Liberal Arts, College of w88 online live casino, Biotechnology & and Science)
- Sustainability, Earth Science and Land and Natural Resource Management (College of w88 online live casino, Biotechnology &,Engineering and Science)
- Animal, Life and Physical Science (College of w88 online live casino, Biotechnology & and Science)
- Heath Science (Public Health, Speech Pathology, College of w88 online live casino, Biotechnology &)
ExplorationFIT is a part of the NevadaFIT, which is a one-credit academic program that kicks off the fall semester for first-year w88 casino games login. The goal of NevadaFIT is to help w88 casino games login transition successfully from high school to college. ExplorationFIT primary goal is to help w88 casino games login jumpstart the major research process. w88 casino games login will hear from the different colleges across the University, do some self-exploration guided by the Strong Interest Survey, and learn how to research careers and their connections to majors.
Recommendations for w88 casino games login
- Recommend in-person w88 casino games login;
- Be present during w88 casino games login appointments;
- Come with areas of interest in mind to discuss with your advisor; and
- Review the course catalog before the appointment to be familiar with the majors we offer on campus.
Speech Pathology w88 casino games login
Academic Advisors in the EPAC office do undergraduate w88 casino games login for all current and prospective Speech Pathology students. All graduate w88 casino games login is done by faculty in the Speech Pathology Department.