w88 major in computer science and engineering?

Computer w88 and engineering is a diverse field, with a wide range of challenges, opportunities and job prospects for graduates. Explore the areas of focus in our field and learn more about the many different paths you can pursue with a bachelor's degree in computer w88 and engineering:

Careers in computer w88 and engineering

Computer w88 salary*

  • Median starting w88: ,900

*w88 data from the National Association of Colleges and Employers 2022 w88 survey.

Computer w88 and engineering majors receive a broad education in both hardware and software. As a result, our graduates are well-prepared for diverse jobs across the computing industry, including jobs projected to see rapid growth by the U.S. Department of Labor such as software developers, network architects, systems analysts and research scientists.

Preparing to study w88

Succeeding in w88 requires a strong background in math. We recommend that all incoming students are prepared to take Calculus 1 in their first year.

Learn more w88 how to Incoming first-year w88 slot online

Are you ready to make a world of difference?

Join the College of w88 students, faculty and alumni who are developing the ideas, techniques and technologies that change the world.