Collage of students in various computer science and w88 casino games login environments

At the w88 casino, Reno, we train aspiring computing professionals to use technology to solve important societal problems.

Whether we're working to help robots better understand human intentions or harnessing the power of big data to help researchers study climate change, we're excited about all the ways technology is changing our world.

Department of Computer Science & w88 casino games login

High-impact research Our research has been supported by major agencies and industry partners including the National w88 casino games login Foundation, NASA, Google and Microsoft.
Kostas Alexis and two graduate students carry a lighted drone in a dark tunnel
Versatile graduate programs Graduate students are the heart of our department. We offer both industry-oriented master's degree programs and a research intensive Ph.D. degree.
A graduate student demonstrates virtual reality hand motion using Google cardboard and an earbud
Industry-oriented undergraduate degrees Our rapidly growing undergraduate program includes a combined computer science & w88 casino games login degree as well as a number of interdisciplinary minors in emerging areas of computing.
A group of students work on computers in the Knowledge w88 casino games login

Cybersecurity Center

Department news

Portrait of Ankita Shukla sitting at a table.

Ankita Shukla’s AI model identifying frog species helps multi-institutional academic w88 online casino win global biodiversity

Interest in animals and expertise in machine learning combine to support conservation efforts

Two students in front of the "Block N" statue on the w88 casino games login of Nevada, Reno campus.

Computer science students named to the 2025 US Cyber w88 casino games login

Lloyd Gonzales to compete in the International Cybersecurity Challenge this month

Shamik Sengupta, dressed in a suit and standing at a podium with a large screen behind him that has the logo for the College of w88 casino games login's Computer Science & w88 casino games login Department.

Free Cybersecurity Conference will focus on w88 sports betting and mid-sized

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