Alireza w88 mobile

Alireza Tavakkoli

Associate Professor

Prospective graduate w88 mobile

I am currently seeking highly motivated doctoral w88 mobile who are interested in working in the field of applied visual computing.

Learn more w88 mobile our graduate programs

w88 mobile interests

Artificial intelligence and machine learning

  • w88 mobile vision
  • Deep learning
  • Intelligent environments
  • Intent and activity recognition in the visual

Human-w88 mobile interaction and gaming

  • Immersive virtual reality
  • 3D user interface design
  • Serious games


  • Tele-exploration
  • Tele-presence
  • Tele-robotics

Parallel and high-performance computing

  • Visual computation with graphics processing units

w88 mobile projects

Visual Field and Perceptual Deficit Modeling

In this project we are interested in learning about the connection between the physiological damage and its impact on a patients visual field and the resultant perceptual deficit. These models will allow for clinicians to learn and manage the progression of the disease, while providing means to develop technological advances in w88 mobile rehabilitation and visual deficit compensation.

VETO: Virtual Environment for Tele-Operation

A w88 mobile-generated image of a robot scanning a hallway

In this project we are designing, developing, and evaluating an integrated framework for the next generation of telerobots. When physical presence by humans are prohibitive, such as in hazardous environments, planetary exploration or the battlefield, telerobots are utilized to replace human agents.

Although the w88 mobile of autonomy has advanced over the last decade, there is still a significant need to have the human operators in the loop. This project aims at addressing the fundamental gaps in the current state of robotic teleoperation and user interfaces in order to improve human operators situational awareness, enhance human-robot interaction and collaboration, and decrease the cognitive overload on human agents.