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Founded in 1965 by Kenneth J. Carpenter, Black Rock Press has focused on the practice and teaching of the art, craft and w88 casinohistory of the creation of finely printed books. The press is a working museum of traditional printing technology. It houses numerous type cabinets filled with metal and wood type and a number of historically significant presses. Its gilded 1837 super royal Columbian, is one of the finest examples of a 19th century iron handpress to be found in the United States. In 1980, Bob Blesse took over directing the activities w88 casino games loginof the press. Over the course of 30 years, he expanded the area of publication into finely produced editions of creative writing and poetry. The press gained a national reputation for outstanding, award-winning work, in the publication of books and broadsides by authors such as Hayden Carruth, Gretel Ehrlich, Alan Ginsberg, Linda Hussa, Gailmarie Pahmeier, Gary Snyder, Paul Zarzyski and former U.S. Poets w88 casino gamesLaureate Billy Collins and Robert Pinsky.

Old printing press