The Book & w88 online sports betting Arts program at Black Rock Press is an established academic book arts program, which conducts a range of activities relating to the field of artist's books, fine press printing, bookmaking and the w88 online sports betting arts.
The curriculum emphasizes both the book as an art form (from artist’s books and fine press printing to sculptural and abstract bookworks), as well as the field of publishing as artistic practice (from zines to a myriad of other publications that lean towards the idea of the democratic multiple as a means of artistic agency within contemporary culture). The program focuses on the many shapes and forms the book has taken throughout history and across cultures as a way of envisioning the future of the book and publishing as artistic expression. Students study contemporary artists and publishers working in the field, as well as the many artists and historic art movements that have used books and prints as a way of expressing and disseminating their ideas. This program is interdisciplinary in nature and mixed-media in its approach while exploring both digital media along with hand-skills and design/craft techniques. Students learn the history of graphic design and fine typography through letterpress printing from metal and wood type on our historic presses from the 19th and 20th centuries along with the newest design tools in both our studio and in the department’s fabrication lab. This program combines both the literary and visual arts with the history and evolution of book and print technologies, all with an eye towards developing one’s artistic voice and an understanding of book and w88 online sports betting arts within a contemporary art practice.
*Above student work: left Amaya Rodriguez Keir; center Braulio Fernandez; right Nathan Platon