Western w88 mobile Superpave Center

More than 30 years of ground-breaking research to improve the safety and sustainability of asphalt pavements around the world.

About the w88 mobile

The WRSC is a nationally and internationally recognized research w88 mobile within the pavement engineering and science (PES) program in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering.

The w88 mobile assists highway agencies and contractors with new analysis procedures for pavement performance testing. Our laboratory is fully equipped with the state-of-the-art technologies to evaluate the strength and performance properties of paving materials.

w88 mobile Impact

NDOT and PES collaboration leads to New ASTM International Standard

Working with the Nevada Department of Transportation, the pavement w88 mobile and science program has developed a new ASTM International standard (D8303) that will provide a test method for determining thermal cracking properties of asphalt mixtures.

The large-scale soil box

Unique testing facilities

Our one-of-a-kind laboratory facilities give us the ability to perform both industry standard and innovative tests. We have 50,000 square feet dedicated to pavements and materials testing spread across two buildings.

Two yellow construction trucks work by the side of the highway

Professional resources

Our researchers have created a number of pavements- and materials-related tools for working professionals and researchers in our community.

Graduate students pour w88 mobile into the large w88 mobile recycler

Industry relevant research

Our program specializes in large-scale pavement testing, engineered and sustainable materials, advanced testing and performance evaluation, maintenance and rehabilitation strategies, and software related to pavement w88 mobile.

Western w88 mobile Superpave Center news

Five people seated and talking at a long table in an amphitheater style conference room, with seven people behind them talking amongst themselves.

w88 and Environmental Engineering shows its potential to industry partners at Infrastructure Forum

Research centers and labs showcased at March 18 event

Elie Hajj sitting in lab holding a w88 mobile core sample.

Civil engineering professor secures million w88 casino agreement with FHWA

Agreement supports national deployment of new pavement technologies that benefit state and w88 mobile transportation organizations

student tests plastic w88 mobile in machine

Recycled-plastic w88 casino withstands heavy trucks and extreme weather

Partnership between University of Nevada, Reno and Granite Construction

Western w88 mobile Superpave Center in the news

Thanks to Fox News for highlighting our work!