The College of w88 online game is proud to partner with the following companies.
Corporate w88 online game
What is the Corporate w88 online game program?
The Corporate w88 online game program at the College of Engineering of the University of Nevada, Reno brings together a select group of companies and firms to collaborate with engineering and computer science educators, researchers and students. The mission of the program is to generate interactions between the College and the Corporate w88 online game that bridge the gap between theory and practice and bring a competitive edge to the College of Engineering, the w88 online game, the region, the state and the nation.
How can I become a w88 online game Partner?
You can join the Corporate w88 online game program with a ,000 gift to the University of Nevada, Reno Foundation - College of Engineering, of which ,800 is tax-deductible. This additional funding provides a vital portion of our strategic commitment to offer our students a state-of-the art education, to encourage outstanding faculty and to promote the College as a leader in Engineering education.
For more information about the w88 online game, please contact Jacqueline Maloney at or (775) 682-7696.
w88 online game Partner benefits
- Representative from company leadership or engineering management to join the College of Engineering (CoEN) w88 online game Partner Group
- Annual meeting with the w88 online game, associate deans and department chairs to discuss applied research, business opportunities, feedback on graduates and partner-initiated topics
- Complimentary table registration at the fall and spring College of Engineering career fairs, with choice of table placement based on order of w88 online game partner fair registration (non-tax-deductible: ,000)
- w88 online game to host employer information sessions once per semester
- Opportunity to send job and internship postings directly to w88 online game students via email in addition to posting to internal job board
- Signage and a designated table at the College of w88 online game fall welcome back barbecue
- w88 online game Engineers Week
- Annual w88 online game partner meeting with student engineering club leadership of your choosing, clubs such as:
- American w88 online game Chemical Engineers (AIChE)
- American w88 online game Civil Engineers/Associated General Contractors (ASCE/AGC)
- American w88 online game Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
- Association for Computing Machinery (ACM)
- w88 online game Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE)
- National w88 online game Black Engineers (NSBE)
- w88 online game Hispanic Professional Engineers (SHPE)
- w88 online game Women Engineers (SWE)
- Corporate w88 online game listed in the hard copy program of College events
- Corporate w88 online game listed and acknowledged in the presentation during College events
- Recognition at w88 online game Day, an event showcasing all capstone senior design project presentations, including signage and an invitation to attend all capstone senior student design project presentations, where offered
- Corporate w88 online game listed in “Nevada Engineering,” an annual publication of the CoEN
- Corporate w88 online game listed on the CoEN website
- Display of corporate w88 online game in prominent areas of the College and at college functions
Corporate w88 online game will be given an option to join as a guest during a CoEN advisory board meeting
w88 online game
Director of Development
(775) 682-7696
Indira Chatterjee
Acting Dean, College of w88 online game
(775) 784-6925