Edurne Arostegui
Edurne Arostegui is a w88 sports betting app student at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) since 2012 and at the Center for Basque Studies since 2016, currently working on her doctoral studies in history.
She completed her Bachelor's degree in history and in music at the University of California, Berkeley in 2009, receiving honors in both majors and on both of her undergraduate theses. She earned her Master's in history at the UPV/EHU in 2014, once again receiving high honors on her thesis, as well as being recognized as the best student in her w88 sports betting app program.
Born and raised in Northern California and the daughter of Spanish-Basque immigrants, she became interested in her past, choosing a reverse migration of sorts to Bilbao (Basque Country) after her undergraduate work, leading to her interest in Basque w88 sports betting app and Basque history.
w88 sports betting app interests
- Creation of w88 sports betting app-American identity within American society
- Gendered dimensions of migration
- Cultural w88 sports betting app
- Migration (both historic and contemporary)
- Identity formation

Nerea Eizagirre
Nerea Eizagirre is in her second year of the Ph.D. program in Basque w88 sports betting app. She is taking doctoral level courses in literature and Basque w88 sports betting app. In March, she presented a paper on Basque literature and exile in a conference organized by the International Society for the Study of Narrative, held in New Orleans.
Although she is completely immersed in her doctoral w88 sports betting app, she tries to take brief moments to write poems or narrations. In December 2019,the City Hall of Zumaia awarded her for a short story named “Zuri.” During the summer of 2020, a collection of her poems was published inIzotzetan islatuak: Euskal idazle gazteen bilduma, which is a compilation of literary creations written in Euskara by 24 young w88 sports betting app writers.
Ziortza Gandarias Beldarrain
Ziortza Gandarias Beldarrain is in her last year of the University of Nevada Reno's Center for Basque w88 sports betting app Ph.D program. She came to the University in 2014 from her hometown of Galdakao, Bizkaia. She is writing her dissertation, focused on the analysis of the Basque cultural magazine: Euzko-Gogoa, the emblematic magazine published in the diaspora during the Franco Dictatorship. As a student she has presented w88 sports betting app papers in numerous conferences in the United States and Europe.
Before starting her doctoral w88 sports betting app, Gandarias Beldarrain received a Master's in Basque philology and applied linguistics in 2010 from the University of the Basque Country. She also received her Master's in education from the University of Deusto in 2009.
Gandarias Beldarrain enjoyed her time as a secondary education professor and loves being surrounded in the academic world and continuing to promote the w88 sports betting app language and culture.
w88 sports betting app interests
- w88 sports betting app literature and exile
- w88 sports betting app language
- w88 sports betting app history
- Postcolonial, gender, cultural, transnational and diaspora w88 sports betting app

Callie Greenhaw
Callie Greenhaw is a Ph.D. candidate in Basque w88 sports betting app with an emphasis in linguistic anthropology. Her ethnographic research focuses on the contemporary Basque dancing group, Ardi Baltza, of which she is also a member. Through collaborative methods, she is investigating how "Basqueness" and memory is negotiated and perpetuated through performance, how dance has inspired language and cultural revitalization/innovation and how digital mediums are utilized to overcome the geographic distance between the dancers.
w88 sports betting app interests
- Performance
- Memory
- Cultural innovation
- Minoritized languages
- Digital communities
- Collaborative ethnographic methods
- Visual and sensory ethnography
Courses taught
- BASQ/ANTH/PSC 220: Introduction to Basque Culture w88 sports betting app
- BASQ 471/ANTH 414: w88 sports betting app Culture
- MSc, Bioarchaeology and Forensic Anthropology, w88 sports betting app College London, 2017
- B.A., Anthropology, w88 sports betting app Nevada, Reno, 2016
Marsha Hunter
Marsha Hunter entered the Center for Basque w88 sports betting app Ph.D. program in August 2017. She has received an M.S. in criminal justice from Sam Houston State University and an M.A. in history from Boise State University. For her doctoral program, she plans to pursue her interest in Basque nationalist activities in southern Idaho. She has focused on the life of José Villanueva de Amezketa, an urban Basque nationalist who immigrated to southern Idaho in the early 1920s and became the Basque government-in-exile's appointed agent for the state of Idaho in 1937.
w88 sports betting app interests
- w88 sports betting app nationalism
- w88 sports betting app law
- Immigration

Kerri Lesh
Kerri Lesh has spent most of w88 sports betting app professional years working in various positions within the field of education. She has also taught English in Costa Rica, while earning w88 sports betting app Bachelor's degree. After earning a Master's, she taught ESL and Spanish for K-12 levels in Kansas City, Missouri for several years.
Lesh also worked in the university setting as an admissions counselor, focusing on the recruitment of minority students into higher education opportunities. Her current position as a w88 sports betting app student has funneled her into instructing as a teaching assistant.
She has also worked within the wine industry at just about every position of the wine-making process, as well as in various positions within restaurants alongside w88 sports betting app experience in education.
w88 sports betting app interests
- Intersection of language and food
Horohito Norhatan
Horohito Norhatan is a doctoral candidate in Basque w88 sports betting app and political science. His research interest lies in the areas of community economic development, economic democratization, cooperative movement, worker self-management and sustainable development. Throughout his research profession, he had the opportunity to investigate the impact of the cooperative business model on poverty eradication and job creation in the Basque region.
w88 sports betting app interests
- Political economy of development
- International relations
- Comparative politics
- Community economic development
- Economic democratization
- Cooperative movement
- Worker self-management
- Sustainable development

Eneko Tuduri
Eneko Tuduri began the M.A. program at the University of the Basque Country in October 2019, on techniques and methods in historical research. This M.A. has given him the opportunity to research his Ph.D. topic in Basque Studies at the University of Nevada, Reno. Eneko presented the results of this research to different art history and medievalist professors in the United States and was offered to publish it in a peer reviewed specialized journal. Eneko also got the Material and Research Award from the w88 sports betting app Student Association during in Spring 2020.