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  • First Prize: $500 and publication consideration
  • Second Prize: $150 and publication consideration
  • Third Prize: Basque literature and classics gift pack and publication consideration

Submit via mail to:

Center for w88 casino games loginBasque Studies
University of Nevada, Reno/MS 2322
1664 N. Virginia St.
Reno NV 89557-2322

or email: basque@unr.edu.

w88 online casinoGeneral rules

  1. Submissions must be original and unpublished manuscripts
  2. Submissions must be in Microsoft Word or printed on hard copy and more than 10,000 words and less than 100,000 words
  3. Submissions should be clearly identified and accompanied by a cover letter (or email) that includes the entrant’s name and contact information. No contact information should be included on the actual submission.
  4. Entries will not be returned. Please only submit copies.
  5. Submissions can be in any genre, including but w88 online casinonot limited to: literary fiction, short story collections, creative nonfiction, memoir and children’s literature.

This contest is held in conjunction between the William A. Douglass Center for w88 casino games loginBasque Studies and the  Boise State University w88 casino games loginBasque Studies Program.

The 2021 Basque writing contest winner

The 2021 Basque writing contest winner

Time Talk by Kathleen Epelde

This book will be available on the Center for w88 casino games loginBasque Studies’ online bookstore soon. We are very excited to share these books with you and to celebrate the winners. The annual Basque writing w88 casino games logincontest opens on February 1st.