48. Outreach to w88 casino games login Participants and the Community

Updated May 31, 2024

The University and w88 casino games login Integrity & Security is centered on the belief that providing resources to the w88 casino games login community helps to ensure the conduct of ethical w88 casino games login. This in turn leads to the protection of individuals who choose to participate in the wide array of projects available across campus. w88 casino games login Integrity & Security senior staff, some of whom have backgrounds in w88 casino games login, are available to assist w88 casino games login teams in navigating the complexities of the regulatory landscape.

We will work one-on-one with new (and not so new) investigators, and can arrange meetings in our offices, or at the investigator’s w88 casino games login space – both to help navigate IRBNet, and to facilitate the preparation of w88 casino games login applications. At the request of an investigator, w88 casino games login Integrity & Security staff can develop training programs for faculty, fellows, residents, staff, and students who are conducting, or learning to conduct, human w88 casino games login.

The University and w88 casino games login Integrity & Security provide multiple channels to

  • direct inquiries about human w88 casino games login to individuals who possess sufficient knowledge and understanding to respond accordingly and without bias; and
  • provide information about human w88 casino games login conducted by the University to past, present and future w88 casino games login participants and to local communities.

Mechanisms for Contacting w88 casino games login Integrity & Security

w88 casino games login Integrity & Security and the IRB will receive and respond to complaints or other concerns from w88 casino games login participants, investigators, w88 casino games login staff, and members of the community. The Contact Us page of the w88 casino games login Integrity & Security website provides contact information for the Director and staff of the w88 casino games login Integrity & Security office, for individuals interested in information specific to human w88 casino games login. Individuals preferring to remain anonymous may complete and submit an onlineContactform, also available from Contact Us page of the w88 casino games login Integrity & Security website.

Researchers may report problems or complaints to w88 casino games login Integrity & Security using the reportable event forms, as specified in the online policy for reporting problems to the IRB. Senior w88 casino games login staff will work with the parties involved, obtaining information and if applicable contacting the Principal Investigator/study team members of the implicated study to achieve satisfactory resolution.

Providing Information to Current, Former, and Prospective w88 casino games login Participants

University and Affiliate researchers are required to provide information to current, former, and prospective w88 casino games login participants about whom to contact for concerns, questions, or complaints about a w88 casino games login project.
The templates for consent forms and information sheets contain sample language for providing contact information for

  • w88 casino games login Integrity & Security, as an entity that is unaffiliated with a specific w88 casino games login study; and
  • at least one researcher who can respond to callers' problems, concerns, and questions about the w88 casino games login.

Information for w88 casino games login participants page available from the w88 casino games login Integrity & Security website, the office provides general information about human w88 casino games login for the public.

Procedures for Improving Community Outreach Efforts

The w88 casino games login Integrity & Security Director or designee(s) will evaluate, make changes, and implement changes to the outreach program as needed. Periodic assessments of outreach efforts and the outreach program are done at least annually, and more frequently, if needed. Each year w88 casino games login Integrity & Security staff members will target one or two outreach efforts to review. Changes will be discussed at staff meetings and documented in IRBNet.

Institutional Outreach Goals

The w88 casino games login, Reno Mission Statement, approved in its current form by the NSHE Board of Regents on December 4, 2014, identified three interconnected "core themes" that relate to its broad mission. The third theme, "Engagement" relates directly to community outreach.

Theme 3 - Engagement

Strengthen the social, economic, and environmental well-being of w88 casino games login citizens, communities, organizations, and governments through community outreach and reciprocal partnerships.

Theme 3 goals that are relevant to human w88 casino games login include:

  • fostering public engagement of faculty in w88 casino games login;
  • developing partnerships between on-campus education programs and community-based Extension and outreach;
  • encouraging community focused university-county-city-state partnerships to enhance the value of university resources for Nevadans; and
  • improving mental and physical health and quality of life for Nevadans by formalizing partnerships with local hospitals, increasing the available clinical services, and expanding and enhancing the quality of post-graduate education in medicine, public health, and nursing.

Metrics used to track progress towards Theme 3 include

  • creating awards for community engagement;
  • implementing an annual engagement report;
  • tracking partnerships between on-campus education programs and community-based programs;
  • tracking collaborations with University alumni;
  • providing recognition for community engagement activities in the tenure and promotion process;
  • establishing community-based programs in an "Innovation Center";
  • establishing formal partnerships with hospitals;
  • obtaining accreditation for a Master and PhD of Public Health;
  • increasing the number of students participating in Service Learning;
  • increasing the number of children participating in 4-H (through UNCE);
  • increasing the degree to which the University participates in statewide disaster preparedness programs; and
  • formalizing partnerships with regional businesses, nonprofit and government sectors.

Institutional Outreach Mechanisms

The Vice President for w88 casino games login and Innovation (VPRI) role is to enhance w88 casino games login for University faculty by ensuring the necessary infrastructure for service and compliance is available, and by supporting collaboration and innovation. The VPRI offers an introductory pamphlet describing the infrastructure:w88 casino games login Support and Services and Programswhich is available from Sponsored Projects.

The University offers the following online resources for students, faculty, researchers, and members of the community to obtain information about research at w88 casino games login (listed in alphabetical order):

Center of Biomedical Research Excellence (COBRE): A comprehensive website describing the collaboration between the UUNR Med and the w88 casino games login, Reno Biology department in supporting medical and basic research. Includes information about and links for

  • w88 casino games login projects
  • Seminar series
  • COBRE publications, news articles, and announcements
  • COBRE faculty

The Center for Integrative Neuroscience: Provides information about and links for the University's neuroscience center, including current and past faculty and graduate student w88 casino games login projects, publications,Special Populations Database, neuroimaging, and the NeuroLecture Speaker Series.

College of Business, Business Resources and Centers: Provides information about and links for economics seminars and w88 casino games login, business-related w88 casino games login and information centers at the University, and faculty publications.

College of Engineering, K-12 Programs: Provides information about w88 casino games login and K-12 outreach activities offered by engineering faculty and students.

College of Education & Human Development, Child & Family w88 casino games login Center (CFRC): Provides information about and links for CFRC programs and w88 casino games login activities includingw88 casino games login Infrastructure for Climate Change Science, Education and Outreach, w88 casino games login Center for Excellence in Disabilities, research projects for students and teachers in science, math, and literacy.

Desert Research Institute (DRI): The DRI serves as the environmental research arm of w88 casino games login system of Higher Education, with main campuses in Reno, and Las Vegas. DRIs is an Affiliate site in that research involving participants is overseen by Research Integrity & Security and the University IRB.

Latino w88 casino games login Center: Serves as a link between the University and the Latino community by providing information about w88 casino games login, student achievement, collaborative activities, and outreach.

w88 casino games login Agricultural Experiment Station (NAES): Provides information about and links for research projects, publications and newsletters, and calendar of events featuring invited speakers; and through itsCommunity Outreach and Servicespage provides information and links for w88 casino games login involving economic development, genomics, biomedical w88 casino games login, youth development programs, and water quality.

w88 casino games login Center for Surveys, Evaluation, and Statistics combines three prior individual research service centers: Center for Research Design and Analysis (CRDA), w88 casino games login Center for Health Statistics and Informatics (NCHSI) and the Center for Program Evaluation (CPE), into a stronger, more comprehensive, single center.

Raggio w88 casino games login Center: Provides information about and links for the center's w88 casino games login activities and projects promoting Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education.

w88 casino games login and Innovation (VPRI): This page, available from the Home page of the University, offers the following types of information:

  • w88 casino games login Profiles: highlights University faculty engaged in w88 casino games login
  • w88 casino games login Projects: provides an overview of University w88 casino games login activities, including projects involving human participants
  • Infrastructure: references the 60+ w88 casino games login centers, facilities, and laboratories
  • Opportunities: identifies opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students to engage in w88 casino games login through degree programs

Sanford Center for Aging: Provides information about and links for aging-related community outreach, events, resources and publications, and w88 casino games login (through theAging w88 casino games login Collaborative).

The School of Social w88 casino games login and Justice Studies: Provides information about and links for faculty w88 casino games login and publications related to social-psychology, sociology, communication, and criminal justice.

Undergraduate w88 casino games login: Provides information about and links for undergraduate w88 casino games login for students, faculty mentors, and opportunities for undergraduate students to engage in w88 casino games login.

w88 casino games login Cooperative Extension (UNCE): In the spirit of a land-grant institution, this comprehensive website provides information about and links for UNCE research and community programs, events, publications, and resources including UNCE Community Development Programs.
w88 casino games login School of Medicine Research: Provides information about and links for

  • w88 casino games login training programs, resources, and compliance for students, faculty and scientists; and
  • current activities in medical w88 casino games login conducted by School of Medicine faculty.

Evaluation of Institutional Outreach Mechanisms

w88 casino games login Integrity & Security staff periodically complete a comprehensive search of the University webpages to identify new sites, update information, and delete sites that may no longer fit the purpose of community outreach related to human w88 casino games login activities. An abbreviated evaluation may occur when w88 casino games login Integrity & Security learns of new sites, closure of programs or sites, or important changes to the University organizational structure.

w88 casino games login Integrity & Security staff consider any complaints, concerns, suggestions, and other input from participants or others within the w88 casino games login community and consider other departmental outreach efforts on campus.

w88 casino games login Integrity & Security staff make periodic assessments of outreach efforts and the outreach program at least annually, and more frequently, if needed, as determined by the Vice President for w88 casino games login and Innovation.