Learning outcomes w88 online game
How to use the Learning Outcomes w88 online game
Enter your information in the form to create your desired w88 online game outcome. The format the form will produce will be as following:
As a result of participating in the [&w88 online game;condition”] + [&w88 online game;audience”] + will be able to {&w88 online game;action verb”} [&w88 online game;degree”] + [&w88 online game;behavior”] + [in a &w88 online game;method”].
Example outcome
As a result of participating in the [&w88 online game;program”] + [&w88 online game;students”] + will be able to {apply} [&w88 online game;3 of 5”] + [&w88 online game;new skills”] + [in a &w88 online game;small group exercise”].