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University policies developed by the Faculty Senate and administrative faculty are designed to promote equitable treatment of students and support the standards established for student conduct by the Nevada System of Higher w88 casino gamesEducation through the Board of Regents, to be carried out by all faculty and staff on campus.

These regulations and policies are in effect for any student conduct taking place on campus property, at campus-sponsored events (on or off campus property), at events where the student represents the University (e.g., is engaged in field work, conference attendance or athletic team events under the auspices of the University) and is involved in incidents that have a direct negative impact on the University as a community of scholars.

Student Code of Conduct

The Board of Regents for the Nevada System of Higher Education has given authority to each NSHE campus to establish their individual student codes of conduct, w88 live casinoregulations, and procedures.

It is published annually. This code of conduct and accompanying policies and guidelines presents the specific regulations, policies, procedures and guidelines that are in place for all students enrolled at this University. Faculty members of the Office of Student Conduct administer the University's student conduct program and disciplinary process via this document.

For questions or more information

Many of these policy statements and guidelines feature the contact information for the specific office, agency w88 casinoor administrator charged with the sponsorship of services related to the policy in question. To seek services for referring, addressing and resolving student misconduct or for more information, please contact the Office of Student Conduct.

Office of Student Conduct
Phone: (775) 784-4388
Email: studentconduct@unr.edu