120. Investigational w88 casino Research and Exempted w88 casino Investigations
Updated June 6, 2024
For research involving medical devices, the University IRB will comply with the requirements set forth in 21 CFR Part 812. Per FDA regulations at 21 CFR 812, FDA’s regulations specify the circumstances under which either an IND (21 CFR 312) or an IDE (21 CFR 812) are required prior to conducting a clinical investigation. The Investigational w88 casino Exemptions (IDE) regulations (21 CFR 812) describe three types of w88 casino studies: significant risk (SR), non-significant risk (NSR), and exempt studies.
Research to assess the safety or effectiveness of an investigational or unapproved medical w88 casino or a new indication for an FDA-approved w88 casino must:
- have an FDAInvestigational w88 casino Exemption(IDE) (per 812.2, item (a));
- be eligible for anAbbreviated IDE(per 812.2, item (b)) (see below for more information about Abbreviated IDE); or
- be anexempted investigation(per (812.2, item (c)) (see below for more information about exempted w88 casino investigations).
An IDE permits a w88 casino that otherwise would be required to comply with a performance standard or to have premarket approval to be shipped lawfully for the purpose of conducting investigations of that w88 casino. (See IRB policy on overview of FDA regulations, information sheets and guidance for a listing of relevant references.)
NOTE: This policy addresses only those FDA regulations that are relevant to investigators and IRB review of research conducted under an IDE, Abbreviated IDE, or exemption from IDE requirements. It is not a comprehensive review of IDE regulations.
- Individuals requiring additional information about IDEs are encouraged to review §812 Subpart B; §812 Subpart C; §812.119 (disqualification of a clinical investigator); FDA Guidance for IRBs, Clinical Investigators, and Sponsors: Frequently Asked Questions About Medical Devices; or contact Research Integrity & Security.
- Individuals interested in other uses of unapproved medical devices are encouraged to review IRB policy for information about Humanitarian Use Devices; and emergency, treatment, or continued uses of investigational devices.
Submission Requirements for Investigational w88 casino Research
University/Affiliate investigators conducting w88 casino research must submit a w88 casino research application and the related documentation to provide the IRB with sufficient information to confirm the validity of the IDE, or to determine an Abbreviated IDE applies or the investigation is exempted. Investigators must complete the relevant section of the supplemental form entitled, “Research with Drugs, Biological Product, or Dietary Supplement, Blood or Specimen Collection, and Devices.” This form covers the type of IDE investigation requested, details about the w88 casino, w88 casino risks, and control of the w88 casino. Sponsors are responsible for making the initial risk determination and should provide the IRB with their risk assessment and the rationale used in making its SR or NSR determination. The IRB will confirm the validity of the IDE number by requiring that the investigator submit the notification of the IDE number assigned from the FDA, a letter from the sponsor, or the commercially or NIH-sponsored protocol containing the IDE number.
Significant Risk Devices
If the Sponsor or the FDA has already determined that the w88 casino is a significant risk w88 casino, the investigator must present evidence of an FDA approved IDE.
Non-Significant Risk Devices
- An IDE is not required prior to IRB review and/or approval of a study of a NSR w88 casino, however the IRB must make a determination that the w88 casino is an NSR w88 casino.
- In order to make a determination, the IRB will review the relevant information provided by the sponsor and investigator at a convened meeting. The required information includes a description of the w88 casino, reports of prior investigations conducted with the w88 casino, the proposed investigational plan, and subject selection criteria.
- The IRB may agree or disagree with the sponsor's initial determination.
- If the IRB determines the w88 casino is NSR, the IRB may approve the study using the criteria at 21 CFR 56.111. The study may begin without submission of an IDE application to FDA. The approved NSR w88 casino must comply with the abbreviated IDE requirements defined below:
- The w88 casino is not a banned w88 casino.
- The sponsor labels the w88 casino in accordance with 21 CFR §812.5.
- The sponsor obtains IRB approval of the investigation after presenting the reviewing IRB with a brief explanation of why the w88 casino is not a significant risk w88 casino and maintains such approval.
- The sponsor ensures that each investigator participating in an investigation of the w88 casino obtains, from each subject under the investigator’s care, consent under 21 CFR §50 and documents it, unless documentation is waived.
- The sponsor complies with the requirements of 21 CFR §812.46 with respect to monitoring investigations;
- The sponsor maintains the records required under 21 CFR §812.140(b) (4) and (5) and makes the reports required under 21 CFR §812.150(b) (1) through (3) and (5) through (10);
- The sponsor ensures that participating investigators maintain the records required by 21 CFR §812.140(a)(3)(i) and make the reports required under §812.150(a) (1), (2), (5), and (7); and
- The sponsor complies with the prohibitions in 21 CFR §812.7 against promotion and other practices.
- The sponsor complies with the prohibitions in 21 CFR §812.7 against promotion and other practices. If an IRB determines that an investigation, presented for approval under 812.2(b)(1)(ii), involves a significant risk w88 casino, it shall so notify the investigator and, where appropriate, the sponsor. The study may not be approved until the investigator presents evidence of an FDA-approved IDE or the FDA makes a final determination that the w88 casino is NSR.
IRB Review of Investigational w88 casino Research
The University requires Full Committee Review for investigational w88 casino research unless:
- the research involves a nonsignificant risk w88 casino and is otherwise eligible for expedited review (per §56.111);
- a continuing review package meets the DHHS (Common Rule) criteria for expedited review under Categories 8(a), 8(b), or 8(c); or
- an amendment review package qualifies for expedited review (see the expedited review section in the IRB policy concerning overview of requirements for project amendments).
The IRB affirms validity of the IDE by matching the IDE number with information in the Sponsor protocol or through communication from the Sponsor or the FDA. When a University/Affiliate investigator holds the IDE, the IRB must be able to confirm the number matches information provided by the FDA.
In presenting a new investigational w88 casino research project to the IRB, the primary reviewer confirms:
- the status for the IDE (i.e., valid IDE, Abbreviated IDE, or exempted investigation); and
- the research complies with the additional FDA requirements for w88 casino research.
The IRB maintains records to document IRB activities regarding investigational w88 casino research as required at §56.115 (see IRB policy concerning IRB Records).
Requirements for Abbreviated IDE for w88 casino Research
The University IRB complies with FDA regulations at §812.2, item (b) for categories of research that are considered to have an approved application for an IDE as an Abbreviated IDE.
- Research conducted under an Abbreviated IDE must comply with the requirements for IRB review (at §56.111); informed consent (at §50.20); and documentation of consent unless the IRB waives the requirement for participants to sign a written consent form in accordance with regulations at §56.109, item (c).
- For research to be conducted under an Abbreviated IDE, the investigational w88 casino cannot be a banned w88 casino.
- For research to be conducted under an Abbreviated IDE requires IRB determination of Significant Risk w88 casino (see online Policy Manual Definitions) or nonsignificant risk w88 casino as evidenced by documentation from the sponsor, w88 casino manufacturer, or FDA.
- Investigators must confirm the sponsor complied with FDA regulations for w88 casino labeling (at §812.5) (see requirements for w88 casino labeling below).
- Investigators must comply with requirements for monitoring investigations as codified at §812.46 (see requirements for monitoring w88 casino investigations below).
- Investigators must agree to maintain accurate, complete, and current study records as required under §812.140, item (a) (see requirements for record-keeping below); and comply with reporting requirements at §812.150, item (a) (see reporting requirements below).
- Investigators and sponsors must comply with the prohibitions at §812.7 against promotion and other practices involving investigational devices.
NOTE: The IRB may require documentation from the investigator or FDA to confirm that all Abbreviated IDE requirements have been satisfied.
IRB Assessment for Significant Risk w88 casino (Required for Abbreviated IDE)
Investigators planning to conduct research under an Abbreviated IDE must provide the IRB with documentation from the FDA, study sponsor, or w88 casino manufacturer relevant to an IRB determination of significant risk w88 casino (see Policy Manual Definitions) or nonsignificant risk w88 casino. (See FDA information sheet guidance:Significant Risk and Nonsignificant Risk Medical w88 casino Studiesfor more information and a list of nonsignificant risk devices.)
The IRB may consult with or request documentation from FDA for significant or nonsignificant risk determinations for investigational w88 casino research. If FDA has already made a significant or nonsignificant w88 casino risk determination for the study, the agency's determination is final (i.e., supersedes that of the IRB).
The IRB reviews information in the protocol application, w88 casino instruction manual and labeling, and investigator brochure (as applicable) related to descriptions of the w88 casino and its proposed use; the nature and seriousness of the harm that may result from the use of the w88 casino or from procedures required for use of the w88 casino (e.g., surgical implants); reports of prior investigations conducted with the w88 casino; participant selection criteria, and safety monitoring procedures. The IRB considers the following questions when assessing for significant risk w88 casino research:
- Is the w88 casino intended as an implant and does that use present a potential for serious risk to the health, safety, or welfare of participants?
- Is the w88 casino purported or represented to be for a use in supporting or sustaining human life and does that use present a potential for serious risk to the health, safety, or welfare of participants?
- Is the w88 casino for a use of substantial importance in diagnosing, curing, mitigating, or treating disease, or otherwise preventing impairment of human health and does that use present a potential for serious risk to the health, safety, or welfare of participants?
- Does the w88 casino otherwise present a potential for serious risk to the health, safety, or welfare of a participant?
A determination of nonsignificant w88 casino research is NOT the same as a determination of minimal risk for human research.
Nonsignificant risk w88 casino research conducted by University/Affiliate investigators under an Abbreviated IDE may start as soon as the IRB reviews and approves the study. Prior FDA approval for such studies is not required.
If the IRB makes a determination of significant risk w88 casino, the IRB will notify the investigator in writing of its determination and will require resubmission and review of the research under an IDE.
The IRB documents determinations of significant or nonsignificant w88 casino research and justification for same in meeting minutes.
Exempted w88 casino Investigations
According to FDA regulations at §812.2, item (c) the following types of devices are exempted from requirements for IDE, even when the purpose of the investigation is to assess the safety or effectiveness of an investigational w88 casino in humans:
- The w88 casino is other than a transitional w88 casino and was in commercial distribution immediately before May 28, 1976; and is used or investigated according to the indications in labeling in effect at that time.
- The w88 casino is other than a transitional w88 casino and was introduced into commercial distribution on or after May 28, 1976; FDA determined the w88 casino is substantially equivalent (under Subpart E of §807) to a w88 casino in commercial distribution immediately before May 28, 1976; and the w88 casino is used or investigated according to the indications in the labeling reviewed by FDA in determining substantial equivalence.
- A diagnostic w88 casino if the sponsor complies with the requirements for labeling in vitro diagnostic products as “for research” or “for investigational” use only (per §809.10, item (c)); the testing is noninvasive, does not require an invasive sampling procedure that presents significant risk, does not by design or intention introduce energy into a participant; and the w88 casino is not used as a diagnostic procedure without confirmation of the diagnosis by another, medically established diagnostic product or procedure.
- A w88 casino undergoing consumer preference testing, testing of a modification, or testing of a combination of two or more devices in commercial distribution, if the testing is not for the purpose of determining safety or effectiveness and does not put participants at risk.
- A custom w88 casino(see online Policy Manual Definitions) that is not being used to determine safety or effectiveness for commercial distribution.
The IRB is not required to assess for significant risk devices in exempted investigations.
Exempted investigations must comply with the requirements for IRB review and informed consent (at §56.111 and §50.20, respectively).
Additional FDA Requirements for Investigational w88 casino Research
FDA Requirements for w88 casino Labeling
Investigators and the IRB are responsible for ensuring investigational devices comply with FDA requirements for w88 casino labeling at §812.5. Specifically, the package labeling must:
- NOT represent the w88 casino as safe or effective;
- provide the name and place of business of the w88 casino manufacturer; packer, or distributor; quantity of package contents; and the statement “CAUTION—investigational w88 casino. limited by Federal (or United States) law to investigational use;” and
- note relevant contraindications, hazards, adverse effects, interfering substances or devices, warnings, and precautions related to use of the w88 casino.
FDA Prohibitions Against Promotion and Other Practices for Investigational Devices
Investigators must provide the IRB with sufficient information to assess compliance with FDA prohibitions against promotion of investigational devices (at §812.7). Specifically, neither investigators nor sponsors may:
- promote or test market an investigational w88 casino until after FDA has approved the w88 casino for commercial distribution;
- commercialize an investigational w88 casino by charging the participants or investigators for a w88 casino a price larger than that necessary to recover costs of manufacture, research, development, and handling;
- unduly prolong an investigation; or
- represent that an investigational w88 casino is safe or effective for the purposes for which it is being investigated.
FDA Requirements for Importing/Exporting Investigational Devices
When applicable, the IRB considers the additional FDA requirements for import/export requirements for w88 casino research as codified at §812.18.
FDA Requirements for Emergency or Treatment Uses of Investigational Devices
FDA regulations at §812.36 provide general information and criteria for use of an unapproved w88 casino (including those under clinical investigation) for treatment of a serious or immediately life-threatening disease or condition in patients for whom no comparable or satisfactory alternative w88 casino or other therapy is available.
IRB policy describes the requirements for physicians and the IRB for emergency or treatment (compassionate) uses of investigational devices.
FDA Requirements for Monitoring Investigational w88 casino Research
Investigators must provide the IRB with sufficient information to assess compliance with FDA requirements for monitoring investigations (at §812.46). Specifically, investigators must submit for IRB review:
- a copy of the signed agreement between the investigator and the sponsor;
- the investigational plan for use of the w88 casino; and
- sponsor requirements for disposing or returning the w88 casino following termination of an investigator’s participation in the investigation.
Investigators must comply with any post-approval conditions required for IRB approval (as specified in the approval letter).
Investigators Responsibilities for w88 casino Investigations
Related to the conduct of w88 casino investigations, per §812, Subpart E, investigators are responsible for:
- conducting the investigation according to the signed agreement with the sponsor, the investigational plan, applicable FDA regulations (as addressed in this policy), and any additional requirements from the IRB or FDA;
- protecting the rights/welfare of participants under their care;
- ensuring written informed consent is obtained from all prospective participants prior to their participation in the investigation; and
- establishing controls for handing the w88 casino that ensure the investigational w88 casino is only used with participants under the investigator’s supervision and the w88 casino is not supplied to any person not authorized to receive it.
Following completion or termination of the w88 casino investigation or their part in same, investigators must dispose of or return the w88 casino as required by the sponsor.
University/Affiliate investigators conducting research involving investigational devices must complete the supplemental form for devices. The form requires investigators to describe how they will maintain control of the w88 casino during and after the investigation. The IRB may request additional documentation from the performance site to assess the investigator’s control of investigational devices.
FDA Requirements for Record-Keeping for Investigational w88 casino Research
Investigators must agree to maintain accurate, complete, and current study records as required under §812.140, item (a). Specifically, investigators must maintain:
- all correspondence with another investigator, an IRB, the sponsor, a monitor, or FDA;
- all required reports (see reporting requirements above;
- records of receipt, use, or disposition of the w88 casino including (i) the type and quantity of the w88 casino, the dates of its receipt, and the batch number or code mark; (ii) the names of all persons who received, used, or disposed of each w88 casino; and (iii) why and how many units of the w88 casino were returned to the sponsor, repaired, or otherwise disposed of;
- records of each participant’s case history and exposure to the w88 casino including case report forms, signed and dated consent forms, and medical records related to use of the w88 casino;
- documentation confirming informed consent was obtained prior to participation in the study, or for any use of a w88 casino by the investigator without informed consent, the required written concurrence of a licensed physician and written justification for using the w88 casino without obtaining and documenting informed consent;
- records of adverse w88 casino effects (whether anticipated or unanticipated);
- records describing the condition of each participant upon entering and during the course of the investigation, including relevant previous medical history and the results of all diagnostic tests;
- records documenting the exposure of each participant to the investigational w88 casino, including the date and time of each use, and any other therapy;
- documentation of dates and reasons for deviation from the approved investigational plan; and
- any other records required by FDA as communicated to the investigator by the sponsor.
FDA Reporting Requirements for Investigators Conducting Investigational w88 casino Research
Investigators must comply with FDA reporting requirements as codified at §812.150, item (a)). Specifically, investigators must:
- report unanticipated adverse w88 casino effects to the sponsor no later than 10 business days of learning of the effect, and the IRB according to the IRB policy for reporting problems;
- report the withdrawal of approval by the University IRB to the sponsor within 5 working days of the withdrawal;
- submit progress reports on the investigation to the sponsor and the monitor as specified in the sponsor agreement or investigational plan, and the reviewing IRB as specified in the IRB approval letter;
- notify the sponsor and the University IRB of deviations from the investigational plan which are necessary to protect the life or physical well-being of a participant in an emergency as soon as possible, but no later than 5 working days after the emergency occurred (per IRB policy for reporting problems);
- report any uses a w88 casino without prior informed consent to the sponsor and the University IRB within 5 working days of the w88 casino use;
- submit a final report to the sponsor and the reviewing IRB within 3 months after termination or completion of the investigation or the investigator's part of the investigation; and
- provide any other reports/information requested by the sponsor, the University IRB, or FDA.
FDA Inspections for Investigational w88 casino Research
Investigators and the IRB must comply with FDA requests for inspections related to investigational w88 casino research as codified at §812.145. Specifically, those with the authority to grant access must allow authorized FDA employees, at reasonable times and in a reasonable manner, to:
- enter and inspect locations where devices are held, installed, used, or implanted;
- enter and inspect locations where records of results from use of devices are kept; and
- inspect and copy all records relating to an investigation.
Under the following two conditions, investigators must permit authorized FDA employees to inspect and copy records that identify participants:
- FDA has reason to suspect that adequate informed consent was not obtained;
- FDA has reason to suspect that reports from the investigator, sponsor, or the IRB were not submitted or are incomplete, inaccurate, false, or misleading.