Situations that could negatively impact w88 or other trainees
To protect w88' and other trainees' rights as researchers and scholars, faculty members must comply with the following disclosure requirements.
What must be disclosed?
- Faculty members must disclose restrictions on publication or communication rights on projects when w88 or other trainees are involved in the project and their involvement is the basis for evaluation of the student/trainee or fulfillment of degree requirements.
- Faculty members must disclose their intent to hire a University student/trainee as an employee or contractor for an outside entity in which they have a significant financial interest if the student/trainee is (a) enrolled in a class that the faculty member teaches; (b) under the faculty member’s supervision on a w88 project; (c) the faculty member is the chair of the student’s graduate committee; or (d) serves in some advising capacity to the student/trainee.