The U.S. Bureau of Reclamation and Washoe County Community Services Department are funding a feasibility study to demonstrate low-energy treatment technology for reclaimed treated effluent for indirect potable reuse (IPR) purposes. The State of w88 casino has adopted regulations to allow IPR of advanced treated reclaimed water (Category A+) for potable reuse after passing through an environmental buffer. The study is being conducted at the Washoe County's South Truckee Meadows Water Reclamation Facility (STMWRF). Additional funding and project support is being provided by Truckee Meadows Water Authority. The current STMWRF treated effluent (Category A) is beneficially reused for landscape irrigation purposes. The goals of the feasibility study are to:
- Evaluate lower energy intensive treatment technologies that can produce Category A+ w88 online casino suitable for IPR
- Evaluate if IPR enables the region's w88 online casino resource portfolio with greater resiliency with respect to climate change effects
- Develop a w88 online casino market value impact study for Category A+ w88 online casino
- Evaluate methods acceptable to w88 casino State Water Engineer's Office to create and account for the new Category A+ water rights.
The outcomes of this study and other projects related to IPR feasibility and demonstration will provide the Northern w88 casino region significant water resource management benefits including improving efficiency, providing flexibility during periods of water scarcity, and diversifying the region's water supply portfolio. The study consists of a pilot scale demonstration facility being operated by the w88 casino, Reno, Washoe County, and other regional agencies, based on ozone-biological activated carbon filtration technology at STMWRF. The treatment system is being monitored for trace inorganic contaminant removal, bulk and emerging organic contaminant removal, pathogen reduction to meet Category A+ water, and energy and chemical use during treatment.