MSN to w88 online game

The Doctor of w88 online game Practice is a terminal professional practice degree. The goal of the University of Nevada,Reno at the Orvis School of w88 online game (O.S.N.), D.N.P. program is to prepare nurses to assume leadership roles in clinical practice, administration, clinical teaching, and clinical research. The D.N.P. differs from the Ph.D. in w88 online game or Doctor of w88 online game Science degrees, in that the DNP does not attempt to create new knowledge, but rather takes current evidence based practice and translates the literature into practice by emphasizing advanced clinical practice, implementation of best practices, and evaluation of practice and care delivery models rather than individually initiated research.

The O.S.N. D.N.P. program prepares graduates for advanced clinical practice and leadership roles to serve the healthcare needs of the people of Nevada, the nation, and the professional community. D.N.P. graduates are equipped to assume a wide range of leadership roles in both direct and indirect healthcare settings. D.N.P. graduates may function as specialists in their advanced practice clinical roles, as w88 online game faculty, or as healthcare executives, program and policy analysts.